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Re: Oct. Cards 2011

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:58 pm
by Harriet
blessed, I hope you got a nap. What lazies? No such thing.

Nancy, I thought you'd want to know we saw 5 wild turkeys on our driveway today.

Re: Oct. Cards 2011

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:10 pm
by Nancy
Cool I saw a deer on my walk today in someone's back yard, we had deer tracks in the front yard, did not look in the back, squirrels in the front today too. It's good to remember these things as I feel like screaming going to make a scream card to relieve some stress! LOL!

Re: Oct. Cards 2011

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:04 pm
by blessedw2
scream!!! let it out (at least a ahhhhh))) dnancy. neat about the deer.. unfortunatly here we call them rats with antlers (not very nice considering they are beautiful creatures).

dharriet. How cool about the turkey' dcousin has a picture from winter last year and had giggled that she had "a turkey in a pear tree... not a partridge... . I still have turkey feathers from our last intersection with them.. a small group was on the road and when we walked past we found a couple feathers... we are dropping them at the preschool next week.

Re: Oct. Cards 2011

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:35 am
by blessedw2
went to party last night fun but tiring.

today is supposed to be self care and planning: coloring my hair etc. washing my cloths and get them together for week, planning putting up calendar on front door for the week for all/we have to do this lol/ plan menus that are doable while I am at school. expect dinner at table/plan phone calls as well.

so much homework!!! I feel like I am getting buried and no exercise on top of that which is not helping my weight or my health. :| but still happy :D . remembering I have got to try to balance.

Re: Oct. Cards 2011

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:32 am
by blessedw2
I WANT my cards back!!! :roll: :x

I am going to have a meeting with dfamily to support dh better in the house as he is taking on responsibility now that I am at school etc. alll the time. I want to make sure he feels valued and helped.

Re: Oct. Cards 2011

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:25 am
by Nancy
My weekly cards are up to finish up.
and my Me Time card I too need to color my hair,
and I have a book from the library, and still have a bit to read in the last one I checked out.
I mowed last night so that is done yea!
H. called and they picked up the piano yesterday yea! Glad to have that big chore done.

Re: Oct. Cards 2011

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:38 am
by blessedw2
wonderful that you have your cards going!!!

Dh has been very frustrated and I have to let him feel what he does. Now that he's home all the time, he is the one getting frustrated when things don't get done. I just can't let his frustration affect me or I won't get anything done. I didn't want to come home yesterday because he feels so tense but at the same time I want to respect him and his feelings. what's the old saying about joining an argument... don't join it ... also don't dimish the person who is frustrated; just stay calm and keep yourself safe from the negative energy. So that is my goal today and I will help dd16 through that too. He feels he has to take over and "do" it even though he doesn't say it. This morning I asked him to let others do what they need to do and that it's not his responsibility to make sure others are doing their job.. they are capable.

I made a list of "my" responsibilities daily. I will ask dd16 to go over her list too and have her keep it for herself to check it off.

Re: Oct. Cards 2011

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:21 am
by Nancy
Christmas Count Down card begins today are any of you going to do that this year?

Re: Oct. Cards 2011

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:23 am
by blessedw2
Christmas countdown dnancy!!! I missed summer count down. lol I don't have my halloween up. lol.

Re: Oct. Cards 2011

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:28 am
by blessedw2
first today: get back to my weekly focus.

also 1 hour homework
1 hour homework creativity required
1 hour exercise broken up during the day

put boxes downstairs
empty out bathroom
plan menu really cook this week goal saving money