Sept. Cards 2012

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Re: Sept. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:13 pm

more laundry washing itself :D :D :D :D
one load of dishes washing themselves :D

now for counters and put away from target :D

ended up making a really good pot of beef bourguignon and buttered egg noodles, tomato balsamic vinagrette for family (all of a large pot went)
tonight: risotto, chicken dijon from the butcher shop, cauliflower, carrots :arrow:

need to go to store :arrow:
need to go to cleaners :arrow:

empty cat litter in front area _ did all :D , vacuum :D
work on taking the boxes into the basement from dining room for girls to go through :D girls have to go through :D
need to go to crawl space :arrow:
dailies a must - falling behind ;) some
work on more of dd olders stuff to put in crawl space :D done now in basement
focus area laundry area.vacuumed a bit needs more :arrow: I moved freezer... oh my goodness... I think we have bald dog somewhere
took dd to music ministry :D
Last edited by blessedw2 on Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Sept. Cards 2012

Postby Nancy » Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:33 am

Got throught a while stack of she-cards yesterday and the house looks SO much better what a relief that is. Still need to do the fridge however.

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Re: Sept. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:13 pm

it's so nice when the house shows the results of all that continual hard work dnancy!!!

heading out now even though I still have so much put away but I did get lots done.

back for short time Hi dnancy!!!

now for more put away of laundry - dd has music ministry
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sept. Cards 2012

Postby Nancy » Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:01 pm

Ran away to play this morning, aka errand day.
I dropped off donation of my fav. to small jeans maybe some one can use 'em for a Halloween costume. :roll:

Got some replacement jeans finally found my size and thankfully I did not have to get as big as ones as I thought I would yea for that! Picked up Rx refill of pills. Got groc.

Took me out for a soda forgot my insulin so did not eat;
had my journal and wrote n wrote n wrote in it
I had some "issues" sigh ~ @ nearly 60 I still have daddy issues
my dad had O.C.D. among other stuff and I'm still trying to sort out
some of the effects it had on me.

I picked up some wood for chick brooder the guy up the street has been putting out by the fence for me.

Food is unloaded and put away now.

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Re: Sept. Cards 2012

Postby Ivy » Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:07 pm

We just got groceries unloaded and put away, had our lunches, and I need to dry laundry.

I didn't like my big black index file card box on the counter, so found a white thing, which is the back support to several cards and I attach them with a clothespin. I put the file box away, sort through the cards occasionally during the day, and it works for me.

Nancy, glad you found some jeans. :)

Waving to Blessed. :)
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Re: Sept. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:33 pm


Ivy great job on putting away your groceries; glad you found something that works for you divvy

great on getting jeans dnancy. I understand about having past issues with a parent. I finally went to a really good therapist re: dear mom who can be very hard at times in the past but learned a whole lot about everything including my moms way of doing things and in my case saying things when stress hits her hard. I finally learned how to not let her being her affect me as much as I realized it is her issue and not mine. but when your a child - even an adult child- it still very hard to deal with. I am almost 54 and I have come to handle my own a lot. writing is a good thing. I also learned from the therapist that I will go through it again with others at times but hopefully I will have some adaptive skills to deal with it.

recently when dd younger transferred schools and was miserable - the stress of dd's unhappiness was overwhelming for my mom. She thought she could fix things and could be a better parent and example for her. She wanted to take her to florida with her and take over on her exercise and socialization. my dmom meant well but the way it came out was not great - I have had this with her all my children's lives and my own as I didn't live up to her view of what I should be (I found out - it was because she wanted the best for me (her version of what the best was) and it frustrated her that I wasn't the person she wanted me to be - she wanted me to be thin, go getter like her, strong like her, artistic, athletic, finish college - be smart like my dad, be spotless and not to apologetic or sensitive to what she said. Thank Goodness my children stand behind me and know that living with my dear mom would be detrimental. my eldest said that my dmom was most of the reason for lots of her acceptance issues (my mother has an obsession with thinness, her money and how she uses her grandchildren (in the past) to bring her self up and relive what she had always wanted - she doesn't realize how bad her food and thinness obsession is and has no idea at all of the habits she has - she tries to do well now and comes off grandmotherly unless there is tons of stress or as in picking one grandchild or child over another because of looks, accomplishments that are similar to what she enjoys). my coping skills has helped me a lot - I still get hurt but it doesn't damage me and I can see that her stress is her issue and I know I am doing fine. I also now know my mom doesn't have the focus of my ddad or her dsister and some friends (now gone) so dd younger is her life. she is really trying. After another issue between me and herself - she went to church; then had a long talk with ddolder to help her realize how I may feel. my mother felt terrible- instead of turning it back on me. she even says sorry

It is what it is. I never quit know when her stress will hit her and one moment she is a loving caring person and the other I just breath and let her handle her own stress... I let her own it and walk away if she says things. she now comes back and realizes she may have been overbearing but bc she loves us she lets herself get the best of her and thinks this is the right way to handle things. Those that are the most critical are usually heigh expectations for themselves and others. I learned she loved me. she now knows she is overbearing and tries to limit it. She has her own quirks and faults she needs to own, our parents are just like us - only human but we can say no to that influence or bad behaviors w/out yelling or fighting back. She also is realizing her age and thinks that we think of her as old - not in the least - but she needs to hear from us that she is doing fine.
Long story still long: but its okay to work with issues even when we are older that involve our families especially our parents. Its a good thing to work it out. if it gives you peace and helps you see what works and doesn't work for you - that's good!!!
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Re: Sept. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:41 pm

you do great my Dear Nancy!!! you should be so proud of yourself - ALWAYS. I am always impressed by all you do - and what a wonderful grandmother you are!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Sept. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:43 pm

today: I have been in the basement. dh hired cleaning team again to wash the floors and clean the bathrooms... lovely present. He is tickled by the things dejunked.

today I am in the basement -
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Re: Sept. Cards 2012

Postby Nancy » Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:09 pm

Thanks Blessed!

My dad has O.C.D. among other things & nothing was ever good enough for him, with my learning struggles in school some dyslexia I've had confidence issues and realize now nearly at age 60 this will probably be a challenge for me all my life. I journaled two extra pages yesterday, the cafe' I was as was totally empty while I did that such a gift for me to focus and sort it out.
After my mom moved away my friend said :mrgreen: I was SO much better!

Dd said today that she appreciated my flexibility, the other granny not coping well I guess with the full day of granny duty plus the extra hour of errands that she had after work. I appreciate the change in my routine the days dgd is here.

We did cookie dough this morning,
side walk chalk x
lunch is done

Journaling x
Watering x
Dishes x
check on eggs x
Put shredded paper in brooder box X
Dump trash h. did that.
Hot spot patrol one room. x
No walk yet outside time next up unless nap time comes first.

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Re: Sept. Cards 2012

Postby ellyphant » Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:52 pm

Nancy--I agree with blessed that you are a wonderful grandmother. Yay for all that journaling!

blessed--Good job figuring out the family dynamics. After 54 years, I think I have finally figured out my DM as well! BTW, your cooking sounds so delicious.
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