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Re: July Summer Card File

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 11:14 am
by blessedw2

pay school :arrow:
ask dh about cleaners :?:
stopped by piano studio
drop of check for old piano teacher
best buy dneice bday :arrow:

contacts: surgeon teeth dd13 :arrow:
me dentist


dd13 golf 11 :D
dd13 tennis 12 :D
me: botanic gardens with dd13 :D
pilates dd20 dd13? cancell for dd13? :D
heart check america :?

ready to work

wednesday fishing tennis

thursday: ww eye doctor where golf is, tennis 12 pilates 3/4

friday: great america

Re: July Summer Card File

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:13 pm
by Harriet
Progress as of Tuesday on 5 first-of-the-week reminder cards from Mon July 13
Red means done
EDITING - Things done on Wednesday in pink

At home

Mail bills on fridge
Continue the filing – go through for bills
Look for ins paperwork in mail and return, or call

Appt for dermatologist, ddad (dh needs to look at his hand)
Appt for windshield

Find reupholsterer

online orders

2 curtains for green room at my parents'
Magnesium oil

Get paperwork and mail – take bulletin
Take in prescriptions, buy liquid iron for dmom

At my parents'
Consider auto deposit changes

Check out slacks for dmom – shirt to go with?

Re: July Summer Card File

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:23 pm
by Nancy
Date w/ h. was great!
We have to share the pc
watching mc u-tube videos while I type;
h. is grilling again we had beef and pork steaks this week tonight is burger nite.
Hot here 101* for tomorrow and 100* Sat.
I have a week free of granny duty so
I'm enjoying a vacation, read a novel this week.
I mowed yesterday and h. put down some weed n feed
yesterday tonight I can water again.
Have delivered some more donations to the thrift shop
this week did errands got meds. refilled at a record long
time 1 hr 40 min. wait sigh! Only one till at our local Wal mart and if you call or send in Rx ahead it's not ready then so if the new store has the same trouble
with back log I'm changing to a diff. place!

Re: July Summer Card File

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:40 am
by blessedw2
hi dharriet and dnancy!
nancy I am so happy you had a nice date with dh.
harriet have a great day too!

today: originally we had planned on going to great america but since friends can't come with us and dkids need time at home and I have not cleaned house or did yard work for almost 2 weeks it is time to stay home. you can't have a clean house if you leave it and never pick up or do even one daily. :D

we are going to see harry potter hopefully. :D
ate out so so
home with headache

other then that:
call dentist surgeon :arrow:

errands: donation place as I have been delequint on this. :arrow: :arrow:
pick up gift card for dn for tomorrows bday party :D

learning: french again
read 15 minutes of child behavior

exercise me: do something with dd13 to get movement in.

Re: July Summer Card File

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:43 am
by blessedw2
monday: tennis karate (dd13) mom.? pay school
calls A+ call surgeon and my dentist
tuesday: golf tennis pilates (dd13)
wednesday: tennis (dd13), if raining ? if not cancell karate and go kayaking
thrusday: golf tennis pilates (dd13)
friday: field trip day
saturday: university meeting (dd20)
sunday: house

Monday through Friday: yard work

Re: July Summer Card File

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 12:37 pm
by blessedw2
yesterday party fantastic

slept to 10 am :oops:
yard work

planning day: menu's so we don't eat out
yard work

Re: July Summer Card File

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:42 am
by Nancy
Thinking ahead to Aug. there are several birthdays
plus two in Sept. one is mine
and I need a game plan to deal with those.
So I'm thinking on that for planning.

We did some camping [tent] this weekend
and that was great nothing like that to make
you appreciate home some simple things
like a/c and hot & cold running water!

Re: July Summer Card File

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 7:50 am
by blessedw2
lol Nancy so true... appreciating hot and cold water and a good bed to sleep in after camping.
glad you had a good time!!!!


7 to 9 am work in garden 2 hours :D and water and clip dead heads of flowers :D = 3 hours :D
shower s2s
have dh drop off dd13 in time for tennis lesson :D noon, dd13 is at tennis lessons.
lunch, errands
5:15 karate :D

calls: dentists A+
fence people find
vdmom in law (cancelled)

Re: July Summer Card File

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:20 am
by blessedw2
woke up later.
coffee and s2s in garden cloths done.

garden 9:30 to 10:30 went to garden store to see price of flagstone. :D
take dd13 to golf 11 :D
tennis 1:00 dd13 :D
played tennis with dd13 for 1/2 hour :D
pilates dd13 4:00 cancelled
me walk 6:30 for me... :oops:

bring phone with and numbers to make important phone calls.

goal: paint arbor with dh. :arrow:
also buy and change cat litter. :arrow:

waste of a day

Re: July Summer Card File

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:27 am
by blessedw2
was to go to take dd13 to tennis however we slept in. it was going to be a make up session.
so tennis for her at 1:00 karate maybe depending on whether the girls and I go kayaking. hoping dd20 decides to go. otherwise it's just dd13, she is good hearted about it but I know she would rather not be just the 2 of us, her friend is busy today.

because I let yesterday be a waste I have decided not to feel guilt about it and throw the guilt away and just focus on today.

goals: phone calls
cat litter, dog food

gardening weed grasses :D
bring down carrier for extra luggage for car :D
walk to tennis court 11:30
(with telephone of course)
tennis dh drive her at meet me there at 1:00
go to kayaking.
if time karate 5:15 for dd13

thursday:jeeves day