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Re: Aug. Cards 2010

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:43 am
by Indiana
I should have added that my dh had a few put on for targeting. They are so tiny.

Re: Aug. Cards 2010

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:46 am
by blessedw2
Have a wonderful day too dearest Indiana!

Re: Aug. Cards 2010

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:55 am
by Nancy
Waving at you all here!
I swept the steps today in the carport.
Heading off to do some more chore cards now.

Re: Aug. Cards 2010

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 7:38 am
by blessedw2
waving at you too dnancy

continuing on things missed and out door work
phone calls, start my studying today as dd15 goes back to school
dh has a doctor appointment at 10 am blood test
pick her up from school
drivers ed

>took dogs for short walk, shep/lab pulls and I am trying to teach her leash manners, she would follow me any where off leash but living in a city you have to have them leashed, I would take her to the woods but the coyote pups are still around (not big enough) and there are warnings as you enter the woods.
she walked reluctantly on the treadmill for 20 minutes, need to keep her exercised. the other dog listens well so she is not a problem
>took dh to doctor, they want him to go to the hospital as his hemoglobin is 8.0 to have a blood transfusion but he won't go. He feels good he says.
played ball with dogs again, trying to tire the one dog out :D

>vacuum dh's frontroom :D
put laundry away folded and put on bench ;)
put away dining room :D
>put chairs downstairs, put dining room table extender downstairs
dailies, dishes empty dw :D , fill dw :D , wash dishes :D , clean counters :D , clean stove :D , toss something from refrigerator :D , wash table
pick up dd15 :D
drivers ed dd15 :D grocery store :D
sweep floor, vacuum, swiffer

Re: Aug. Cards 2010

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:48 pm
by Harriet
blessed, are your smilie faces completed tasks? Gee! My dd goes to school tomorrow. I know your dh must be torn between handling the blood transfusion when they suggest, and leaving it alone while he feels well.

I wonder how things will change here with school starting. HRH will be leaving at the same early time she does for 2 days straight and he won't be back until 3 each day, maybe later. I won't know how to act!!! :o

I wish, wish, wish my acid reflux hadn't kicked up this evening. I would like to work in some exercise tomorrow, but with ar you have to wait until you are better, usually. I could walk.

Anyway, I will be looking at my cards and thinking how I can use my time well.

Re: Aug. Cards 2010

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:28 am
by blessedw2
I love the how will I act. it made me lol. dharriet
hope you ar stops bothering you! It's so uncomfortable.

today: early day for dd at school :D , dd21 went back to school yesterday
10 am take dh to long grove (old village) he had a ball :D
took him to his first restaurant in 4 months...he hasn't been able to eat until recently :D
picked up my car from repair :D
4 pm drivers ed :D
spin dd15 x

worked on geometry for 1/2 hour (nice to be using my brain again :lol: )
worked on biology :D
tonight infant and toddler book :D
tonight: more geometry and math updating, helped dd15 instead :D

get dd15's lunch together :D
take her to school :D

continue working on :arrow: things I have not finished

Re: Aug. Cards 2010

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:44 pm
by Nancy
Back from the store.
make groc. list x
got some test strips for my meter x
put away food x

Re: Aug. Cards 2010

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:31 am
by blessedw2
good morning dnancy, dharriet, dindiana and all

dd15 pick up and last (hopefully) drivers ed

dd15 is now at school and breakfast is eaten
we woke up late but got her to school on time.

since I have been struggling on doing my :arrow: or misses I will first focus on getting only one folding chair downstairs at a time... I have ten but because it looks like a big task I have been putting it off, so one chair a day is doable and who knows I might Want to do the rest at once 8-)

s2s :D
call friend to get plumbers name :D
walked dogs on treadmill :D
walked me on treadmill :lol:
today is thursday or garbage day :D
also donation day at the front door ready to go :D
threw ball for dogs :D
brought mattress up from basement to toss out :D
went to polish deli and donation store :D
sanded another iron outside chair, rinsed off dust and now to dry until tonight or tomorrow :D
>infant and toddler notes half hour :D
took a hour and a half nap :?
picked up dd15 and ready to go to drivers ed :D
biology :D geometry :D math :D french :D

>dailies :lol: none of these done ;)
laundry wash dry put away
vacuum some floors
dog walking and brushing

Re: Aug. Cards 2010

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:50 am
by Nancy
Okay I have to get going on some of the chores around here I'll be home today and that should help! It's hard to do stuff if you aren't around duh! LOL!
Trying to think how I can get some reading time in maybe I need a card for that?
Hum... now there's an interesting idea.

Re: Aug. Cards 2010

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:09 pm
by blessedw2
lol dnancy, it is sooooo true, "It's hard to do stuff if you aren't around duh! LOL!"
I was wondering why my home fell apart yesterday lol
have a great day