March what a blessing

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march 4

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:13 am

today is a big busy day for me especially with homework and notes

since I am gaining more time with dejunking I am starting to write notes to people I care about. It always seems like february and march are big times for illness and death of loved ones. don't know why but it seems like that maybe I just notice it more. but I can find my stamps :D thats a plus.

so today: laundry which has piled up, dailies, grocery store, :D
tae kwon do :D
donations :D
vehe farm guy coming today :D
donated books too :D 20 :!:
got rid of old cell phones and ink cartrages :D
paper computer :D
butcher shop:D bakery :D
shoes me gym shoes but not casual shoes :arrow:
target :D

find dishes ask kids to look in their room
empty am pm - me
laundry -
bring all laundry down stairs
put away laundry >a must
sink -
donation run :D
make beds mine -
find garbage me
brush dogs dd13
play with dogs
sweep kitchen
sweep family room
vacuum surface ( dogs)
finger prints a few
toss one thing from refridgerator
put away one box or items that are building up

now for check in re: homework. 5:54 dinner made.
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Re: March what a blessing

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 06, 2009 7:31 am

good morning and happy friday dear Nancy.

as you can see I did not do any dailies and it looks like it. I have been really tired and getting headaches the last 3 days.
took my test yesterday and made some silly mistakes.
so I have been busy but not loving my home and thus my family suffered even though they have been very good about it.
especially dh.

today: weeklies, dailies
grocery store :arrow:
cleaners :D
ink for computer and more paper :D
clean out car since weather is great
my declutter: more brain space... I am going to let go of thoughts... my school work is being tossed to Sunday and tonight. Finding myself wanting to miander to it even though my house is an explosion on top. time for work.
donation spot again :D
apple store as dd19's new mac she bought herself was acting up :D

listing the 5 I need to accomplish at a time as I have been very distracted lately:
First check in woke at 5 am now time to work: 6:04 am
-find all dishes :D
-empty dw :D
-fill :D (there will be at least 3 loads. Yes I am embarrassed it got so bad but yes it did)
-wash dishes :D
-we have lots and lots of dishes. put them on one corner. all done :D

-straighten family room. so so :)
empty dw again :D
laundry flip :D
make beds (will do that for girls as suprise)
toss laundry down :D won't do girls bathroom as it makes me angry, I normally would say frustrated but today I feel angry about it.

-straighten dining room :D
cleaned out hutch :D
another load emptied and filled and turned on in dishwasher :D , still have 2 pots and utensils
now errands :D
emptied dishes again and put last load in wow now that was embarrassing. 4 loads done in total. where did it all come from :oops: but it is done (washing as I type). :D
laundry flip flop, towels folded and put on dining room table ready to put upstairs :D
tossed a few things from fridge :D

left to do: brush dogs
walk dogs
clean sink again
clean stove
clean counters by stove well
homework and notes to be written
wipe some fingerprints
vacuum kitchen and family room surfacely.
be ready for tomorrow leaving early for downtown

also put away in the basement. I put all my papers for school on the ping pong table, and my other paper work and things to go into crawl space, all needs to be gone through and put away before it has babies.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:48 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: March what a blessing

Postby Harriet » Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:46 pm

Boxed-food menu planning cards -
I've been doing an odd thing for menu planning - cutting card-sized rectangles from some boxes of our often-used or favorite foods, getting the nutrition info. On the back of each "card", I wrote the name and brand so that I can file them in cardfile format. So far I only have about 6 or 7, but I'm thinking this new card index will help me as I plan meals, so that I am intentional about sodium, calories, fiber, etc. You can look these things up on the net, but I'm thinking it might be helpful to have it at my fingertips.

Nancy, I thought of you today as Lilac came back to the boards and let us know of her scary experiences over the past few months as diabetes became a part of her life, fast and furious.

2 weeks only of winter left ? I am ready.
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Re: March what a blessing

Postby Lilac » Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:02 pm

Hi Nancy, blessedw2 and Harriet!

Nancy, I thought of you when I was diagnosed also. I remembered your scary experience of being hospitalized, etc.

Harriet, that quote is so true for everyone but especially a new diabetic. The only way to be compliant is to make all the changes needed to manage diabetes. I have found you can teach an old dog new tricks. I don't like change at all and hate to be told what to do. Once I was diagnosed I had to make changes and follow the rules. This is my one and only life and I chose to be compliant. Then if down the road I have complications from diabetes such as heart disease, kidney disease, nerve damage, eye problems etc. then I will know that I did everything in my power to prevent them and no one can say "well if she would have taken better care of herself this would not have happened."

I have not been a breakfast eater since I was pregnant with dd1 38 years ago. You have to eat 3 meals a day, period. When I was on insulin I had to take an injection prior to the meal. Those first few mornings were really hard trying to eat but I did it and now it is routine.

The next change was that I have been a P e p s i drinker forever. The nurse practioner told me that from now on soft drinks were poison and if I drank them I might as well be drinking poison. I also drank a lot of hot tea which I used sugar in. She told me to switch to the newer artificial sweeteners like S t e v i a or T r u v i a. I can not stand the aftertaste they leave. So I now drink lots of water. I am not kidding when I first started that and many times since, I would think of Harriet as I was drinking my water.

I absolutely love fruit and have always been a big fruit eater. This was a hard change for me because as a diabetic you can not eat unlimited fruit amounts because of all the carbs. I still eat 3 or 4 fruits a day but I have to eat a lot smaller serving that I would like, so I eat them and enjoy them and feel grateful that I can have fruit.

I have always been a night owl. Since this started I go to bed around 10, so that I can get up by 6.

Now I realize that I should have put this in the Health section but it was Harriets great quote that got me started on changes and how they lead to success.

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Re: March what a blessing

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:09 pm

Hi Harriet, hi Nancy, Hi Lilac!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ waving hello
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Re: March what a blessing

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Mar 08, 2009 10:30 am

did you cut the cards into 3 x 5's or just list the important information? great idea harriet.

today is Sunday: planning day and kitchen work with dh who is not as happy with the idea as I am (not frustrated but just more of woo wee how exciting.) dh put off helping me and then suddenly got into it. how great was that.

-menu planning and grocery list planning
-calendar planning
-set up my homework area for week :D
-look up testing sheet for test on tuesday
-really get things started on research paper :D
-look up dd13's family weekend :D ---- wall climbing, need to call them

focus work in kitchen finally finished wall paper removal! :D
dejunked basement papers again. put away :D

get rest of papers from back of crawl space give to dh to go through. :arrow:
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Re: March what a blessing

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:34 am

can't post in pwyc as I have tons of homework
so today
-dailies :oops: :arrow:
-laundry :oops: :arrow:

8:45 am I need to get started. procrastion will only make it difficult to get a good grade.
10:16 am still working
12:00 noon still studying doesn't feel like I am making progress but I am sure I am
2:23 pm time is speeding by and I haven't finished half what I need to. I need to pick up dd13 and trying to decide if tae kwon do should happen as I need to finish. my test is at 12:00 and I have bible study for tomorrow.
tonight is dog training as well.
4:17 found out we missed last week's dog training I thought it started this week. geesh
I still have 34 pages to really go through and answer. hoping to have it done before going to dog training.
I have not done one daily or weekly
10:33 pm went to dog training with dd13 so she could train ddog #2
and then finished testing and homework review.
need to get cloths together for bible study which I missed 3 weeks, did study but didn't go because of funeral of dwoman and other family things and school
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:14 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: March what a blessing

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:11 am

Nancy I wish you didn't have to go through all the down and high sugar times.
Did your parents have diabetes too at such a young age?
? you are giving back the atv's (all of them?) as I know you and your dfamily have so much fun with them. I really don't know what consignment is. I know as soon as you donate the camo outfit it will go right away, fast.
Nancy you really have done great giving things away you don't use and sharing the blessing. Also great job on walking here and there to donate these things. giving you the SHE reward

ready here it is: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: March what a blessing

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:13 am

March 10th.

focus: dailies later on.
I will be gone most of the day.

dishes one load :D
had my test this morning :) here's hoping
went to library :D
went to barnes and nobles and got ken follet's book :D
dd13 got inkdeath :D
we also have to run errands. :D
tonights goal: I should do all my dailies but need to finish typing a paper. :arrow:

goal tomorrow is donation day. dd19 has said that she will help me get some heavy things out for donation place.
to grab: more cloths that don't fit me :oops:
mirror from basement
book shelf
wire shelves
containers from kitchen

also cleaners drop off
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: March what a blessing

Postby Nancy » Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:16 pm

Today blood my sugars are good.

We took the ATV's in to be sold at the shop and we've had one offer
on hubby's and they think mine is sold!
Thanks for my reward!

Love that today's idea :idea:
dd wanted more books so I went to the basement and
found some more for her and
others to let go of too
and some smaller size planners
got three more stacks of books ready to go yea!

Got my mending done
and hemmed my pj's
it's so cold and snowy here that I"m having a pj day.

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