Nov. Cards 2013

It's classic and it works for you: the original home organization card file.
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Re: Nov. Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Nov 07, 2013 11:46 am

d nancy so sorry you got with cc fraud - awful!!!

hoping today is better for you
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Re: Nov. Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Nov 07, 2013 11:49 am

I haven't been home much
dd younger gets out at noon so I have to leave her at 11:00 to run an errand and then pick her up.

first things first: pack halloween away and place in back room.
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Re: Nov. Cards 2013

Postby Nancy » Thu Nov 07, 2013 2:54 pm

Had to get secure wireless connection and tweak all the pass words on electronics today ~sigh~

Dgd is happy now that I got net flicks on and I am happy that I Got this tablet synced and working.

We baked cookies today and I cleared off one hot spot first the landing zone in the kitchen.

We fed hens and gathered eggs too.

I have a plan for dinner it is thawing now.

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Re: Nov. Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 09, 2013 9:44 am

so happy so many things worked out for you d Nancy!
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Re: Nov. Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 09, 2013 9:50 am

I have slept during the day for 3 days at 4 to 5 hours at a time. mmm time for the blood test. my health is low right now.

dh woke up complaining about the dogs playing and would rather lock them in the laundry room all day and all night. mmm thinking I won't have another dog after these dogs because all he does is complain about them. thinking I am too sensitive to negativity that those little reactions all the time make me want to shut down. I have to remember it's just his way of dealing with life. He complains and lets everyone know and then lets go of it. I her complaints and take it in personally (not to self) but to the positiveness of my day.

moving forward.

making menu plan this morning instead of tomorrow
it's funny now that d aunt is gone and I have been going here and there visiting for over a month it's weird because I don't know which direction to go next. I am not used to planning my activities for awhile.
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Re: Nov. Cards 2013

Postby Nancy » Sat Nov 09, 2013 12:48 pm

I ned to reclaim the rest of the kit. Counters and do some shopping fam. Stuff this week end.

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Re: Nov. Cards 2013

Postby Harriet » Sat Nov 09, 2013 8:13 pm

Hi blessed and Nancy!

Nancy, I'm glad your technology is working now! Very proud of you for all the baking and cooking to which you are exposing your grandchildren, and teaching how to do things in a kitchen, and teaching that it is fun.

blessed, do you have your days and nights mixed up, rather than actually being weak/sick? I was wondering, if you were sleeping the same amount of time but doing it all at the times others are sleeping, would you still think of it medically? No matter what, I hope you feel better soon. If you were to search for how many times the word "nap" is used in PWYC, I bet it would be too many to have a listing. Hugs to you. I nap sometimes and am disappointed in myself that I can't hold out for normal hours, but it's just so common.

I'm trying to think to myself of the ways I am on track rather than the ways I am not. The next deadline of my life is to have Christmas Cards finished and put to the side for mailing. And I am on schedule with that. Big project this year, but worth it.

Next deadline will be that it looks like we'll have a lot of Thanksgiving work to do. As usual my two oldest children can't get their schedules together around Tday. Sigh. So, it's early for one, late for the other and dstepson deciding between them and choosing the early. The only person I really want to offer hospitality at Thanksgiving is my dcousin who lives alone, but he shouldn't have to wait until after the day passes with him sitting alone, and he doesn't want to come interfere with dstepson's family time with us, since that is HRH's side of family and he feels he intrudes. Sigh! I may end up having Thanksgiving 3 times!!!! LOL. I need to find ways to pare this down! LOL!

Thoughts - areas of my life I track with cards are going better than areas of my life that I don't. Hmmm... .... :? Interesting.

Evening Daily Card - ignored this on the tired night after my dear Aunt died, for the first time in so long. I got away with it. Dishwasher was packed the next night, but everything did fit. Any messes on counters didn't seem to attract pests. I feel I dodged a bullet, though, especially since this is prime mouse-weather and they are looking for chances. My Evening Daily Card has been my homemaking lifeline for, I think, 26 years, since I first read about the concept in a P and P book when ds was 2. I am so afraid of stickiness on the counters encouraging any type of pest such as roaches, but most, most, most of all afraid we will encourage mice to come from the field.

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Re: Nov. Cards 2013

Postby Nancy » Sat Nov 09, 2013 9:26 pm

Thanks dHarriet!
Today got 3 giant pre-made ginger bread people for dgds house to decorate. That will be fun for them I will give it to dd to pick when they do it when dstepdson is there over the turkey day weekend. ♡

☆some stuff in blue for dsons house to use as wrap gift bags etc. Did not find the blue tissue paper I wanted so will look at Joann's next time. It is a challenge for us to find things for the Jewish celebrations like a star of David cookie cutter with 6 points I could use for so many things. I have looked for these before I only find em on line.

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Re: Nov. Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Nov 10, 2013 4:45 pm

Hi I can't post now but I want to say hello dear sweet Harriet and dear sweet Nancy!!!

off to the coal mines.
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Re: Nov. Cards 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:30 am

thank you d harriet... I know my sleep is interrupted at night many times and I think I have allowed myself to get out of shape again that it is adding to my sleepiness. I do feel like I haven't been a good wife or mom if I don't get my work done or make dinner because when I sleep It interrupts my day.
I wish I wouldn't tie work getting done with being a good person and a good wife and mother.

3 thanksgivings!!! I understand how family members don't want to intrude in their minds. My d uncle who just lost his wife will be alone on Thanksgiving and I can't make him join us. Lol I think paring down is a good thing! lol

we have field mice too from the woods near our house. It is frustrating d harriet! and it is hard to keep up with all the work when life takes a turn we don't want or expect. I think we now have mice again because the cats have been looking at the bottom of the dishwasher.

today I am trying to get back to my dailies and I am falling behind drastically (sigh)
all I seem to do lately is take care of animals. d older cat is a problem but I can't put down as he is healthy. I have to find a different way to handle this problem. I also think I might have to brush the animals every morning to keep the hair down. if I miss a day of vacuuming my house looks awful.
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