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Re: Art, Craft and Needlework, June, 2010

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:13 am
by Nancy
Delivered the wedding gift yesterday
I'm glad I got right on that.
I had a plan spotted the gal and remembered I forgot it on the walk
told her where I would put it and grand kiddos and I went back for it.

Got more progress done on the current granny square project
I have about 5 done now it's going to be fun to see what I
do with this one! Got 18 squares from three balls of yarn so
may be getting more or doing some thing smaller or incorporating
other colors with these.

Re: Art, Craft and Needlework, June, 2010

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:23 pm
by Sunny
I'm enjoying reading about all the projects here. Hearing of Harriet's dd11 learning new stitches reminds me of when I was young and learning those embroidery designs.

Harmony, I'm glad I got to see your quilt and to take a picture of it.

Nancy, you've got a lot of projects done and they all sound interesting.

LisaB, it's good that you have found the new fabric you like at a reasonable price. Does your dd like to sew as you do?

I got the fabric pieces for the quilt washed and pressed yesterday. Dgd12 did most of the pressing and a good bit of the cutting to even out the edges. Ddil#2 brought three of her dgirls quilts to lay out on our twin bed to show how they would fit. Today we got all the squares cut and used the dining room table to lay out a pattern. We finally decided on a center block of 18x24 with 8x8 blocks around it, although I might have to adjust the size of the inside block. I think tomorrow we are going to go to a quilt shop near where ddil lives to see if I can get one more color.