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Re: May Cards 2013

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 10:27 am
by blessedw2
Still coldy locks here so moving a bit slow.
today: I am going to weed, wow life is exciting.

fancy egg bread stuff rising Hopefully, washed those dishes and now for outside

Re: May Cards 2013

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 11:56 am
by Nancy
Slow start here today as well today Blessed! No kids here until afternoon so I've gotten a pen pal letter written and in the mail. Trash is at the curb. Yesterday got the rest of the mowing done next door so grand kids did not have to wade through the grass to use the swing set.

I straightened up the bed.
Kitchen is in need of attn. :arrow: *= underway
I did sweep seeds off the carport and driveway winds yesterday had them falling like snow we had T-storms in the night I went to bed early.
On a roll now. :mrgreen:
Spiff main bath room x
Counters half done.
Stove wiped down.
Watering now done in a few min.
a bit of weeding
bring trash cans in x

Waving to Blessed as I head back in to the kitchen.
Then planting my stuff after that is up.

Re: May Cards 2013

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 12:09 pm
by blessedw2

Re: May Cards 2013

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 3:07 pm
by Nancy
Thanks Blessed.
Lunch is done.
Did not get to the planting but dealt with the big pile of clothes on the bed so yea for that!
Granny duty has begun.

Re: May Cards 2013

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 1:28 pm
by blessedw2
May 15, 2013

went to d mil's and got plants watered outside and inside and did a few things.
home and ready to work, cold is still in my chest slowing me down.
My brioche is rising and I am keeping my fingers crossed that it actually turns out.

ready for the dailies (I also realized I put off my exercise bc I think I must get other things done first... no wonder I am out of shape again)
hand mowed the front lawn (with a chest cold it's harder ;) ) but got it done then used the gas hand mower for side and parts of back that the riding lawn more can't do.

waiting for oven to get to temp and then brioche goes in as I have to pick up dd for eye doctor and then pilates

tonight dailies, including vacuuming first floor bc of dogs shedding (I love labs and shepherds but after this maybe no more dogs or just have old shorthair pointers again.)

also find dd olders picture from when she had a preschool graduation (I still laugh that they had that but dd said she loved it)
(her hat kept falling off) lol
and getting ready for this weekend graduation.

Re: May Cards 2013

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 11:17 am
by blessedw2
I never got to the work last night... wow the evening went fast

today, is heavy cleaning day for me. Until I have to pick up dd younger. (she has a long mass to be at tonight for their seniors at school)

laundry already been working at itself.
dh isn't feeling well.
I have had a quiet and enjoyable morning posting pictures to our ancestry site. listening to the robins and all the birds sing. What a nice way to start a day.

sink is s*par*klin*g (see the sparkles)
counters clean
dishes washing themselves and stove clean but not perfect but that's okay!

now to do the floors in the kitchen :D done and they look snazzy
ready to work again!!!

dropped off dd again - it takes 25 to 1/2 an hour to get to school and I will have driven back and forth 6 times today and I am tired. yawning!
time to wash the powder room even though I am tired. I need to go places tomorrow and also pack for the animals and for me.

Picked up dd and about to take her again...

dd ate leftovers instead and I am okay with that 8-)

Re: May Cards 2013

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 1:12 pm
by Nancy
Unload car trunk
load donations in car trunk
deliver car trunk
reload car trunk with stuff that goes in there all done!

bake cookies x
mix up pudding x
-> exercise in a bit
forecast looks like rain
granny duty is under way
feed chickens and other morning stuff done
time to think about my lunch in a while.
I have a plan for dinner.

Re: May Cards 2013

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 5:33 pm
by blessedw2
great work d nancy!!!! keep on, keeping on!!!

Re: May Cards 2013

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 1:33 pm
by Nancy
Thanks Blessed!
make jello
switch laundry
cook breakfast
done to here next up :arrow:
dishes & spiff kit.

prayer / doc. leaving qt & journal
go to yd. sale and see about getting yarn at better price today.

Got one egg today / clean coop is going on my to do list today then move the nest boxes back in but might consider painting the inside first so I need to think on that.

It would be a great day to dig up some bulbs to move as it's been raining. I figured out where to move the next crop of onions to as they are going putting on this years crop of new sets/starts now.

Re: May Cards 2013

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 12:07 pm
by Nancy
Daily cards under way now.
I got quite a few of the weekly cards done yesterday finishing up on some of those today. Mowing is done in the back 99% of the sod lived we put in yea! Hens are under lock down today to see if they have been laying outside some where. sigh got the pullets and fryers out in the chicken yard today.