Basic Weekly Plans

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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Nov 15, 2019 10:21 am

I have to stay here for awhile - I am still trying to work on my attitude about myself - I am also working on not wasting time and stay focused - especially in the morning. I know I need quiet while I am in this mode of feeling like a failure at not keeping up or my home. I know it's temporary.

I have to take my aunt to a dr. appointment - hour there, couple hours for appointment and other things, hour back. I know that is one block of time.

I am trying to keep track of where I get sidetracked and what causes it.

okay time to get started. 8:21 am

I have taken old dog out 3 times (and she had 2 accidents besides - it seems she does not pee it all out and she is laying there and then it happens) She doesn't like it. Her muscles don't work like they used to but she is so happy and like a puppy personality inside the house. she can't walk like she did and needs help but I don't have to do much. (funny she doesn't realize that i am holding the back end strap but is walking and holding herself up (the strap is loose).

It is 10:05 scrubbed back of counters, sink, stove top, emptied dw, filled with morning dishes, cleaned wood board, make list for today
I haven't done the bathrooms all week - :shock:

heading out soon
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 16, 2019 1:58 pm

it's been hard this week so I am staying here while I am in a negative - putting myself down state of mind regarding my work.
I still feel like I am failing everyone. I need time away from everyone I think but that is not good.

d mom's memory is really bad but she thinks she is doing great
dd younger is in shock and mom is always upset with her
mom on the other hand said dd is a mess - dd sys she washes her own dishes and then mom comes by and washing them again saying dd didn't do it. I told dd to towel try things and put them away. also dd has too much stuff in boxes in the small bedroom - I will talk to dd and tell her they have to go - if she has to get a rental place for her camera equipment then so be it. my mom can't handle it.
Mom packed 10 - 12 boxes of her own stuff and sent it to florida and with her overwhelmed confused mind then she is overwhelmed even more.

mom couldn't remember that the tv here is different (in channels) than in florida - she also lost money and took dd's house/car keys and lost them. She thinks they are her's.
Mom also lost $$$ - she cashed and doesn't know where it is at.
it depresses her.
She then gets upset at dd because she is upset with herself.
she has forgotten that she is in florida - and then it comes back. transitions are the worse for her.

She thinks she can live by herself - I don't know anymore. She can here as it is a village where they have everything but she doesn't have this in florida.
also mom complained to someone the dd slept for 2 day - she was sick. oh well.

So i have to talk to dd younger - that won't go well - I also want mom's drs. to check her out for memory issues but mom will say no.

also saw d aunt yesterday and oh my gosh her helper - should never have come to the dr. appointment with us. I had to apologize to the staff as she was so pushy and when the dr. spoke I had to stop her. She doesn't listen. She is the same age as aunt. I literally had to take a mental break from her before the dr. came in. I said I had to go to the bathroom but I just stood in the hallway. oh my. My uncle thinks she is amazing - she is a good at taking aunt driving, doing her laundry etc. but she has to stay out of her dr. business.

okay I am glad I put it here so I don't bother everyone. I just needed a little mental release.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 16, 2019 1:59 pm

my home needs a home blessing.
I feel like I am letting everyone down
so I think I will get my timer and just get started - getting at least a little done is better than nothing.

dishes put in sink
all animal dishes rinsed
d old dog peed as she was laying down but at least on the pad. she scrapped her paw going outside bc I didn't put on her boots.

what I want to do:
make dinner for tonight early - made enough chimichurri for the freezer for the holidays
filled dishwasher and turned on
played with one kitty with the one cat. I still can't trust the one cat yet all the way.
d old dog has been out 4 times.
do paperwork :arrow:
went through mail.

okay it is 4Pm - feed animals at 5:00 pm
rinse the kitchen floor
vacuum dining room

dh got gas for my car
I am struggling to get things done in a fast manner. (or timely manor)
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby lucylee » Mon Nov 18, 2019 3:14 am

Don't worry about struggling on the PWYC threads -- that's what it's there for! (Well, partly, anyway -- it's certainly how I use it, you know! The more I'm struggling, the more I post, it seems.)

You and I just don't need to worry about how other women do it or why we don't do it like they do! You, I believe, gave me some of the best advice I ever received -- DIFFERENT PEOPLE HAVE DIFFERENT EXPERIENCES. (If you weren't the one who said that, I apologize for getting confused, but it's a great thought to remember at any rate.)

So -- let's just take care of this week the best we can and keep a happy thought!

This is what it looks like for me:
MONDAY -- laundry, WHB (but I'm not going to vacuum this week), some misc phone calls
TUESDAY -- * busy * retired teacher meeting (I'm in charge of the program -- DS is our entertainment this month!) PLUS dh/ds/ddil sing at nursing home, and we'll probably all go out to eat afterwards
WEDNESDAY -- * probably * going to use Wed. to do some WHB at ds's house, Wed. night church
THURSDAY -- catch up?
FRIDAY -- back to College Town w/dh & dgs
SATURDAY -- football game
SUNDAY -- church PLUS evening church at a friend's church where ds & one of the groups he sings with are playing

Sometime this week, I should be picking up Christmas card order at Wmart, and I hope to get my sunglasses repaired while I'm there. (One of my lens won't stay in. I wish they would just GLUE it back in!)
There's some other stuff in my "planner" but these are the main things.
I think laying out my list sorta like Kathryn suggested with her bullet journal is helping me. I put all the days of the week on one page, in two columns, and that leaves 9 lines to write to-dos on. Nine things are too many anyway, so it helps keep things manageable. And I can always look ahead if I end up with extra time or something has to be juggled to another day.
I also have a "master list" on a loose sheet behind the weekly planner page, and I look at it to make sure I'm not forgetting something.
My "zone" for the rest of the year will follow our maintenance round -- just keeping up with WHB and holiday planning/prep.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 18, 2019 12:05 pm

D lucy I am cheering you on for your week!!!

I came here bc I didn't want to bog down the pwyc with how I was feeling.I am usually pretty happy but I still get that silly negativity about - "You didn't do it" or "You can't keep up and you should be able to". I know it doesn't last forever but when I am in that moment I can't seem to handle the stress or the frustration of not being able to do what I deem other women are able to do.

Actually I don't worry about our site as the women are lovely and amazing. I needed to focus and most likely wallow ( ;) ) in my not being able to keep up on weeklies are dailies and comparing myself to other women in my life and around me. I don't like when I can't keep up with the basics and my inner (my mother and family) take over... I am better today.

I think my moments (thank dear God) don't last forever but they do last at times a good week. I just want a home like all my d sis in laws and my d mom and other women in the neighbourhood all the time - even when things outside of my home become hectic and I can't finish my dailies, weeklies, zones, decluttering etc. Everything seems to take longer lately.

But you are right: I have to be kinder to myself while I am in this mode. you are a Sweetheart!!!!

xo xo
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 18, 2019 12:16 pm

this week's hope:

Monday: home blessing only the dining room ;) it's something
call for d aunts rehab place to see if I can get her in after her surgery, call her dr. re: other test orders she did not get yet. between d mom and d aunt it took all day 8-) but it's done
found out if dh mom paid the dr. :D

make appointments for me: dentist mammogram etc. :arrow:
checking account :arrow:
laundry whites :arrow:
clean up laundry room floor and put away :arrow:

Tuesday: Declutter and anti procrastination day: look at dd youngers closet and measure for shelves :D
make spanakopita's for appetizers for the holidays and for december dinners :arrow:
Charge card work :arrow:
look over
order dd older perfume she wanted :arrow:
Christmas lights :arrow:

make cookies for freezer and d friend :arrow:
Make soup :arrow:
take aunt to funeral - leave at 3:45 pm all evening :D
paperwork day - phone call day - make more appointments - make sure aunt has a MRI appointment :D
Christmas :arrow:
drop of cookies at d friends house :arrow:

Thursday: Errand day buy fish at store for friday
buy boots and gym shoes for myself :arrow:
look for mom's lost keys in her apartment :arrow:
Checking and credit card and Christmas ordering
send off card for nephew
store groceries
return item to home depot

Friday: zone work Bedroom clutter from dd younger.

Saturday: visit sis in laws and craft show
pull gingerbread stuff together

Sunday: Make gingerbread and freeze
simple soup for dinner - bruschetta's
Last edited by blessedw2 on Thu Nov 21, 2019 12:33 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 19, 2019 10:18 am

Monday ended up being all day phone calls, medical fires for d mom, d mom getting upset about having others at her dr appointments especially dd younger (unfortunately needed) but I will have dd younger not go and not keep track of mom's appointments - it's the only way d brother said - she needs everything to fall apart when she forgets her dates and what the dr. wants her to do, also uncle doesn't read all the way through the text - I wrote him about my d aunt (his ex) appointments. D aunt needs to move eventually but won't., I can see that in dh. I was on the phone from 9:45 to 4 pm.
(I ordered dinner in Yuck)

So today will be a combination of home blessing upstairs, and declutter, charge cards, Christmas
I am thinking that making cookies is not a good idea bc we eat them - well I eat them lol.

dh wants to have lunch together and I said yes to that yesterday - maybe I can make my returns, stop at donation place, stop by store for buns, cucumber, check feta
green onion

today is donation day - so I will look around house

dishes emptied and breakfast dishes put away
responded to surprise party
took care of mail today
washing a load of laundry
took dog out twice (she piddled without realizing it: twice)
animals fed and watered
pulled medicines, food etc. for the animals (and me - another animal lol)
counters, stove, sink clean
laundry folded but not put away
ordered cookies for my d brother
received a christmas present
typed up all of aunts information re: surgery and after care
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Nov 20, 2019 1:23 pm

good for you on the bullet journal d lucy!
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Nov 20, 2019 3:10 pm

I have been on the phone and computer until now.

d old dog is overwhelming me with her constant need of me. she peed on my gym shoe ;)

yesterday ended up that I had to handle my d aunts medical stuff. It took pretty much all day again. Then I took her to the funeral of her d dil's mother - which I was happy to do.. got home after 11. Didn't fall asleep until 1ish

Slept this 9:40 this morning :shock:
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Nov 21, 2019 12:36 pm

I so want to be back on the PWYC but right now I need to be here off in my own little lonesome lol. My ADHD is rampant right now.

it is already 11:14 oh my goodness.... this bahookey needs to move out of its chair.

ordered a couple gifts online
dogs/cats taken care for this morning
ordered some groceries (min)
picked up yucky dog stuff outside as the snow finally melted.
paperwork done

truth I haven't done dh's bathroom (hoping he would do it and see it) since the 17th of october - it's disgusting - I know he means to but I think the process of cleaning the bathroom grosses him out. I don't understand but I can see it has been over a moth and it hasn't been touched. :shock: it's done 8-) :D
finally got to dd's bathroom they use when they are here.
did a home blessing upstairs and in the bedrooms
it took most of this afternoon as I haven't done it in awhile. it was much faster than i thought. ;) why I put it off - go figure.

now to clean off the stairs of all the things I touched down.
all christmas has been pulled
dh tossed the pumpkins and cornstalks for me.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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