Sept. Cards 2013

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Re: Sept. 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Sep 12, 2013 5:09 pm

great idea... I haven't done my september cards at all either.. lol and its the 12th already. d harriet. :lol:
hello d nancy!!! wow 13 eggs!
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Re: Sept. 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Sep 12, 2013 5:11 pm

september 12, 2013 Thursday
Today was my errand day and driving others day. tomorrow I still have to return some things
old kitty pee-ed in our front hall closet ??? why???? I just changed the cat litters yesterday
time to put dinner together
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Re: Sept. 2013

Postby Ivy » Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:26 pm

I'll try to get my Sept. card done tonight or tomorrow. :idea:

I was thinking about getting a jump start on the Oct. 1, too. :idea: :idea:

With nearly half the month over, there won't be much to put on my Sept. card. ;)
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Re: Sept. 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:14 am

hi dear Ivy!!!
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Re: Sept. 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:39 am

Good morning - today is laundry day and anti procrastination day (maybe :lol: ) or maybe a room by room put away.
drove dmil this am and tonight dd younger has lessons.
yesterday I made muffins for her class bc she had tons of homework.

I need to go to barnes and nobles and get books she needs for school
check dh a box for our checking account

dh and I had a big tiff yesterday - I used lots of dishes because I didn't have a plan for dinner and over cooked. I got my headache back all of a sudden and told him to leave the dishes the next day - he said he would do them and there wouldn't be a problem.. instead he told dd older and the young man staying with us to go out to dinner the next night and that he was really mad and that he had to dishes. I didn't know and the next morning I finished the dishes not knowing he lost his temper about this and told the kids. So He knew I was making dinner and even told him I had to run to the store bc I forgot I didn't have bread crumbs for the meatloaf. He still didn't say anything. I got a text from older dd that she and the kids were going out to dinner. at first I was a bit frustrated as I had everything cooking but thought well ok I will talk to her later to ask her to call earlier so I wouldn't' cook not knowing that dh in his quick anger told them to eat out the night before because he doesn't want any dishes. I found out through younger dd... and then dh. I understood the frustration but not the fast temper and then embarrassing me in front of dd's friend staying with us. He since has apologized but I was upset with him enough that I had to ask him to give me some space so I wouldn't say anything inappropriate or hurtful because I was angry and embarrassed. I have asked him not to help unless his heart was really in a good place. wooo I was not a happy camper and I dislike dh and I having a tiff but most so about the house or money. I also found out that he is frustrated that dd younger is busy with things after school where I drive... which I truly love because I have time to be with her before she goes to college. mmm sorry I needed to get that off my chest! feels better. ;) :D (sorry)

okay time to work:
starting with the all encompassing laundry!!!! 10:42 am
11: 58 laundry flip flop, put away of one of dd olders containers from back room.
going through magazines and recycling. more done... yay
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sept. 2013

Postby Harriet » Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:24 pm

blessed, I don't know why the sink/dishes are the focal point of many irritations for husband/wife but I have heard this many times and also experienced it. HRH has said that it is one area of the house he will leave alone sometimes just because we can't see eye to eye. He can't comprehend my methods. For instance, I get upset when he puts dishes down into a "bacteria soup" of dirtiness in the sink to wait, and I consider it making more dirtiness, when most dishes weren't that germ-y until they hit his "soup"! This is not his understanding at all, and he thinks it is a success/progress to have the neatness of a clear counter even if the sink looks bad. So we stay away from each other about the sink!

I also think husbands (or preteens or teens in the home, perhaps) say, "Oh, I'll wash the dishes, no problem," and then go to the sink and, if there's a lot to do, have the realization of the work and get very discouraged. But they can't really voice this, since the wife probably washed the dishes 365 times for years, so there is frustration of not having a leg to stand on about their discouragement! Any task we individually don't do too often takes us longer and seems awkward to us, whereas the person who does it often seems to "breeze" through it. So the frustration comes out in a bad attitude.

I must admit I get indignant if anyone ever dares to say there are dirty dishes, because since I've basically washed 99 percent of the household's dishes for 34 years, how does anyone explain all the (34 x 365 plus?) times the sink was clear, without admitting it must have been ME! :lol:

I am having a lot of procrastination to work through right now because of all the responsibilities surrounding my parents' estate work and closing out my ddad's various accts like even his cellphone, etc. So many incidental things. It is just overwhelming. Cards help.

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Re: Sept. 2013

Postby Nancy » Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:40 am

Wtg on your progress
The pc is giving me fits and it is a challenges to post in this thread or do check ins @ toth etc. On this tablet. I am learning to use it but it is just different. Not as many hot spots as I hoped there would be in pur town to connect with. I am Still trying to sort out the best cc to get for book apps.

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Re: Sept. 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Sep 14, 2013 11:25 am

d harriet thank you! for helping really see in a different light! (thank you for helping me understand).

I think also my dmom is in a excitable moment - she is upset with dd younger to get something done which she believes to be my job to make sure it is done by her and the more she gets excited and in terrier mode the more dd steps back and reverts back in her shell (so me). so being kind to both dd and dmom and staying calm between them. I can see both but I tend to like natural consequences instead of taking over dd's jobs. I think she learns more and is more confident when she does things her self.

You do have a lot of work your shoulders to get done besides the general day in and day out of life's responsibilities that are needed to be done - praying that YOu get the strength of 100 Harriets to get the work done :D

hi dnancy sorry your pc is giving you problems.. hope it works out more.

okay - I know my mom is seething at her house and I woke dd to take care of the papers she needs and then we together speak to my mom to help her understand the process that dd needs to do and not her doing it for dd.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sat Sep 14, 2013 11:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sept. 2013

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Sep 14, 2013 11:32 am

September 14 - put away day at my house. dd older is going to visit a friend in wisconsin, young man is visiting a friend in Wisconsin, we were to go apple picking but everyone is gone and I need to check the apples on the side of the house to see if they are ready for picking. The apple farm we go to is a Christian farm where they close on Sunday.

out door fire pit tonight with dd younger or fire place.

feeling drained already from chat with d mom... so getting that energy back after coffee, breath in, smile as it is a beautiful cool sunny and absolutely beautiful day.
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Re: Sept. 2013

Postby Nancy » Sat Sep 14, 2013 3:57 pm

I'm trying to do up qt devo. card for my tap I have wonderful app that is helping with this.
Thanks BLESSED ( using caps bc still have not figured out bold on the tablet. ) I can borrow your idea of meat loaf,will do mine with turkey sausage it is thawing now.
Finishing up on laundry now with the folding.
Found books dgson can use for reading when he forgets his, and some Franklin ones for dgd also a couple for me by authors I have enjoyed before.

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