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Re: July Summer Card File

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:21 pm
by Nancy
Bw2 I know what you mean;
I'm trying not to think of my afternoon as a waste yesterday.
I took a long nap yesterday afternoon;
I must have needed the rest I guess after the work of
unpacking and getting camping gear
cleaned up and put away.

With this heat that we are having this week
it's been more work keeping up with watering.

Re: July Summer Card File

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 5:08 pm
by Nancy
Blessedw2 sorry to read that you've been ill.

I have to pay attn. to the laundry
and basics around here today.

Re: July Summer Card File

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 7:14 pm
by blessedw2
thank you Nancy. I am feeling better today.
Also I think you are right... you needed the rest! I wish sometimes I could be like I was at 20 and bounce right back up like nothing. I wish I appreciated my bodies abilities better.

glad you got all the camping gear put away! good for you.

Re: July Summer Card File

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 7:32 pm
by blessedw2
I have been a poor example of card file this summer. So pulling my boot straps back up and pulling my card file to it's fall/winter level again.
back to: know my limits (physical not the same as when I was 20)
know my bad habits ... ignoring evening routine and not picking it up and putting it away
also not expecting kids to do specific chores dd's do help if I ask
tv at night ... how I plan to break that... got books on tape
plan time to be home
keep my dejunk wednesday and throw away thursday (not have been on track for that)
keep errand day
keep planning day and grocery shopping the same day.

first things first: pull card file and calendar... get it back on track
clean family room where I was the last 2 days

Re: July Summer Card File

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 10:40 am
by blessedw2
goal: menu planning (reasonable for summer activity)
grocery shopping
paint arbor

saw dh off, he is going to a car show.
couldn't let dear brother in law in house... normally I could.
don't like this feeling back.
remembering my limits and the effects of being off my routine.

time to pull kitchen cards. 10:55 am. where is the day flying off to.
dishes emptied :D
dishes filled and washing again :D
painted a lot on the arbor needs another coat :D
slept in the afternoon :D

'ONE THING AT A TIME, you won't be able to do all you want to do in the rest of your life time then choose what you "really" want to do". (from?)

Re: July Summer Card File

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:24 am
by blessedw2
I will print this and work along card file

motivation goal: what I have to: call doctors... I can't be in denial anymore :D
first floor :lol: :arrow:
what I wish to : finish painting arbor
something that gives me joy: playing with kids, start on getting learning brain together for fall
something with my dkids : take dd13 for a bike ride :arrow:
walk dogs exercise me

dinner 5:00 dishes after as a family :D
6:00 play outside with dd13
7:00 start on learning cycle again

writing appointments here until I get in calendar: dogs dropped off august 14 pick up aug 25
vet appointment july 28 tomorrow tuesday 2:20
soccer camp 9 to noon all this week
sept 4 dd13's surgery 7:30 am
me doctor 1:00 wednesday
august 11 contact lens dd13 9:30 proud of myself

bathroom day
pull dailies cards ( so happy i have card file out again)
what I have to do: house

print out sheet for kids. :D

grocery store
food plan
plan for week: take left over steak meat and grind it up for patties. I still have to make a quiche for wednesday as I will be busy.

breakfast tomorrow: oatmeal and fresh berries. lunch: tomato salad, onions and mozerella with basil, crusty bread. left over grilled chicken sliced. left over grilled peaches. dinner: thin slice quiche, grilled veggies or zuchinni provencale,

Re: July Summer Card File

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:46 pm
by Nancy
Laundry is going
that's my main goal today.
Also next up pay attn. to the
kitchen counters are in dire need of help.

Re: July Summer Card File

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:12 am
by blessedw2
cards pulled this morning:
kitchen area
later: paint another coat on arbor :arrow:

walk dogs

soccer camp turns out we had wrong date
pilates teacher didn't come
dogs vet :? wow expensive
school supplies :D


Re: July Summer Card File

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:04 am
by blessedw2
woke late :roll:
doctor 1:00 libertyville :D
karate dd13 not feeling good
she did go to pilates :D

ready to work 10:12

put away

went to smith and hawkens (sale is still only 20%/30%)
books still not here for school

Re: July Summer Card File

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:22 pm
by Nancy
Plugging away on my weekly chores
and have made some progress on it this week yea!