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Re: July Cards 2012

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:54 am
by Nancy
We have a showing today so the card file is getting a work out.
I've picked up the apples x
Start the coffee. x
The deck is staged. x
H. got the patio and carport ready last evening. x
Dust x
Kitchen x
Sweep steps indoors to basement x
Dump trash card is up. x
Round up laundry x
Water plants on patio and by the East side of carport. x

Done to here: :arrow: next up
Sweep steps outside on patio front and by the kitchen door.
I still need to mow but can't do that that for a while it's too early.
I need to sweep and mop upstairs.

Water plants *
Pet chores :arrow: later on this afternoon

Re: July Cards 2012

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:03 pm
by blessedw2
woooo whoo dnancy!!!

Re: July Cards 2012

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:07 pm
by blessedw2
my card file hasn't started yet but as dd16, now home, slept I emptied her suitcase and dejunked everything she had as she is traveling with ddolder and their cousin from france, so she is going to be ready for her next adventure.

I also brought dh over to dealer for his older car to get the transmission fixed and ran to the grocery store. I watered the garden and the dogs ( :lol: so fun to watch).

counting calories through out my day.
Next fold laundry when out in 10 min and put away :D :D
vacuum the frontroom (where dd younger went through luggage and dogs joined her in happiness - in otherwords tons of dog hair).
then put away I gathered. :D
4:46 PM put away stuff for basement, then make dinner :D , move some more laundry :D, today is monday so bathroom swipe day.
6:55 ate dinner talked with ddyounger, some card file dailies: emptied dw, filled and is washing itself, more laundry movement (next is whites as it's monday), next from card file: counters, stove, table and vacuum kitchen floor (wood floor)

Re: July Cards 2012

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:45 am
by blessedw2
dailies are done except wiping down bathrooms quick

heading downtown

Re: July Cards 2012

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:35 am
by Nancy
There is nothing like a showing or having a party to get you motivated to do your cards! Survived that so slept in a bit today. Even got some cooking done as well and pet chores for dd.

Re: July Cards 2012

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:57 pm
by Nancy
Holiday Prep. Card is up so I'm thinking along those lines. Wondering what I can get from the garden herbs to dry and put in small bags. I've been working out a few quick breads to freeze ahead tweaking recipes and such.

We've un- staged the deck. House is reverting to normal state. :roll: Go figure! LOL!

Re: July Cards 2012

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:21 am
by Nancy
First 5 done!
Have made the bed & coffee.
s2s is done
hair apt. x yesterday
apples picked up
boiled eggs x

Re: July Cards 2012

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:55 pm
by Nancy
First 5
[x] s2s
[x] Walk = ex.
[x] make bed
[x] unload dishes & put away
[*] watering underway

Next :arrow: some will be later on in the week
[xx] round up & start laundry
[xx] make quick bread
[x] vote
[x]crafting make crochet puppets for Sunday school. I have a couple started one of 30 done.
[x] ex. walked the hill today
[x] pick up apples & take trash to curb

:arrow: [] Wmart not today later in the week
[]pet chores

Re: July Cards 2012

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:41 pm
by blessedw2
sorry I haven't been here - boy does my house show it. I realize I am a lazy person when it comes to house work - truth!

starting on basic room to room. also plan dinners and exercize 4:09 pm wow where did the day go... it went while I sat. time to move