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Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:36 am
by blessedw2
sending cleaning fairies to your home to work on your kitchen dnancy

Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 2:00 pm
by blessedw2
have fun with kitchen day! dnancy

I have come to realize I have to simplify my decorating clutter. too much visual I think
family room straightened
went through magazines and books I have downstairs. I also realized there are some books I wont read.

dishes are washing themselves for the night. dinner items put away.

Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 2:30 pm
by Ivy
I'm seriously thinking about making an Exercise Card! :idea: :!: :) I plan on decorating it with stickers, adding various exercises, exercise DVD workouts, the Wii Fit and my recumbent bike to it.

Also, am thinking about making a card for days when I'm overly tired, am sick, don't have energy or feel well. :idea: I think it would help me to get basics done, yet I'll take care of myself, too.

Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:55 pm
by blessedw2
D Ivy I am right there with you... an exercise card sounds like a good idea. esp. if feeling tired.

Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 10:08 pm
by Nancy
Add a card Chicken Chores 15 min. a.m. & p.m. feed & water chickens gather eggs etc. I'll be tweaking this one as needed. Moved the feed in to the pantry. Got the cup for dispensing it rounded up.

Kitchen has been swept and mopped.

Main bathroom spiffed that's my focus room trying to keep at least one room clean these days.

I cleaned up after the attempt at egg hatching in the laundry room, it's not
all cleaned but making progress so I can use it for crafting again now.

After playing today I"m doing a bit of catch up.

Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:08 am
by blessedw2
october 6 - have a wonderful day nancy - I am with you on catch up.

today I have a rug gentlemen coming to measure the basement as we had problems with our water heater and then we can smell mold even though we got the rug cleaned

okayy dokey I have to get back to the kitchen for general clean up.
decluttered medicine cabinet in kitchen... it's supposed to be for everyday meds and bandaids/flashlights/dog brushes
took dh's old meds and dkitty's insulin needles into container for disposal.
emptied dw and filled with misc.
folded laundry and flip flopped more laundry
dejunked much of my mail in computer.

put covers on the tables and chairs outside :D
brought in the one ivy plant and planter :D
dd younger is emptying all my planters of flowers and putting them in the garage (so sweet w/o asking) :D
In turn I will surprise her by putting her laundry away that I just put in her room :D
also ran an errand - :D got boxes for glasses etc. for the floor sanding
dd went to tennis :D

Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 11:52 am
by Nancy
Thanks Blessed for the help!
Today the dining room is my focus room / zone.
Main traffic areas have been delt with now for the clear dining table card!

Chicken chores took less than 5 min. today.

Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 6:05 pm
by blessedw2
Yeah dnancy on focusing on the dining room.

Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:29 am
by blessedw2
I have been putting off a job that I know that needs doing: brushing the dogs. I wonder why I tend to put off a job that is not that big of deal if kept up with regularly.

also I want to learn to enjoy time at night without TV; however going cold turkey is not working for me.
Learning to have relaxing time with out it and relearning a positive approach is my goal. I have to remember, many years ago, I couldn't imagine a mostly clutter free (or too much craft free) spaces but I slowly got there (even if I do go back easily to clutter around me - I still have to focus every day... lol I used to think once I did it the house would stay straightened and I also used to rebel that "I had to do it" and chose to not because "no one was going to make me" in a quiet passive negative way - lol my goodness what a waste of energy and time. Just doing the chore is less time than having to find things later on and so much less stress. I also did not know "where" to start and so I wouldn't do anything. Now I can look at something and kind of figure out how long it will take and choose one thing in an area to dejunk or start from left to right and that works for me otherwise in the old days the stress would break me down to where I couldn't move forward. Thank Goodness for all here and dPam and Peggy and Ceo.

Re: Oct. Cards 2012

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:33 am
by blessedw2
goals for today:
roll up hoses (can't put them away until pool is closed on the 23rd) :D
put pots dd younger emptied into the garage :D
there has been a sheet laying on top of the wood for all summer... no reason - toss
buy wood for fireplace :arrow:
buy corn stalks for decorating outside :arrow:
decorate the rest for halloween :arrow: it's sitting in my kitchen for a wee ;)
room by room put away some :)
separate laundry :arrow:
put away in basement :arrow:
menu planning :D
put all photos together down stairs so I can work on project :arrow:
clean cat litter not sure today or tomorrow :arrow:

BELIEVE I CAN - Miraculous Sunday (pwyc) what a lovely way to start the day.

regrouped dvds (I have them in one spot only now) :D
weekly: clean counter of any stains that built during the week that regular washing didn't take care of - coffee type :D
dishwasher is on washing the dishes from last night. :D
dejunked (seasonally) cabinet about phone and small counter where phone is at. :D
dejunked music :D