Basic Weekly Plans

Lynchpin of any organizing effort. Discuss your weekly plan.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Dec 08, 2020 9:31 am

“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try"

Depending on Health:

take dh to eye dr. appointment after dropping off dog. :D
lights in 3 season room and tree :arrow:

a thorough vacuuming of house - dining room, kitchen, front hall, family room :D
check checking account :D
a thorough put away of Christmas boxes and toss anything that needs tossing :arrow:
make dinner this morning :D
cat and dog stuff (I have been remiss). :arrow:
tomorrow is bill day and anti procrastination day - contact that company
start Christmas cards - france first :arrow:

errands if I have time: mail mom's ornament :arrow:
return item at Michaels that they delivered wrong :arrow:
buy potpourri - or make for bathrooms, family room, :D
need cloves

tonight: star craft and snowflake craft :arrow:
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Dec 09, 2020 9:45 am

“You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at once but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.”

depending on body:

walk dog in woods, take her to the vet for a nail trim :D
heel work, etc. :D
dog/cat stuff :arrow:
put away outside. :arrow:

What I am looking at in kitchen... papers and stuff on kitchen table, :D
a smelly fridge - I think chicken juices must have leaked yuck :arrow:
2 loads of clean laundry on kitchen table - I never got to it last night :D
dishes in the sink :D dh
counters are full again kind of
stove clean :arrow:
vacuum and rinse floor :arrow:
missed cleaning the laundry room machines and sink :arrow:
PULL CARDS :arrow:
sweep the family room :arrow:

bill day some
phone call day one

3 season room xmas lights :D
finish put away of empty boxes from 3 season room :D (one left but not for long): all thrown in basement (I need to put these in the closet)
bring up kitten food for food pantry or put it on facebook market place :arrow:

3:52 pm I am exhausted!!! trying to push through.
swish and swipe

dinner: butternut squash, mushroom, onion, oregano, parmesan, whole wheat pasta - salad on side. :D

stars/crafts to finish off :arrow:
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Dec 10, 2020 9:20 am

Cold Infection just won't give up.

today is normally an errand day but with Christmas decorating (and covid) I am not running errands today.
(not stressful at all this year - it has been a day by day joy)

I am hoping to:
finish put away in 3 season room :D
what that means:

move dear mom's car out the garage :D
take the drip hoses out of the back room and put in the garage :D
move the swing kit to one side of the 3 season room :D
put away any garden stuff into garage from 3 season room :D
put away in general :D
put all tools on a table or shelf to clean for the garden for next year :D
wash down tread mill :D
clean the cushions on couch :arrow:
have dd help me move the coffee table back into the family room. (had to move it when old dogs had a hard time walking) :arrow:
vacuum three season room :D
put time on lights in that room :D
take last box of Christmas out of that room and put in basement. :D

family room is usually friday but floor needs work. :D

counters, :D
sink :D
dishes empty and put away from dw :D
table :D
fix cook books bc they are falling over :D
stove :D
microwave - clean the little one we bought to get us through not having a microwave - bag up and put away
sweep, :D vacuum and rinse kitchen floor :D
(pull clean the oven card and refrigerator card to do next week)

swish and swipe day

flip flop laundry and put away

daily checking account look :arrow:
check on christmas presents delivery :D and :arrow: waiting
wrapped dd youngers present :arrow:

fun creative stuff for me to do tonight.

refill dog food for next week :D

dog and cat stuff (gross but must be done as we will have 55 degrees today before we get snow on Saturday) :arrow:
Last edited by blessedw2 on Thu Dec 10, 2020 6:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans December 11,cross that now Dec. 12

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Dec 10, 2020 6:09 pm

THIS WHOLE DAY WENT OUT THE WINDOW.On DECEMBER 11, it's okay because i rested all day
I still think I have covid but I keep testing negative.
keeping fingers crossed. :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

woke at 6 am completely dark
I will call drs again. my illness is not disappearing.

dog out a couple of times :D

hope for friday: bath/shower - I think I would love a nice cozy bath :arrow:

mail d mom's ornament and cookie which she won't eat but I will send it anyway as it is a pretty st. nicholas cookie - :arrow:
call new dr. for new hospital Monday
call dentist Saturday :arrow:
call for hair cut saturday :arrow:
call mom to send me a check for her present to d brother Saturday :arrow:

put away empty Christmas boxes that are at the bottom of the stairs :arrow:
clean under couch and inside couch :arrow:
finish washing the cushion covers from 3 season room :arrow:

wrap dd youngers christmas present :arrow:
outside work along with d dog. raining today :D
dog stuff/cat stuff. I have missed it all week - gross :arrow:
put away :D
are there tools outside? can't find my clippers :arrow:

bathroom swish and swipe and clean :arrow:
vacuum and dust and put away in the front room


Christmas cards
checking account
clean out car if it is nice enough baby step 5 minutes :D

might put away decorations I was going to make

Saturday's hope: get dd older's signature on my checking.
clean refrigerator of that stinky smell that must be under the drawers - do sunday
clean stove do sunday
bring kitten food up from basement and put on facebook market saturday
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sun Dec 13, 2020 9:50 am, edited 21 times in total.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby Nancy » Thu Dec 10, 2020 6:18 pm

Just wanted to say way to go! Great progress.

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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Dec 11, 2020 8:19 am

d nancy - thank you! that means a lot!!! have a wonderful day d nancy!
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans december 12 check off

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Dec 12, 2020 9:32 am

saturday is normally work outside day but it is pouring.
I have been up an hour and half and haven't done much
health - not good - move forward
I keep thinking I will b in hospital for Christmas. I know that sounds dramatic lol. but I keep thinking that. (no idea why) - nothing like being dramatic for the holidays lol - at least my home is set up for my family.

animals fed :D
time to eat breakfast. :D oatmeal with blueberries oh my gosh I am getting lost on the computer. time to shut it off
white laundry is washing - truth be told: I never took it out from monday!!! I added new stuff to it and am washing it again. ;)
meds :D
dog for walk in field :D
order Natren :D
delete emails and unsubscribed from many email producing companies :D
menu planned :D
order groceries :D
put away cook books :D
rinsed our lunch dishes :D
filled dw :D
unsubscribed and deleted some emails. :D
working hard to stay awake:
next empty groceries :D
dd younger sent me alscacienne recettes - put in file :D
spending: butcher shop $20.20
I needed to rest - watched a video that I liked. :D
dd older and I went back to field - even though almost dark - she ran the dog back and forth :D
home again :D
dog fed :D
me fed lol :D
next dishes in dw and turned on :D
counters washed :D
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Dec 13, 2020 9:43 am

it seems I have to rest every afternoon - not sleep but rest - I just have to go with it.
it's 23 degrees

- I didn't want to spend the money but I am putting the covers for the furniture on my charge card along with bigger dog bed - dog can't fit on the old one anymore lol. bought them. it will save our furniture. dh for some reason really dirties the arms of the chairs. I disliked putting them on the cc but it's done. :D more of a :shock:

Walk dog in neighbourhood today instead of field - not a favourite but will do. - a must this morning.

training again - sick or not I have to train this girl to have manners lol

today is supposed to be self care but I will add somethings that will help my spirit as well.

nice warm/hot bath - I am not good on hot lol. :arrow:
christmas cards would help me a lot!!!!
accepting that I won't get the stars and snowflakes done for front window - it's okay! put it away
(come January 1 I am going to finish some projects so they are ready (a month at a time) for Christmas, Halloween etc. that I have been working on and can't get up in time for that set holiday)
checking account :arrow:

things I would like to do when d dog is not here:
clean oven and fridge
set up dd youngers bedroom - put up christmas lights on her canopy like the old days - make a sign of welcome home - set up a basket of towels/shampoo/soap etc. bottles of water, find sachet, put out her robe, put paper and pencils in her room,

get rid of the puzzles, from the paper, I have been collecting this last month :D

this week:
Make the beef bourguignon for the fleishchnaka for Christmas eve
check staples in freezer and cabinet



oh my gosh - I am so late starting considering I have been up since 6 am - actually 4 that I was awake but I laid there and said - NOPE - not moving lol
meds taken :D
next: empty the dw :D
counters :D
sink :D
next paperwork some :D
put the empty christmas boxes in corner of basement :D
took up all the kitten food and took picture... listed it on facebook marketplace for free :D gone
next Christmas cards painted :D ready to go!
picked up Christmas tree and put in stand :D
Last edited by blessedw2 on Mon Dec 14, 2020 10:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Dec 14, 2020 9:42 am

St. Lucia day was yesterday - I have been loving this season of light (hope).

okay I can sit here all day but that won't help.
today - ,even though I don't want to, I will have to do paperwork and bills :arrow: . I have had some necessary and unnecessary expenses.
I can spend money on stupid stuff better than anyone - concert online is one.

time to get dressed. :D
walk dog - too cold lol. didn't - did play with her. a No No :arrow:

home blessing floors vacuumed not washed. :D .. washing :arrow:
refrigerator a must :arrow:

mail out cards - dh did :D
draw 2 more cards - ready for paint

it's monday so my hope:
dog/cat water bowls, gross stuff - dog not done but cat done
laundry machines :arrow:
refrigerator :arrow:
pull my kitchen cards together :arrow:

wrap presents - check to see if there are equal $ amounts for dd's :arrow:

up before 6
dog fed and played with :D dropped off at day care :D
my meds :D
my breakfast :D
empty dw :D
toss a load of laundry on - blankets :D
flip flopped laundry to dryer :D
changed time in my car - finally :D
cleaned out the couch in family room :D
swept under couch :D
swept and vacuumed floor in family room - where d dog got a log out of the fireplace :D
wiped window marks off sliding glass doors :D
dusted with feather duster only :D

what looks messy that should be done: front room :D done - kitchen

okay 12:27 pm time to get back on track. got lost on computer and talking to dh - clean up my dishes, then go in front room.
3:37 pm dinner in oven (not veggies yet) thinking of just making a nice salad
4:15 pm took dinner out of the oven - still have to make salad
dining room vacuumed and put away :D
kitchen vacuumed :D
vacuum cleaners put away :D
flip flopped laundry :D pillows drying :D
put d dogs bedding back together after washing it. :D

tomorrow: i forgot to water plants today
put rest of lights on tree as soon as dh picks them up or I can get them tomorrow
paperwork bills
more christmas cards
dr. for january missed xxxxx
missed laundry room
missed vacuuming upstairs and dusting for home blessing.
if still feeling better - set up appointment with dentist. praying this cold goes away all together!
wrap presents tomorrow
put the white elephant gifts back in the hall closet
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans December 15, 2020

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:08 pm

starting late!
time to put away any dishes left out

ordered in. shouldn't but exhausted

picked up d dog from vet
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Dec 16, 2020 10:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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