Basic Weekly Plans

Lynchpin of any organizing effort. Discuss your weekly plan.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:22 am

my cooking this week went out the window. my exercise went out the window, my food tracking went out the window. and I needed sleep like you wouldn't believe.

I need a routine!

Sunday - 11: meeting 1:00 take notes then test online, make veggies for the week,
Monday: 12: am fittness me, dd16 and I cooking school
tuesday: 13 school... drop off dd16 .. leave at 6:40 park at my school. bring a lunch. 3 pilates dd16, 6: tae kwon do dd16
wednesday: 14: school noon to 9 dh picks up dd
thursday: 15: same as tuesday
Friday: 16 dr. appointment
saturday: 17 foot ball game

How am I going to get exercise in. stop making excuses
put food into weight watcher planner. you can do it!
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November 4, to November 13

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:44 pm

I need to stay focused on my week: everytime I don't I fall apart

Saturday: outside work, my laundry (heavy work day) (change cat litter)
Sunday: church, ready for week, cook for week (sewing day/fun day) dd16 does her laundry
move rug out for guys to take, wash couch covers from family room
Monday: mini (bathrooms, whites)
Tuesday: presentation, school Pilates dd16 mini (towels)
wednesday: school until night. (darks)
thursday: school Pilates dd16 mini (lights)
friday: errands, organize papers from school figure out what's due next week. (gentle)

sign up for sanitation course for preschool.

this week: find gloves and put together (because I didn't do that in the spring.. do I need some)
ymca daily
meals at the table... we have gotten in the habit of eating at the tv. or not together :(
think of christmas cards... have dd16 draw one or just buy them. or I can draw one.
I would love to knit mittens for both girls but I have to be realistic.
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January 13 (friday to friday)

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:55 am

wow its amazing how I let the time go and not plan ahead. probably why I am in disarray right now with surface clutter.

because of dnancy, dindian, and dear harriet I am back to weeklies, focus and dailies. so I think I should bite the bullet and get a plan of attack (weekly focus).

what I can see ahead
school starts for me again: tues/wed/thursday 15 hours in total (which makes me nervous)
ddyounger finals so she gets out early
ddyounger pilates
decisions for her to make re: future plans too.
exercise at ymca
making dinners ahead for tues/wed/thursday
going out to lunch with dsil

plan mini work days, heavy work, family day, weeklies, declutter planning,
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jan 17 tuesday to sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:01 am

planning is even more important now that school starts today. I have a full time schedule and a family.

Monday: school 8 am to 12 (does not include travel time)
Tuesday: 9:30 am to 5:00 school
wednesday: 8 am to noon
thursday 9:30 to 11am

Monday piano 8 pm
tuesday pilates 3 maybe tae kwon do
wednesday spin 7 pm
thursday Pilates 3
friday nothing
saturday: maybe drums and tutoring for acts

exercise with dh at ymca
monday 1pm
tuesday: 8 am
wednesday: 1 pm
thursday: noon
friday: 9 am

include house work: mini's, weeklies, dailies, laundry, meals, errands including grocery shopping, homework, desk day, dejunking time, focus and most of all family time.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Jul 07, 2012 9:57 am

summer schedule: besides dailies
Sunday: family, planning day
Monday: bathrooms, towel and white laundry
tuesday: ddpilates when she's in town, focus
wednesday: errands
thursday: pilates dd
friday: heavy before weekend
saturday: focus what ever touches my fancy
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby Ivy » Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:50 pm

My Flexible Weekly Plans

Sun. is renew spirit day, writing letters, reading, a laundry catch-up, planning out my week, emails catch-up
Mon. DH gets wood 8:30 a.m.- noon or 1 p.m., 8:30 a.m. morning news, start laundry, load DW or empty it, journal, Christmas crochet, computer stuff, then walk 30 min. before lunch, rest, read/sort mail, plan dinner, feed cat/water, do evening routine
Tues., write on stories, reading, errands, shop, or appointments
Wed., DH gets wood, so up early, do a house blessing, send letters off, organize and do Hump Day things, which I've been procrastinating on. Christmas crochet, read.
Thurs., Errands, shop, DH's appt.'s or luncheon with retirees. I try to get a jump on the weekend, by doing housework and laundry ahead of the weekend so the weekend can be open to do what I want.
Sat. is a more laid back day, do laundry, make sure the house is company ready, even if it's just us alone for the weekend. Do crochet, letters, reading catch-up, and whatever I want to do.

I keep my weekly plans flexible because of health challenges and DH is a very flexible person, too. So if he decides, "Let's go", we go. :)
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Sep 15, 2012 4:06 pm

Good for you dear Ivy...
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby Ivy » Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:40 pm

blessedw2..... On Sept. 28, a Fri., it will mark the last day of DH's wood-getting days. So my schedule will be all messed up! I don't know what to do about that, quite yet. :?: But my idea :idea: is to look at what was working and take it from there.

Sun. will still remain my renew my spirit day, letter-writing, reading, laundry, plans for the next week and an emails catch-up, so that's the same
Mon. DH will not be getting wood, but if I don't get "sidetracked" laying around and watching TV like HE does and stick to my own routine, I'll do laundry, the DW, crochet, walk before lunch, and do everything I did before, but giving DH the "space" to relax and do what he loves to do, too. He's a huge baseball and football fan.
Tues., I have appt.'s that day a lot of times and if I don't, DH goes to the grocery store, so I can do whatever fancies me or housework while he's gone.
Wed. is a day I like to do things I've been procrastinating on.
Thurs., is Thinking Thursday to me. I like to catch up on snail mail, fiddle with my on-line calendar, plan the weekend, do pre-weekend cleaning, and read and write on stories.
Fri. is Conga Friday, so I like to try and clean in baby steps, plan out what to read and write for the weekend. (I write short stories and poems).
Sat. is a day I would love to designate for studying the market, which means reading magazine short stories in "Woman's World" and other magazines, pick them apart, see what makes them "tick" and to do my homework before writing for them.

All other days and things I do, I do by working around what DH is doing, how I'm feeling physically, and what the weather is, if there are appt.'s, and stuff like that. I guess it leads me back to the same place, which is a Flexible Weekly Plan, only by respecting DH's "space" because he's no longer getting wood for 4.5 hours on M-W-F. He's so good to let me do whatever I want when I want. He's not macho and a big bossy guy. He's very easy-going and lets me have the freedom I need when I need it. We've been married for 42 years and it was the best decision of my LIFE to marry him, despite disapproval of parents. They lost their live-in baby-sitter. :shock: But I gained so much more and started my own family. I'm so happy with this journey I've been on with him and I'm glad I learned to be flexible from him. He's been my greatest teacher and he's 10 3/4 years older than me, so I look up to him.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby Nancy » Sun Sep 23, 2012 11:57 am

I love my new B.W.P. this fall I have an actual schedule for granny duty and know the days I have it and the days I don't so I"ll be tweaking my B.W.P. for the days I'm home for that to sync. chores together. Not much of a change except I have Wed. off yea to know that is great news.

M.Tu.Th. Are my granny duty days. I can work with this! :mrgreen:

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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby Ivy » Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:29 pm

Nancy, You don't look old enough, in your Avatar photo, to me, to be a granny! You look so young! :!:

I need to tweak my B.W.P., too. DH no longer gets wood. He got it all in for winter. Tues. and/or Thurs. seems to work out to be appt. days, perhaps from the wood-getting M-W-F summer habit. I enjoy being flexible, but feel like there is not enough structure. DH is a flexible man, so it's hard for me to have more structure, when his and my days sort of clash. I'm working from home, he's retired, so when he's getting groceries or visits his friend, I do stuff I need to do.

So far I've come up with:

Sun. = Renew spirit day, catch-up on laundry, snail mail, reading, and plan the week out. Work on stories.
Mon. = Submit stories, study them or outline them. Get snail mail out, do laundry and dishes and a bit of housework, left undone on the weekend.
Tues. = Usually an appt. day, if I have any scheduled. I try to take this day off from writing, work on the house, read, do letters, and enjoy myself, crochet and just have fun.
Wed. = It's a day that I try to get things done I've been procrastinating on since the weekend, I clean my office, do paperwork and sort of a mid-week house blessing because Thurs. is garbage day, so trash goes out.
Thurs. = Is a day DH goes to the dr., if he's scheduled to. I start thinking about the weekend, work on my on-line calendar, and still plan the weekend. I try to send out letters this day, too, because when DH gets the empty garbage can, he can mail my letters.
Fri. = Planning the weekend and next week. I try to dust, dust mop, do toilets, and clean bathrooms, send any stories if I have anything, read, start to wind down from a busy week.
Sat. = A day that I should save for reading and writing, but I need time off, too. DH watches football and baseball on these days, so it's sort of a day to relax. He vacuums on Sat., too.

I work around health challenges, DH and what he's doing or not doing, and try to be flexible as I can, but still have some sort of structure so I can keep writing and sending stories. :idea: It's difficult for me to try and balance the house and work, when I'm working at home, because I'm still home, working. If that makes any sense? It's not like I'm going outside the home to an office. I'm still here. Closing the door to the office helps a lot. :D
Touch the earth, love the earth, her plains, her valleys, her seas. Rest your soul in her solitary places. ~Henry Beston

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