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Re: Aug. Card File

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:20 pm
by blessedw2
I am glad your numbers are lower. I haven't gotten much done. We went to see the movie "the sisters of the traveling pants" and came home and dd13 has been working on her summer reading. The book has to be done by Tuesday when they get their books. School starts August 26th.

I still have duds to do. my main goal this evening, plus exercise
see you ... cheering you on in your work!

august 18

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:36 pm
by blessedw2
hi nancy... sorry you had 2 crashes on sugar. It is hard to learn how to adjust it. you are too young to go through this! my ddbrandnew 13 (sigh) has a friend who has had it since he was 2. My mom's dolder friend got diabetis in 40's and now is 94! and is a healthy lively amazing women (she swims every morning)! Sending you a lifetime of normal readings and a lifetime of feeling great! It's just so hard to adjust it isn't it?!

Happiest of Birthday's to your dear Grand daughter... how exciting!!!!
what's the temperature by you. today we have 87 deg.

Work for me:
dd13 and I brought down all the laundry including sheets and blankets. We are washing and seperating. I still have to clean bathrooms. I am really working on getting back on track even though house doesn't look like it. I am so off routine. dd13 has karate at 4:00 so I also have to get dinner made. dd19 is off to school taking a test to see if she can get into calculas at the community college.

dd's test went great! :D
some more laundry done and now for kitchen
Jobs still left
kitchen sweep floors
put away of laundry

Re: Aug. Card File

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:52 pm
by Nancy
It's hot here today 98-101* are the predicted hi temps.
I've been in the garden a bit in the shade this morning
and down stairs doing laundry too.
Dhubby helped with dishes at lunch.
I was bummed today a let down after a fun weekend.

Re: Aug. Card File

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:26 pm
by blessedw2
I understand what you mean by let down after such a fun time! I think when all is done we miss the ones we love and all the fun it entailed! take it easy today and tomorrow will be more on track!

Re: Aug. Card File

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 12:38 pm
by Nancy
Thanks for those words of encouragement Blessed!
Today is much better for me so far.
Missed today's ladies group;
making some calls today.
Later we have some places to go to take care of business.
I've done my morning meds. breakfast is done and I've taken my walk.

Re: Aug 19

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:37 pm
by blessedw2
Tuesday! hi nancy I will be joing you on the dinner duds and dishes mantra

some more laundry is done
didn't do the bathrooms yesterday but will today
dd13 went to school and got books

also adding garbage run and dejunk 1 drawer which I havent' done all summer

I love getting back to my routine (well almost to my routine ;) )
4:34 and ready for work
6:42 making dinner, dishes washing in dw after emptying (finally) ;) last night dishes
more laundry done :D
went through papers :D

also look up China town for Thursday, dd13's friend offered to have her come with tomorrow by her grandmas pool, so that is great for dd13.

Re: Aug. Card File

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:24 pm
by Indiana
blessed it is so good to see you posting here again.

Re: Aug. Card File

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:33 pm
by blessedw2
You are so sweet to say so!!! I am really happy to be back, I felt lost with out you and all the wonderful SHE'S here! thank you!

Re: Aug. Card File

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:02 am
by Nancy
Today I go to the d.d.s. to get the crown on this afternoon.
I called them yesterday with a list of meds. I'm on now.
We have rain here today and it's cooler.

Granny duty tomorrow H. will help.
Time to think about my walk.

Re: Aug.20

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:29 am
by blessedw2
hi nancy... good luck at the dentist today. \

today in about an hour we go to a friends house for a couple hours.
then dd's have pilates
me I have to go to the ymca

I haven't been able to work on my holiday prepare yet... outside :cry: I have been really lazy lately and that is exactly what it is. I can't put icing on it and make it better. I have just not been motivated.
I am overwhelmed and need to break everything down into little bits to get back to where I was at the end of spring.

right now:
flip flop laundry
put away laundry
next blankets
empty dw
sweep family room floor
open mail (dreading it.)