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Re: Holiday Grand Plan

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:59 am
by Indiana
Kids Rooms / Play Area - 10/5/08

The Grand Holiday Plan:

It is Kids Rooms / Pay Area Week.

Plus holiday preparation:

A batch of Holiday Goodies.
An extra meal for the freezer.
Buy staples for holiday menus.
Buy 1/8th of TO BUY gifts.
Wrap and label packages.
Work at least 1 hour a day on homemade gifts.
Check smoke detectors.
Make "goody basket" for guest bath.

You can find the printable forms and calendars here:

Re: Holiday Grand Plan

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 7:21 pm
by Indiana
Guest Room / Bath- 10/12/08

The Grand Holiday Plan:

It is Guest Room / Bath Week.

Plus holiday preparation:

A batch of Holiday Goodies.
An extra meal for the freezer.
Buy staples for holiday menus.
Buy 1/8th of TO BUY gifts.
Wrap and label packages.
Work at least 1 hour a day on homemade gifts.

Decorate for Halloween:

If you decorate mainly with a fall harvest look, then a few Halloween things can make it for Halloween. After October, replace the Halloween decorations with Thanksgiving things for a minimum of work.

You can find the printable forms and calendars here:

Re: Holiday Grand Plan

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 10:01 am
by blessedw2
Hi Indiana I am working on holiday grand plan but s-l-o-w, my binder is done and ideas are abounding from dkids

I am ordering dd13's presents today. we are giving her the eiffle tower from legos and dmom is giving her a northface jacket, hers finally fell apart after 3 years of constant wear.

also this week: I will make a holiday meal
I will wrap presents I have
dkids and I will decorate

thanks for all your hard work

Re: Holiday Grand Plan

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 3:33 pm
by blessedw2
yahoo ordered dd13's effiel tower lego kit It should be here in 2 days for me to wrap.

Re: Holiday Grand Plan

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 8:21 am
by blessedw2
I have put together ideas for me for name pick. mr. smith goes to washington and some cooking things I won't buy for my self.
going shopping for dd's this week, need to think christmas stocking as well
won't be baking cookies ahead and freezing as I don't have the room. and I am going to set on the calendar our baking the gingerbread house this year in pieces. for convienence we have been putting together kits but this year as years ago we are going to make one from scratch. oh the work but dkids really want to do and I figure it will be my last one with dd19 actually home.
But have decided to put activities on calendar ahead so that we do it.

bought pilates pants for dd19 (we went to dicks sporting goods and got some ideas)

good luck everyone as you work.

10/19 hi indiana, thanks so much for doing this thread, it keeps me centered on getting ready.
I made meatballs last week and froze the rest for Christmas (hoping I can convince dh and dd's not to grab them when hungry :? ) making 2 quiches and freezing one for Christmas this week.

also I need to call around for a jacket dd13 wanted (northface aqua) as it is no longer being made, grrr dmom wanted to get that for her for Christmas. This week also will get dh (believe it or not) wants mcdonalds gift cards for lunch at work, I no longer buy him gifts as he hasn't been thrilled with anything we buy, he doesn't say it but the surround sound just got put up last night almost one year later, I bought him a really nice leather coat but was not black (not his color) but a nice darker brown that he now loves, one year a camera which was okay so we are on a budget (well lack of money :roll: ) and he is the only one in the family that likes fast food. So we decided no more on presents for dh unless its underwear socks and fast food/target or gas cards. A man of simple needs.

Re: Holiday Grand Plan

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 9:34 pm
by Indiana
blessed you are doing so well on your Christmas preparations.

Re: Holiday Grand Plan

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 9:38 pm
by Indiana
Kitchen - 10/19/08

The Grand Holiday Plan:

It is Kitchen week.

Plus holiday preparation:

A batch of Holiday Goodies.
An extra meal for the freezer.
Buy staples for holiday menus.
Buy 1/8th of TO BUY gifts.
Wrap and label packages.
Work at least 1 hour a day on homemade gifts.

Decorate for Halloween:

If you decorate mainly with a fall harvest look, then a few Halloween things can make it for Halloween. After October, replace the Halloween decorations with Thanksgiving things for a minimum of work.

Checkpoint Week! Evaluate Your Progress:

If unable to find an item for a person on list contact them or their family for ideas.
If a homemade gift is not going well, set it aside for after Christmas and decide on another gift.
Buy pumpkin for Halloween.
Review costume plans with children.

You can find the printable forms and calendars here:

Re: Holiday Grand Plan

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 6:18 pm
by blessedw2
I am working in the kitchen (slowly ;) )
I cleaned the inside of the refridgerator really well. made an inventory of what I usually will need for december and thanksgiving.
cleaned 2 inside cabinets of kitchen too.

found and ordered online dd13's coat.
tomorrow is going to be bible study and will shop for dd19's ugg boots at woodfield.
I also will look around for more ideas.
maybe get a couple of stocking stuffers and dh's gift cards. I still have paper from last year so I will wrap them right away and put the information in my christmas binder. (that's where I also keep my receipts and my budget.

Re: Holiday Grand Plan

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 5:39 pm
by blessedw2
dd13's one present came in yeah
bought family ornament $ st. nicks day

Re: Holiday Grand Plan

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 12:01 pm
by blessedw2
dd13's other present came in for dmom to give her. tickeled pink. I will hopefully wrap them later on.
I looked over other Christmas musts: teachers and probably will wait on those as they are gift cards
wondering what most give teachers when you have lots.

got dd19's present today! got some more ideas for dd13 (for aunts ideas).
also washed light over table (won't be doing that again until after christmas.