January card file

It's classic and it works for you: the original home organization card file.
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Re: January Card File

Postby Nancy » Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:06 pm

Decluttering progress
The other day I sorted lotions, bath products, soap and creams.

Last night I sort color crayons; colored pencils, pens, chalk and
color books.

It feels great to get some progress on this.

Got out of the house it was up to 45* here the past two days yea.
Dear sis had to go go mom's b/c of power outages in the south from
the ice storm.

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Re: January card file

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:39 pm

great great work nancy!!!

Harriet WA Hoo to you!!!

me: well well tsk tsk tsk. off to do dailies

I have been sitting on my franny all day. and days working with papers. Now I need to focus. I will do myself a favor, don't do anything until dd13 comes home. I have decided to make my main dinners for week tomorrow morning after excercise at the ymca.

So menu planning today: grocery store in am.
remember chicken day thinking chicken parmesan
soup/sandwhich day
beef/fish salmon poached
taco/pizza night
etc. etc.
breakfast night quiche
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: January card file

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:02 am

As you may have noticed with the new schedule this last week especially I have had a hard time restructering my dailies etc. I am redoing my card file and separting weeklies over the next two weeks as well as setting up a time to do dailies. dkids, now that I have not given in, have been very very cooperative regarding dishes, they may pretend and put it off but I am nice but firm. and they have responded in kind. no excuses works anymore. I used to feel like I was in a courtroom and my dkids were the attorneys telling me why in thinking they didn't have time to do the work. :D so that seems to be out the window.

Sunday: bill day and beauty: beauty means having clean laundry, each our responsibility, also I am cooking today
church, also figuring out how I can do homework and work at the house and be there for driving and just be there for kids. my menu fell behind this week to, so we ate out all week and I feel fatter for it, :? , so balancing making meals will be a plus.

So this morning:
exercise :D
work with dogs :D
pull card file and work on it.
do paper later this afternoon

what I think I need is setting up a time for approx when I will do things. I am thinking that getting up earlier and not just sitting on the couch I could do a load of laundry. and do a couple dailies.

hello to you all.
find dishes ask kids to look in their room
wash :D
fill :D
empty am me :D tonight dd19
wash :D :D (dh) so far :D
dry :D :D dh :D
put away ***a must :D :D dh
counters :D
donation run
make beds mine
find garbage me
brush dogs dd13
play with dogs :D
exercise :D
sweep kitchen
sweep family room :D dh and he swept under couch :D
vacuum surface ( dogs) xxx
finger prints a few
toss one thing from refridgerator :D
put away one box or items that are building up
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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