Art, Craft and Needlework, April, 2024

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Re: Art, Craft and Needlework, April, 2024

Postby Harriet » Tue Apr 30, 2024 12:49 am

Just added up, on the calendar, the time in which I had made the quilt top - started September 16 and sent off April 23, so more than 7 months. I wanted to document that here, because I sure don't want to forget. And then there will be some more work when it gets back. Dd says people will ask how long it took to make the quilt, and I guess it will be good to have an answer, although I'll explain that getting it quilted was someone else's specialized machine.

I noticed that on Sept 16 I also posted here about gardening - spraying the foliar fertilizer. Gardening continued a surprisingly long time until early November, but that was because we were late having a frost.

And I am later this year getting plants in the ground, definitely because of the sewing project all winter and some spring months. But it looks like most will be in before May, and that used to be my deadline every year, so not that far off.

So, I guess I've been pretty traditional, doing more sewing through cool months and then getting back to gardening through warm months.

Today has been color creativity too, but flowers. Trying to line up a good "mix" of alternating coral, violet and rose impatiens for one thing - that kind of thing makes me smile.

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