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Art, Craft and Needlework, January, 2022

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 2:43 pm
by Harriet
BookSaver's comment in our thread a year ago was, "Let's Have Fun!"

Please do tell here about the fun you are having. Someone may go and pick up their brushes, needles, hooks, pens, cameras or clay because you are having more fun than them, and that won't do!

*\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/*

We're cheering for ya'! Kick up your heels.

Re: Art, Craft and Needlework, January, 2022

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 1:58 pm
by LadyMaverick
I have several quilt ideas in the dreaming, planning, and doing process.

In the planning process is ...
A snowman theme quilted wall hanging for January.
A heart theme quilt for February.

I most likely am attempting quilts beyond my skill but I'm okay with that. I like the challenge and am not afraid of failure. The only thing I don't want to do is to not try.

Re: Art, Craft and Needlework, January, 2022

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 1:59 pm
by LadyMaverick
I have several quilt ideas in the dreaming, planning, and doing process.

In the planning process is ...
A snowman theme quilted wall hanging for January.
A heart theme quilt for February.

I most likely am attempting quilts beyond my skill but I'm okay with that. I like the challenge and am not afraid of failure. The only thing I don't want to do is to not try.

Re: Art, Craft and Needlework, January, 2022

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 12:41 pm
by Harmony
LadyM, those are beautiful. I especially like the snowman picture. If it's for a wall hanging, will you put tabs at the top or a sleeve to hold it on a rod or something? The heart one has that all over quilting and as I looked closer that quilting has designs like hearts in it, very pretty. On my machine I couldn't really do that, but I could if I hand quilted. That's the part of quilting I really like to do, sitting quietly at my quilt rack making the little tiny stitches by hand. I find that very calming to do. Old school. I don't think many people do that any more.

Did your showman picture come preprinted like that? I can't imagine cutting out all those things and appliqueing them to the top and much work. But people do that. Talented people.

I made a whole top one once for DD; I bought a college emblem pattern and put a border around and backing with padding and quilted it all over. I made it extra long lap quilt so her tall sons could use it. She won't let anyone use it!

Re: Art, Craft and Needlework, January, 2022

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 1:06 pm
by Nancy
I love that quilt inspiration LM.

I have re knit up what I ripped out to correct the color sequence on my current project a pink and purple prayer shawl.
Apx. 1/3 of it had to be redone.
Okay did get it knit up to where I was before.
Now apx. 12" left to knit up on this pink & purple prayer shawl. Done knitting.
I also put crochet shell stitch edging on the prayer shawl.

I cut out a vest one layer anyway.
Got a couple of skeins of yarn for scarves I will take a bit of a break between projects.

Re: Art, Craft and Needlework, January, 2022

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 3:11 pm
by Harriet
Oh, it's pretty that all those hearts are in various fabrics, LadyM.

Such a patchwork person here! (smile) I was looking as intently as Harmony but only had eyes for how the fabrics went together. Had to go back to see what she saw!

Working on a cloth bookmark today. Took the papers off my little blocks for it just now. In a way, that is calming work, but it can be tedious. They need another pressing and then to decide which ways to turn them. (Which way will be "up" in the bookmark.)

But the question was, is it fun? Yes. Yes, it is!

I'm with Nancy in working with pinks and purples today. Love shell edging, Nancy - such a nice finish.

Re: Art, Craft and Needlework, January, 2022

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 4:08 pm
by Twins' Mom
I'd like to spend some time stamping. Recently on Facebook, I ran across a Stampin up demonstrator doing a "paper share" where she orders every paper in the new catalog and quarters each sheet, so you get some of everything. It came the other day, and these are beautiful.

Re: Art, Craft and Needlework, January, 2022

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 9:53 pm
by Harriet
Twins', Is there anything more joyful in a mailbox than some new materials for your art? And you got a little bit each of so many things - fun, fun. Also, inspirations, I'm sure.

I spent a lot of the day completing the bookmark. I can't find the name of this little paper-piecing pattern but it seems like it was Lotus, so I'm going with that, lol. I had made 4 blocks and couldn't figure out how to use all four without making too large a bookmark. This is about 2.5 by 7.25 inches. I started to use the extra one in a pieced back but then I thought it would be too thick so just made a plain back out of a purple dark print. I didn't use any stiffening interfacing this time, and I think I like that it's soft.

Rather than wrapping, I'll put it into a book for dd, who will turn 42 tomorrow. The wide bead was in a pack of cheap ones from Michaels, nothing special. But it hangs over the spine of a book so interestingly.

I've gotten most everything from this project put away. I wish I could leave some things out and work on similar projects for a while to take advantage of already being in this groove, but there is just so little room here. I need to figure this small-space thing out.

bookmark Lotus Jan 2022 smaller.jpg

Re: Art, Craft and Needlework, January, 2022

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 10:04 pm
by Twins' Mom
That is lovely, Harriet!

Re: Art, Craft and Needlework, January, 2022

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 12:48 am
by Harmony
Yes, very pretty. I especially like the little bead on top. Looks like a lot of work.