Basic Weekly Plans

Lynchpin of any organizing effort. Discuss your weekly plan.
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Re: About Basic Weekly Plans

Postby Cowinkie » Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:24 pm

This is my Weekly Schedule when I'm home for the summer:
Monday - House Blessing
Tue- Free day
Wed- Zone Clean, Desk time
Thur - Grocery & Errands\
Fri. - Paperwork and Misc.
Sometimes I flip-slop Wed and Sat. cause Sweetie and I like to do things like go to the movies, during the week when it is less crowded.
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Re: About Basic Weekly Plans

Postby Nancy » Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:44 am

After Hubby retired in Dec. my weekly plan has been
topsy turvy and I'm still working on getting
it tweaked. Seems each week some thing different
has come up. So I've been doing the Sat. cleaning
like when I was working that seems to fit for now
any way.


Basic Weekly Plans

Postby Indiana » Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:39 pm

Nancy wrote:

Monday Catch up from the weekend / dig out day

Tuesday Trash day

Wednesday B.W.P. day weekly chores floors bathrooms etc.

Thursday Writing Desk day

Friday free day & Errands grocery shopping

Sat/ Sun. Family day / Rest day

What does your B.W.P. [Basic Weekly Plan] look like?

[I'm sort of on call for pay roll seems to be every other day or so at times any way.]


Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby Indiana » Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:40 pm

My basic week plan looks like this:

Sunday - charge my cell phone and straighten my purse putting all receipts in slot for desk day

Monday - do the bedrooms, bathrooms, and desk and launder sheets

Tuesday – do the office, entry, hall and launder towels

Wednesday – do the living room, dining room and launder whites

Thursday – do the kitchen, den, grocery list and launder lights

Friday – do the mudroom, porch. patio and launder darks

Saturday – errands, projects and launder throw rugs or rags, or what ever odd load

During the week I also work on my focus room of the week. I work about 20 minutes each day until it is done. Usually it is done by Tuesday.


Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby Indiana » Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:47 pm

blessedw2 wrote:

my week changes sometimes very fast so thats why I like a general plan of the week to give me direction and focus. (at first (because of my rebellious inner brat) I hated the consistency (and to be honest sometimes still do) but I do it and each time it gets easier to do because it is once a week.

we are now trying to do a room focus like our dIndiana
not always successful but we try :wink:

Dailies too

Monday*: bathrooms and put away ("I like Nancy's dig out day")
dd12 has karate at 4:15 this week
(after Oct 27 it will be aerobics with a friend of hers at
pre teen class at the ymca)

Tuesday*: 4:00 pilates dd12 maybe fencing
paperwork ** desk day

Wednesday*: heavy cleaning day *
change and wash sheets
dmil's or soccer practice (you never know when)

Pilates 6:00 for dd this week (eow thing)
donation day, garbage day

Friday*: no after school activities
do mini catchup and outdoor work
rinse one only at a time garbage can either the big one outside or inside... not obsessive but keeps them from smelling (so one a week)

Saturday (soccer) and Sunday: Family time

Sunday: hair dye personal care also
make sure everything is ready for Monday

*I have my cards weekly, monthly, seasonal listed (I will put below)
and I do those during the week. This way it is easy and not crazy.

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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby Sunny » Fri Jul 11, 2008 1:30 am

My Basic Weekly Plan is a lot on the flexible side. Since I work full time 5 days a week I have only 2 days off which have to be very
productive. The one day off is always Sunday, the other day can be Mon through Fri. My dh still works too, but Mon. through Fri. He
always has the weekend days off. So, Sat. he does most of the grocery shopping, sweeps the carpets and mops the kitchen & entryway
floors. Sunday I will do bathrooms, change sheets & towels and do the laundry (linens, towels and my clothes). On the mornings when I
work I try to make sure the living rm, dining rm, kitchen are all picked up. The weekly focus is finished on Sundays. In between in the
evenings and on my second day off I do the weekly focus and decluttering projects. Two of our bedrooms are not used unless we have
out of town family staying with us, so they are easy to keep up. And the main bathroom is not used during the week, only on weekends,
so that is easy also (unless we have out of town guests).

I have copied the weekly focus schedule and separated it into 3 month sections & have each on a 3x5 card. My monthly divider cards are
also filed by 3 month colors: Jan, Feb, Mar are green; Apr, May, Jun are white;; Jul, Aug, Sep are red; Oct, Nov, Dec are yellow. I have
the focus cards each in front of the first month of the quarter and move them to the second & third month of the quarter as the year
goes by. This seems to help keep me on track.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby bittersweet » Thu Jul 17, 2008 1:15 pm

I don't have a weekly plan...I used to years ago (sort of) when I was working, but having been a SAHM for the last two years, it's definitely fallen by the wayside. Now I'm working again, and at the moment, it's long hours, so I need to do some serious looking at how to organize the housework schedule. I've been doing 98% of the housework, cooking, laundry etc, and the whole family is remarkably spoiled. They're going to have to pitch in more, cause I simply can't be gone 12 hrs a day, do all that I've been doing around the house, and still have time to sleep! :lol:

It's going to take a lot of patience and adjusting. For example, I asked DD and her bf to do the dishes after supper last night. They said sure, but did other things, then fell asleep, so the dishes still aren't done this morning! :evil: I'll be sending them both a text at lunch time to remind them to get them done ASAP after work!

I've got to figure out when to do errands and grocery shopping and laundry and all the other stuff that I used to be able to just do whenever (not necessarily a good thing..LOL) Will do some thinking on this and report back later.
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year." Ralph Waldo Emerson


Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby lavenderbliss » Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:42 am

Okay, here is my basic weekly plan I've been working on and sorry in advance this is so long. If anyone has any suggestions I'm wide open to them as housekeeping is not one of the things I'm really good at. Grocery shopping and errands I put on Thursday, but really just reserve them for sometime during the week when I'm already out doing home visits. Fridge cleaning thought about doing 1 shelf a day as someone else mentioned....figured I wouldn't get overloaded...but I don't know(kept my fridge clean once for 2 weeks in a row, but usually gets cleaned out when it could be declared a toxic waste dump). I did finally print this out in table form(with a few extra empty squares for things to write in) on a bright yellow sheet of paper and laminated it, so I can keep it on the fridge and use a dry erase pen to mark as I do things. I've learned I'm a very visual person and I also forget things a lot(I've had memory problems ever since dh's heart surgery in 2003).

Sunday : Renew Your Spirit
Monday : Zone Mission for the Day, Fill dh medicine box, weekly Home Blessing Hour, pet care
Tuesday : Zone Mission for the Day, clean/straighten laundry area, water/fertilize plants, write letters/cards
Wednesday : Zone Mission for the Day, Clean Fridge, Make Menus/Grocery List, Balance Checkbook
Thursday : Zone Mission for the Day, Grocery Shopping, Errands, File Papers
Friday : Zone Mission for the Day, Clean Out Purse, Clean out Car, Clean off Desk
Saturday : Family Fun, Plan Homeschool Lessons for Week, Sweep/Mop Kitchen Floor, Empty Trashcans

I have a 14yo dd, but not sure what I should be getting her to help with. She does have responsibility of all outside animals
(chickens and 2 goats) as they are her animals, suppose to keep her room clean(see decluttering message board), and suppose to clean her bathroom 1 X/week(it's small and should take only 1 hour to clean....have made her a checklist on the inside of bathroom cabinet...but doesn't seem to happen but 1X every 2-3 weeks).

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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby bittersweet » Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:48 pm

After some thinking, this is what I've come up with as a trial BWP:

Monday - Kelly's mission, 10 min focus area, dailies, 15 min dining room

Tuesday - Kelly's mission, 10 min focus area, dailies, 15 mins kitchen

Wednesday - Kelly's mission, 10 min focus area, dailies, 15 min living room

Thursday - Kelly's mission, 10 min focus area, dailies, 15 min bathroom/Tigger room

Friday - Kelly's mission, 10 min focus area, dailies, 15 min MBR, pay bills

Saturday - WHB, menu planning, grocery shopping, errands, dailies, 15 min porch/entry

Sunday - dailies/relax

The 10 or 15 minute focus work is a maximum. Most of Kelly's missions take about five minutes, I'll pick one or two things from the lists for the week's focus area to do, and the 15 minutes in a different room each day is the most I'll spend. Quite a few of these things can be fit in while making supper, etc, so shouldn't take a lot of extra time, but will allow me to follow both FlyLady's and Indiana's focus area for the week, and still do dailies and a bit extra in each room. I'm hoping I'm not overloading myself here...but I guess only time will tell, right?
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jan 02, 2009 8:20 pm

January 3 to January 10 week plan: focus front hall
dejunking: bedrooms
dejunking: craft room... I need to try crafts and get rid of. first leatherworking... dd13 and I will go through it, take pictures and toss or donate to local scout troop. I love teaching girls how to do things and am having a hard time letting this one go.

Saturday: taco/spaghetti night: sloppy joes and cut veggies

weeklies: through out week if can't be done marked with x and moved to back of the week for filing

Monday: whites, tuesday: towels wednesday: delicates, thursday: darks friday colors bright, saturday sheets

today: Weekly cards done on friday january 9th. :D [color=#00BF00]I don't really fuss much on each thing as doing it a little each week makes it clean EVENTUALLY

Clean toaster and phone :D
clean bathrooms 1 2 and powder room mondays :arrow:
surface dust family room , :D frontroom :D , dining room :D , bedrooms (every 2 weeks) :arrow: , front hall monthly :D , kitchen :D
vacuum frontroom :D , dining room :D , bedrooms : :arrow: , hall :D , stairs up :D and down :arrow:
clean water cooler and behind :D
rinse front hall :D
wash kitchen floor with mop :D rinse dining room vacuumed :D
car straighten a bit left to right still not clean but going round robin :D
clean one shelf in refrigerator cleaned one drawer even though whole fridge could use a cleaning again :D
clean one door in house (find it helps... now that xmas is over all the door are dirty frump) :D
cobwebs front hall this week :D
hamster dd13/bird dd13/dog/cat
clean kitchen garbage can :D
kitchen clean fingerprints on cabinets
appliance fronts :D clean microwave :D
clean fronts of washing machine and dryer so so job :) vacuum behind dog crates where you can reach
vacuum floor in dog/laundry area :idea:
clean dog prints on windows. :D
clean off desk weekly too :idea: [/color]
on decluttering in Harriet’s declutter thread[/color]
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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