Basic Weekly Plans

Lynchpin of any organizing effort. Discuss your weekly plan.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Apr 14, 2013 9:54 am

taking my 4 x 6 card and making a plan for each day with a focus

Sunday: personal care day and planning day
Monday: dentist dd, animal care and laundry room day, put away mini
Tuesday: family get together, paint day
Wednesday: music for dd, errands for me and put away round robin
Thursday: work at dmil and paperwork for me (no piano)
Friday: heavy cleaning (no guitar) dd comes home
Saturday: something with girls
Sunday: most people rest on this day (hey i rest all the time) but this is the day dd gets ready for the week and I do too.

I need a day for sewing, gardening, play with my family, (maybe I need to be more productive in the evening)
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans June 16

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jun 16, 2013 10:47 am

Sunday: planning day, fathers day, dailies, exercise cardio arms stomach
Monday: doctor appointment 11 am echo cardio gram, dd with d mom 1:00 don't remember why (she needs an additional money for australia) call visa check on her visa, me cardio, legs, dd younger, d aunt leaves for trip
dd: pack in the next few days
Tuesday: leave at 7:30 am. for d mil's plumber, 1:00 pm dd older and I appointment, dh has doctor appointment, phone appointment att - cardio, stomach arms
wednesday: ???? spin 7:00 dd younger
Sunday: dd younger leaves for Australia
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jul 21, 2013 8:06 pm

Saturday July 27, 2013 planning day, menu planning, financial planning and bill paying, thank you cards dd younger
sunday: july 28 take care of self day>.. have my laundry ready for the week, dd sailing 5:00 leave at 3:30 pm, my laundry put away, list personal things needed on grocery list. dd older home
Monday: 29, clean the dogs room/laundry room :arrow: , phone calls, dd lessons 5 pm, mini laundry put away, tai chi 7:30 am, drive dd older to train* (up at 5:00 am) dh pick her up (Errand: pick up train pass)
Tuesday:30 - *, mini 15 minute and under mini's - dd younger and me: eyebrow appointments dd lessons, friend visit leave at 2:30 pm
Wednesday July 31, me tai chi 7:30 :oops: , *, dinner d mil, round robin put away
Thursday: August 1, drive dmil am and then drive dd younger to cousins and then pick up d mil at 3 pm and then pick up dd younger
Friday August 2,*, me tai chi, 9:00 doctor dd younger lessons 5:00 pm leave at 3:15 pm, dd older wisconsin
Saturday August 3 dd lessons 3:15 leave bring dinner drop of
Sunday August 4 d mom at air port 10 and dd younger at airport doctor 3:00

August 5 Monday: lessons - animal care - good brushing - vacuum laundry room dog room
August 6 Lessons Tuesday
August 7 Lessons Wednesday
August 8 lessons ? dd younger senior picture day
August 9 have pick up dd from airport
August 10 food and money for dd's to go to Taylor Swift concert (fingers crossed for weather) bought tickets last year when they came out
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans August 3 to August 10

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:48 pm

August 3 Saturday: menu planning, cleaning planning, christmas planning ahead (ordered one Christmas gift for dd older)
August 4, Sunday drive d mom to airport :D and then dd to airport lol 3 am :D i thought it was going to be 3 pm - do something to push beyond my comfort zone slept all day headache :x
August 5 Monday: animal care, laundry room vacuum/dog room, 3 season room and family room (set up for guests) Heavy cleaning, dd lessons leave at 3:15 me dr. 10 am,
August 6, Tuesday: laundry day, contact allergist and electrician, dd lessons
August 7 Wednesday: Mini day>.. tai chi missed dd lessons 3:15 to 8:00 (also dd had guitar)
August 8 Thursday: dd lessons 3:15 to 8:00 bring food) pictures develop :arrow: dd lessons, vet :D
August 9 pick up dd older from air port and her friends 4:10 pm Friday dd younger's senior pictures 2:00, noon hair cut dd younger
August 10, mini cleaning, concert bring parking pass and tickets, get cash,
Last edited by blessedw2 on Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby angrygreycatreads » Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:54 pm

I am having trouble with a basic weekly plan because my schedule has been so erratic. It is actually making me feel a little out of control. I have been "in the box" off and on for several years now. I really need to get myself back on track, the erratic schedule is impacting everything, my diet, exercise, sleep. My schedule should straighten out more come September because I'm back to more regular hours.

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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:24 pm

its really hard to set up a schedule when things get hectic - can you just to the dailies to help keep you feeling under control.
I know I go through it too when everything is up side down here. Don't be so hard on yourself - I do think having a planning day helps keep things semi under control. best of wishes!!!!
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby Emptynester » Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:43 am

When things get crazy - just focus on the 3 D's. Dinner, dishes and duds (clothes). That way you will feel in control of something and the rest will come.

I try (try is the operative word) to plan the meals for the day first thing in the morning. That way I know if I need to go get something and don't get that rushed feeling when dinner time comes and nothing is planned.

Dishes include the rest of the kitchen. Try to keep surfaces and sink clean and it will make life easier.

Duds is washing clothes - folding and putting away is a big plus. Then you are prepared for whatever else might come.

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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby angrygreycatreads » Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:07 pm

Well - today I decided to start in my bedroom and work my way forward. I got my bedroom clean top to bottom and threw out a couple trash bags full of clothes that were not good enough go go to good will (pilly gym clothes/yoga pants/stained t-shirts), cosmetics I've tried and not liked, a couple candles with funky smells :) , and some papers - old receipts. The paper is what really kills me. I think I'm going to get the rest of the house in good shape and then go through the paper stuff.

My trouble zones are: anything paper related and the bathroom - 4 women using one bathroom and three of us with long hair using sprays etc... :oops: it gets out of control pretty quickly. Oh well, this was quick break, next room dining room which will go quick I just deep cleaned it in May.

Thanks for the replies!

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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:06 am

cheering you on!!!

For the bathroom (when everyone is home and we have company as my dd's and guests have long hair) I bought a package of those wipes... like clorox and I swipe the counters daily with it, same with the top of the toilet (its only 2 minutes maybe 3), swiping the tub - I always forget. I vacuum the bathroom during the week as its fast so that it keeps the bathroom at bay.
It sounds silly - like it wouldn't make a dent but it does!

paper work is my problem too as I put it off. My dh does a couple pieces each day so it doesn't build up... lol it takes me days to catch up... I should do the same. :D

my problem is laundry - when I have it set for a day of the week... monday whites - I seem to get it done... why I don't who knows. lol

welcome! so nice to have you here!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!


Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby angrygreycatreads » Tue Aug 06, 2013 12:00 am

Doesn't sound silly at all :) Doing something daily in the bathroom is the only way to stay on top when it is so heavily used. There are four of us in the house and only one bathroom. It is in constant use when we are home, seems like someone is always coming and going. One of my big issues is product overspray - three of us use spray products and the overspray (the mist) lands on surfaces throughout the bathroom and that makes these surfaces tacky so when hairs or anything lands on them they stick. I looked online for hints to clean up hairspray overspray and the first one I tried was making a paste with baking soda to break down the residue. It worked fine but it was horrendous to clear up the baking soda. I had to rinse and rinse. Really time consuming. I'm making pretty good progress through the house. Just need to stick with doing things on a regular basis.

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