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Re: Holiday Grand Plan

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:28 pm
by Indiana
Pantry/Closets - 10/16/08

The Grand Holiday Plan:

It is Pantry / Closets week.

Plus holiday preparation:

A batch of Holiday Goodies.
An extra meal for the freezer.
Buy staples for holiday menus.
Buy 1/8th of TO BUY gifts.
Wrap and label packages.
Work at least 1 hour a day on homemade gifts.
Start addressing Christmas cards and writing Christmas letter.
Find family photo suitable for inclusion with Christmas card.
Don't seal the cards, keep them in a box in alphabetical order, as you think of things that you want to say to them pull out the card and add a note.
Send invitations for Thanksgiving.
Prepare for special needs-extra beds, babies?
Buy extra batteries (check gifts).
Order turkey.

You can find the printable forms and calendars here:

Re: Holiday Grand Plan

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:04 pm
by blessedw2
got together my list for operation Christmas (shoebox presents), will do that this weekend and drop off at local community church on november 17

I will be starting my Christmas cards this week.
Pantry done and painted and cleaned out cupboards (most) in kitchen.

this week pulling Christmas card list and starting
working on family book for everyone for Christmas
bought Christmas cards

Re: Holiday Grand Plan

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:47 pm
by Indiana
Family Room - 11/2/08

The Grand Holiday Plan:

It is Family Room week.

Plus holiday preparation:

  • A batch of Holiday Goodies.
  • An extra meal for the freezer.
  • Buy staples for holiday menus.
  • Buy 1/8th of TO BUY gifts.
  • Wrap and label packages.
  • Work at least 1 hour a day on homemade gifts.
  • Start addressing Christmas cards and writing Christmas letter. Don't seal the cards, keep them in a box in alphabetical order, as you think of things that you want to say pull out the card and add a note.
  • Polish silver; clean glassware (baking soda & water). Put candleholders in freezer to help remove wax. Alcohol removes stains from candles.
  • Take down Halloween decorations. Put up Thanksgiving ones.
  • Clean/clear library/front hall closet so there will be room for guests' coats. Give unwanted coats to charity. Store other stuff in attic in empty luggage.

You can find the printable forms and calendars here:

Re: Holiday Grand Plan

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:48 pm
by Indiana
blessed you are doing such a good job preparing for Christmas.

Re: Holiday Grand Plan

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 8:37 am
by blessedw2
Dindiana, I really wouldn't do well without you, thank you so much for printing the list too.
It keeps me centered on what I need to do. Turns out our Christmas for my parents may be as early as december 13, geesh early
I am keeping up with 3 Christmas cards a day. :D
I still need to finish my painting before I get into family room.
thanks for all your help!

Re: Holiday Grand Plan

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:40 pm
by blessedw2
bought dd19's xmas present from dh and I Yeah!!! :D
samaritans purse gifts done :D : more money then I thought they would be though but it is for a sweet girl out there that needs it more then we do (I need to drop them off november 17)
also bought extra present for dd13 (small)
and christmas stocking stuffers mini things. I bought their venus razors, a multipack of gum, lip gloss/balm stuff, and need to buy hair bands, I want to make coupons for them soon as I would rather do that when they are in school (back itch, laundry for one week, that type of thing)
presents I have are wrapped!

:arrow: so what's left for stocking, barnes and nobles coupons - $10 for both girls,:D
$25 df and teachers :D
all teacher gifts bought :D bought the xmas small bags for 25 cents each. yeah.

I need to take dd13 to store to buy her sister something

dmil present from craft show bought :D gift card to trader joe or jewl (need to find out for how much)
name pick kids (2) $30 each
(adults have been discontinued this year) (saves us $100.00 :D )
daunts and uncles, look for baskets (cheap) for muffins, cookies etc.
So happy that I bought the tide on sale as I am going to add it to the family basket for church
last little dd13 present bought! :D

house, can't get to family room yet. or garage etc. :roll:

Re: Holiday Grand Plan

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 1:57 pm
by Indiana
Garage / Storage Week - 11/9/08

The Grand Holiday Plan:

It is Garage / Storage week.

Plus holiday preparation:

  • A batch of Holiday Goodies.
  • An extra meal for the freezer.
  • Buy staples for holiday menus.
  • Buy 1/8th of TO BUY gifts.
  • Wrap and label packages.
  • Work at least 1 hour a day on homemade gifts.
  • Continue addressing Christmas cards and writing Christmas letter. Don't seal the cards, keep them in a box in alphabetical order, as you think of things that you want to say pull out the card and add a note.
  • Review and revise menus and other plans.
  • Plan table setting.
  • Plan centerpiece, make as much as possible now (or order it from florist).
  • Reserve any items needed to be borrowed or rented.
  • Get everyone's holiday clothes purchased/cleaned/pressed.

You can find the printable forms and calendars here:

Re: Holiday Grand Plan

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 12:16 pm
by blessedw2
love the do 3 christmas cards a day... I am almost done and have been able to not panic. Even found some old pictures for my dcousins cards I know they don't have. Makes me happy.

today dgirls and I are going to starbucks to get teacher presents and pilate teachers presents
and treat dd19 to a coffee she likes but can't afford
and for a gift df

dfamily (inlaws) split up the list for thanksgiving so need to get recipe from dsis in law for what she wants to make
also buy the wine during the week for thanksgiving.
and buy 2 liters of pop for party too.

this week also: buy christmas napkins or ribbon for white napkins and wrap forks/knives/ and spoons for table setting
buy invites and send

Re: Holiday Grand Plan

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 5:39 pm
by Indiana
Attic / Storage Week - 11/16/08

The Grand Holiday Plan:

It is Garage / Storage week.

Plus holiday preparation:

  • A batch of Holiday Goodies.
  • An extra meal for the freezer.
  • Buy staples for holiday menus.
  • Buy 1/8th of TO BUY gifts.
  • Wrap and label packages.
  • Work at least 1 hour a day on homemade gifts.
  • Continue addressing Christmas cards and writing Christmas letter. Don't seal the cards, keep them in a box in alphabetical order, as you think of things that you want to say pull out the card and add a note.
  • Make place cards.
  • Make 3x5 card for each serving dish, list what goes in it, garnish, how much before dinner can it go in and serving silverware used with it; tape it to edge of dish.
  • Be sure all dishes are clean!
  • Borrow or buy any additional serving dishes needed.
  • Buy reusable foil bakeware from party paper place.
  • Are linens clean and ready? Unfold and verify that all spots can be hidden by centerpiece.
  • Work on centerpiece.

You can find the printable forms and calendars here:

Re: Holiday Grand Plan

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:16 am
by blessedw2
thank you again dindiana for keeping us focused! great work!!!

I bought the napkins for the christmas party for my family and this weekend dkids and I will wash the extra forks etc. and wrap them. I do find getting ready ahead really helps. I have an old list I depend on so I have all I need.

Also dd13's teacher gifts need candy (lindt chocolates) to go with gift card.

I also was tickeled to find out I could get gift cards for my brothers favorite restaurant in his small town. so he is done after I send it out.

My wonderful dh has been so understanding regarding my work on the family project (photo). He knows if I get it done in this next week I will be able to just work on the house, rather then just dailies. He always helps but I can focus on heavy duty cleaning.

This Sunday: dkids and I are taking all the Christmas stuff and putting it on the ping pong table in the basement
so I can get to the lights.

thank you again for this, I slowly get ready ahead of time and then it looks effortless and feels effortless, and I can just enjoy my family and Christmas.