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Re: Oct. Cards 2014

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:26 am
by blessedw2
hi d nancy... happy working day.

today is my bill reality day

and continue to get ready for garage sale and call antique dealers day for things I have for sale

dd older is trying to see how I think re getting rid of things and organizing things (lol me of all people have a professional organizer as a dd)
I am trying also to see how she is thinking as well lol poor dd

Goal 1: find prints with frames in my closet to sell - didn't remove giclee's or print... deciding... but did get rid of blue dishes (I find white better) and din law family is horribly allergic to cats and right now we have 4 (not my choice but we had to save two of the kitties when they were young. also got rid of pirate costume. :D

Goal 2: go into garage and get the things I had planned to sell
Goal 3: drop off flyers for garage sale
Goal 4: email antique dealers
Goal 5: exercise me and the dogs :arrow:

11:03 went with dd older for a doctor appointment
struggling with letting go of a picture that I think the girls would like that would probably would be something they would like in their decorating but I also know they won't either... I will ask dd older if she is interested
12:58 pm found wii machine and discs.. .going out for the garage sale :D
1:25 pm getting a little confused of which way I should go.
thinking I will go into the basement and find the cover for the sellers hoosier cabinet -

went to dfamily gathering ... lots of fun
and am feeling better about going through things again for garage sale

Re: Oct. Cards 2014

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:21 am
by Nancy
I have to do kit. Floor after coffee pot broke this a.m. time to pay attn. To that. X
Patting self on back for keeping spare coffee pot!
Hens are fed.
s2s x
journal x
Breakfast x
cook Pumpkin x
next up dinner
pay roll x
lunch x
make bed x
dining rm floor. X
bs was good.
laundry xx

Re: Oct. Cards 2014

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:25 am
by blessedw2
have a good day d nancy

Re: Oct. Cards 2014

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 9:30 am
by blessedw2
Good morning d nancy!!!

today's goals
move the ping pong table to the front room
move dd youngers rowing machine upstairs
move the items from the garage :D
make dinner :D
drop of flyers :D
get signs :D

starting out late now 8:53 am
3:00 where did the day go.
4:34 contacted all the antique dealers
5:41 spaced out for a while - went over garage sale plane for Saturday. praying for nice weather
dd older vacuumed the first floor and soon we will start bringing things upstairs

Re: Oct. Cards 2014

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 11:53 am
by Nancy
Wtg blessed on all your progress and work!

Re: Oct. Cards 2014

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 3:59 pm
by blessedw2
why thank you D nancy!!!

Re: Oct. Cards 2014

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:39 am
by blessedw2
pre garage sale excitement and nerves happening here. keeping fingers crossed

so today is pass out flyers :D
get signs up everywhere else :D
take everything upstairs (dd didn't want to price things as we went so that is making me a bit anxious)
okay - thinking hat on... time for breakfast, meds and then work!

the guilty feeling is beginning to go. I promised dh I wont change the dining room...I am glad we didn't have wallpaper from the 60's or we would still have wallpaper from the 60s :D

Next bring things upstairs almost everything is upstairs
2:28 need a break
4:42 need another break
next exercise equipment comes up stairs

Re: Oct. Cards 2014

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:10 pm
by Nancy
I have a plan for dinner.
Dishes are going.
laundry is current.
journaling under way.

Re: Oct. Cards 2014

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:59 am
by blessedw2
garage sale going on - none my of the watts ware is selling which I kind of figured.

Re: Oct. Cards 2014

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 11:08 am
by blessedw2
October 19
house trashed - my floors -- leaves everywhere from walking in and out yesterday
left over garage sale stuff in front hall and front room
we all fell asleep everywhere - one on the couch in front room, me on chair, one on wood floor (lol to be young), dh was the only one who went to bed right away - smart man. We all hurt lol

today yoga 101 is at 12:00 lol that will be interested. My doctor recommended therapeutic yoga because my body is in pain most of the time.

dh is going to d mil house for family clean up
I will be staying here to collect a pile in my car of donations
put the ping pong table outside for free (neighbor had interest in it)
wash the signs off my car and windows from garage sale
put furniture back where we stored our garage sale items
go over money made and separate the cash to go back to the bank that I borrowed to have for change.


11:00 got coffee and then realized cats got to my cereal and threw up all over the floor!!!! yuck and gross