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Re: Oct. Card File

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:55 am
by blessedw2
Ddee so happy to have you join us on goals!!!

hi dnancy so happy you had a great time at the shower!!! how wonderful what a great idea illustrating your journal and how fun. and you are doing your dailies, great job!

today: mmm what I want to do compared what I need to do.
last night right now not so dear dog #2 got the box of oatmeal for this morning and tore it into miny pieces all over my family room and made a huge mess. geesh.
so that should be a first.

my goals today: check in: 9:00 am paint shelves one side this morning first thing before anything so they can dry for a second coat in 2 hours :D , I will let it dry for 2 hours before doing the other side.
so goal is to paint both sides during the day, hoping to get all the kitchen emptied of all this stuff.

today is wednesday early day at school, and dd13 has an orthodonist appointment after school
cards pulled: laundry day :D for each load done: :D
emptied dw :D check in 10 am
counters cleaned :D
tickled pink: I bought myself see through glass containers (2) for flour and sugar and they are now filled and on the counter.
as I tend to use those 2 in cooking, sugar not much but enough to leave out.
weeklies: ? I have to look, I have to pull at least one ;)
check in 12:19 pm: lunch eaten, ran errand, painted other side of shelves and bought shelf liners. hoping I will be able to put everything back again tonight.
:D dishes washing again :D
1:21 pm: MY PANTRY IS DONE!!! I need to paint the door but I will wait until the wall paper on the wall is completely off in kitchen.
2:00 picked up dd13 and went with dmom and dd13 to orthodonist
picked up dd19 and all of us went to dinner
lots of fun but got home late (and did NOTHING! :roll: )

next hoping to cut up dinner stuff and make filling for pot stickers
to sweep family room (no I have not swept up after dogs :oops: )


I need to get shelf paper,[b] and ink for computer. told dh I will drive by car dealership that closed, [/b]also butcher shop for 1 lb. ground pork for pot stickers, I don't like pork but it is very good in this recipe. [/b]

dinner is pot stickers, and thinking of veggies and refried rice. So I will cut up all the veggies early today ... boy choy, napa gabage, scallions, (have in can bamboo shoots and water chestnuts, bean sprouts). I forgot pea pods. I might run over to noodles and get tofu already made (dd13 loves tofu), me I can take it or leave it. not sure as the pot stickers have pork in them. depending how the tofu is made I would rather leave it. But I like noodles version.
last night I had a frozen home run pizza for family, so simple but the kids loved it and so did dh. (dh likes anything that says hi fat, meat, meat, and meat (hamburger, brats, and anything like that, oh yes bacon). for such a slim man he can eat the most killer foods and he has naturally low cholesteral.. not far :P

Re: Oct. Card File

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 9:19 am
by blessedw2
hello everyone!

yesterday we were to have pot stickers but dmom took us to Biaggi's for dinner :D delicous but too much for my body... if only I control when I go out. So I will have to be a little easy on what I eat (even though at home it's healthy now), making sure it's mild.

my dmom doesn't say much about house, as it was bad when she came over, but I don't move like she does (she is fast at everything she does, and everything she does is amazing: she paints beautiful oil and watercolor pictures, a wonderful artist, she can do woodwork, she can clean faster then anyone I know, and she can decorate amazingly, and she doesn't tire easily). She won't say anything bad. Since I have been painting, and going to doctor appointments >other things fall apart, like put away. It seems like the whole family gets busy at the same time, lots to do at once. And I and her have realized that I work very hard but can not do the same speed as her or others like her. not laziness, just not as much focus or physical ability like her (I have never had that). So I think it finally has hit her I can never be like a lot of woman who really can do it all, and I am okay with it and it seems she understands now. Thank Goodness.

I did NOT clean up after dog mess yesterday, truely embarrassed by that :oops: finally done, took me about 1/2 hour but that's not long considering the mess , so behind me :D

on project, pantry dry and now I can put things back this morning :D 9 am check in
dailies and laundry put away only for today.
I might pull one weekly: clean microwave :D
also I want to get donations for tomorrow in car.
tonight help dd13 make treat for french class, and help her with her simple costume.

time to check in and get to work: heavy work day
8:19 am breakfast : cheerios and banana and coffee
9:00 am check in: pantry filled yeah and stuff thrown/recycled that were out of date :D
10:00 am check in: dailies worked on: dishes emptied, refilled, counters cleaned, table cleaned :D
11:00 am check in: more dailies done: sink clean, floor swept in kitchen (not in family room yet), and vacuumed :D , need to still swipe (dirty floor in kitchen). Next hoping to do family room where dog made huge mess.
Noon: swept floor and tossed. :D hoping to move couch and sweep underneath later on. for now I am going to work in upstairs hallway as dmom after painting work in dd13's room put everything in the hall (2 weeks ago geesh :roll: )
1:20 pm upstairs hall emptied and put away and vacuumed :D now collect all laundry and bring downstairs (laundry in baskets - will ask for dd's help to bring it down), dd13's room...all laundry (clean of course :lol: ) on her bed :D
picked up dd13 2:50 pm
home dinner (not at all great) made and eaten, rested, dd13 home, dd15 gone to pilates
so check in again: 4:50 (have to leave at 5:40
dishes empty and refilled and washing again, counters and table cleaned again :D
8:12 pm dishes that were washing are clean and put away. dd13 has finished pilates while I read. and now to help her with her costume. I liked it better when she knew well in advance what she wanted to be and didn't plan on making the costume herself, but I do love helping with it if she needs. Just super tired right now.

Okay hit the ground running :D


Also front hall looks like a tornado hit
I have a grrrr dd19 (with out thinking said "you will have to clean up the front hall for trick or treaters" , I don't think she liked my look 8-)

tomorrow: donation day, clean front hall, clean the bathrooms, and straighten frontroom
drop off dd's candy for french or make food for french.

Re: Oct. Card File

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:40 am
by Nancy
Today we delivered two more boxes of donations
did a store run after lunch date w/ h.

I called the dr.s office so was glad to get that off the list.
I've been having some prickly skin issues and
have not been well this month, so I've cut back on stuff I'm doing.
The kitchen shows it too. bummer!

I have some papers I can sort while watching tv dramas
and will be tackling them in the next few days.
Did get a couple sewing projects going
one is a cow print apron it's done yea for me!

One of my goals for next mo. is to keep updating and
tweaking my cards, letting go of old card files, recipe boxes etc.
near the pile of boxes of papers to be sorted in the creativity room.
These are great things to do now that the time change is going back soon.

Way to go on your stuff blessed!
Glad to have you joining us Dee.

Re: Oct. Card File

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:28 am
by blessedw2
Nancy I am sooooooooooooooooooo happy to see you! Hope you start feeling better (no more prickly feeling).!!!! Eventually the house will get done so don't worry about that. It is frustrating. But take it easy so you can feel better really fast dNancy.
the cow print apron sounds so cute, good for you!!!
also great idea of tossing some cards and going through the recipies. I think when I went through my recipies and books (it took me a long time :roll: ), it felt good to get down to recipies that I had from youth and never tried. Why I thought I could do it all :lol:
have a great great day

Re: Oct. Card File

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:32 am
by blessedw2
dd13's costume she was going to make turned out I was happy to make...but stayed up very late and really only got 3 hours sleep as I couldn't get to sleep at 2. not that teenager anymore 8-), mind is willing but body laughs at me.

my goals: sleep first stayed in bed until noon, but didn't sleep
buy another 2 bags of candy as I gave candy to dd13 for french class
clean front hall and do bathrooms
dining room table to put pumpkins on top
move hose

noon: dining room straightened, next front hall.
1 am front hall put away (yes I stashed :roll: :oops: )
1:30 front hall, dining room, and front room vacuumed, frontroom straightened. (good enough for trick or treaters.
next kitchen done :D
2:00 now for shower, I need to clean powder room and family room, I also think it would be best I swipe the floors then pick up dd13

family room didn't get done or washed floors but it looked nice. need to talk to family re: this
as I like it.
we had fun yesterday.