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Re: Jan. 2010

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:58 pm
by blessedw2
I had pizza yesterday and now feel awful. I guess deep dish pizza is no longer something I can have as it makes me feel stiff and really lousy. too much for my body these days.

hi nancy.

family room day. dd14 had her cousin over last night and they placed dance revolution late into the night 12 actually lol.
so they are up stairs talking and eating breakfast.

Re: Jan. 2010

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 7:01 pm
by Nancy
I hear you on the pizza we have not had it in ages either Blessed.
I need more fiber in my diet than pizza gives me in a meal.

Re: Jan. 2010

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:15 am
by blessedw2
Nancy do you have to do exchanges? I am trying to figure them out.

today: bathroom day.
take ddog #1 to vet as she has a bad ear infection 5:30
pay tae kwon do dd14 :arrow:
pay pilates for dd14 :arrow:
dd14 is home sick.
bad cold and fever.

other goals today: plan menu and card file.

8:45 am ready and willing to work.
12:33 pm most paperwork done.
1:55 pm dishes emptied and refilled and on now. I have had a background headache all day so I just took tylenol, want to sleep but know it will mess up my system later on.
5:11 I did rest for a bit and then took the christmas tree down. ornaments are all together, ready to put in the closet.
dh swept the floor. trying to adjust that he is always there when I start a project, I decided to let him finish cleaning and made rice for dd14.

Re: Jan. 2010

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:23 pm
by Nancy
Blessed; I sort of use exchanges,
I use carb. counting.
It's basically the same thing.
Some are using them in the heath and fitness thread I think.

Indiana is the person to ask about that
I think one exchange is like 18 carbs.
a serving of fruit for example.

Re: Jan. 2010

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:15 pm
by blessedw2
thank you nancy!

Re: Jan. 2010

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 12:42 pm
by Indiana
blessed I do diabetic exchanges. For me it is the easiest to do.

There are several exchanges:


Based on the calories you want to consume in a day you set how many of each exchange you can have during the day and spread them out.

An example for 2000:

Breakfast -
Cereal, milk, banana

Snack -
Fruit or vegetable

Lunch -
Bread or crackers, protein, vegetable and fruit

Snack -
Fruit or vegetable

Dinner -
Bread or crackers or pasta or potato, protein, milk, vegetable and fruit

Snack -
Starch, milk, fruit

It is easy to exchange foods with in each group since each group contains the same calories for that food group.

If you want to get more into it let me know and I'll give you a good internet site that lists the foods.

Re: Jan. 2010

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 1:09 pm
by Nancy
Thanks Indiana I knew you were the go to gal for info. on this.
Blessed I hope this helps!
Is this info. for you or other fam. member?

I'm up
s2s is done.
Bed it made.
I need meal plans for today.

Planting stuff in farmville for grands to harvest after their home work is done.
Dgson can see patterns in play there;
and it's fun plus the adding and taking away of coins is math too!
Such a sneeky granny I am! :D

H. has the trash to the curb.
Got the tea water and coffee through cocoa is gone.

Re: Jan. 2010

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:07 pm
by blessedw2
its been suggested to me that I find a nutritionist and that I need to start a meal exchange. my doctor has someone kind of far away but I wanted to ask more. I would like to learn more about it.
thank you dIndiana

well it's time to start the day! at it is 12:00 eeek
4:31 went to bank/got money order for pilates/certified check for tae kwon do
had an appointment at 2 done
dropped off checks,
went to store 88.00
went to target for pillows, early valentines gifts for girls.. note paper
emptied garbage.

now make dinner at 5:00
water 3 so far

took tree to side of house and put away some more christmas

Re: Jan. 2010

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 12:25 pm
by blessedw2
ready willing not always able lol to work.

goals: a bit of the car
christmas put away downstairs windows: light holders all off. :D
washed dishes and put away yes.
lunch done salmon peice salad 1/2 roll balasmic vinegrette
put dishes in dw :D
now for getting nicer dressed :D and then do filing.

Re: Jan. 2010

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 12:33 pm
by Nancy
Rake back yard * got most of it yesterday.
Finish today if it doesn't pour down rain.
It's great exercise and the fresh air is good for me!

Kitchen needs attn.
breakfast next up!