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Re: November 2012 Card file Central

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 9:11 am
by blessedw2
November 6, 2012

today's goals:
go to local shop to pick up dsil gift for thanksgiving went but couldn't find anything but dh had a great time which makes me happy. :D
thanksgiving step by step: clean bottom shelf in fridge and cover with saran wrap or cover. :D I am experimenting with a friends suggestion (3 large shelves left)
add to my Christmas list of presents for others etc.
back to dailies of doing one load of laundry a day :D washing
vote :D

phone calls: insurance, mammogram, thyroid test :arrow:

today.... ah today. wait I should be growling at the day and the clutter in my home.(I love that fierce)

looking at my home: sigh is the only thing I can say. The clutter is fighting back at me. Armed with apron, trash bag and broom I plan on entering the clutter jungle that is my home right now.

What I am looking at today: (trying to not look at the big picture but break it into workable parts

kitchen wow done for now :D
- the floor is still filled with cooking over the weekend... (not literally all over but it's really bad - onion is stuck to the floor :oops: and I haven't gotten to sweeping let alone rinsing the floor)
all the dishes are done but are sitting on the side of sink (gone :D ),
clean dishes in the dw for 2 days (gone :D ),
dirty stove top done not great ;) ,
counters need a thorough cleaning (half way presentable cleaning done :D )
the kitchen as a whole feels still a little yucky. I think the floor needs a really good washing

family room... at least an hours worth of work

dogs room - I can't even go there

dd olders room is better than mine. (doesn't say much) and more


Re: November 2012 Card file Central

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:48 pm
by Nancy
Today trash day it's at the curb dh did that.
I've done my am rounds bed is made
bathroom spiffed
dishes are loaded.
Have a good day all.

Re: November 2012 Card file Central

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:18 pm
by blessedw2
loved the clean bathroom and dishes dnancy!

Re: November 2012 Card file Central

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:31 pm
by Harriet
blessed, maybe a weekly card for one time of touching base with those relatives per week? You could have a post-it note of a few things you'd like to do over the next few weeks, changing it when necessary, and do one at a time.

Re: November 2012 Card file Central

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:30 pm
by blessedw2
I like that dharriet... I have about 4 families and relatives for visiting that I can put on the card and switch every week and make a sticky note. I think a card with the writing ones might be a good idea as well. Thanks (my mind was complicating it so I couldn't focus on what I needed to do)

Re: November 2012 Card file Central

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:12 am
by blessedw2
my thanksgiving Focus for today:
clean the next shelf up in the refrigerator :D

Saturday put lights outside

todays "getting out of clutter card"
from yesterday:
dh will bring misc. bags he has collected (probably from my car over the months) bags gone through and dejunked and in process of put away :D
(dh tends to collect things in one container instead of separating them where they belong... but got to love him... a good man - suggested the box of put away but dh doesn't see it as clutter)

house: sweep under couch in family room and declutter a bit family room :D

laundry as the day goes.
put away in my bedroom: :oops: I have had clean laundry in a basket for over a week, dirty laundry for 2 weeks :arrow: in another basket

creative: thanksgiving picture for front window - soon to work on art for Christmas.

called on insurance card :D : must wait on mammogram until card comes in :arrow:

Re: November 2012 Card file Central

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:39 am
by Nancy
Blessed you could have a "Call friends & family card".
list the names like ----
Put and x behind the name after you do and rotate as needed.
Seems to me that P & P had a card like that.

Today I'm in recovery mode no fever today taking it a bit easy.
It's been breezy so leaves and stuff has been blown all over will try to pay attn. to that later on.
Coffee is brewing.
Chickens have been fed.
Bed is made h. did that before he left for work.

The family has been ill and h. said the guys at work were fighting it too. I'm trying to remember what to put on a cold/flu season care card
tissue cough drops soup theraflu what did I forget?

Re: November 2012 Card file Central

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:30 pm
by blessedw2
so happy you no longer have a fever (((the rest of your d family))) dnancy

Re: November 8 2012 Card file Central

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:02 am
by blessedw2
A very good morning to you dnancy and anyone that follows.
Last night I couldn't find old kitty and thought he may have passed. Dh closed dd oldest door (habit) and this morning heard a meow (loud) and it was old kitty (i couldn't find him for his insulin last night) so I am grateful he is okay even though he is really thirsty. shot administered

Re: November 2012 Card file Central

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:04 am
by blessedw2
goal thanksgiving: clean another shelf in refrigerator
figure out money and put gift list on one page for shopping
get paper for art work

I will b gone this morning so ..
worked in the garage for about 1-1/2 hours and tossed (until I saw dh look of "what is she doing with my stuff" even though he said he was okay :D Got to love him) :D
went to bank paid back dd younger :D

I like that card name - I am doing it!