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Re: July Cards 2013

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 10:20 am
by blessedw2
i love that card - hope you had a great day

Re: July Cards 2013

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 10:31 am
by blessedw2
July 27, 2013 Saturday (fell asleep again.. thinking my sleep isn't right at night)
and July 28, 2013 Sunday dd younger's lessons (depends on rain)

2 errands: cleaners :D , and I forgot the other but I will remember (I also need to buy a printer as ours died :D ) act
Target was expensive: 413.00 (printer 200) and the remainder wow my poor credit card and shocker for me.
found a couple Christmas Ideas for the family to give me (as they pull names) and also I need to start and finish my mom's present before thanksgiving.

walk the dogs and brush the dogs
pool pump
finances, plan meals, calendar
have dd younger make muffins and scones for during the week, me cook soup for week and make veggies for easy grabbing when I get hungry at evening
Exercise: hand cut with old fashioned mower and bike ride
move the basketball net so I can use it easier
go by school and see if there is a sign (no ball playing) as dd wants to practice her tennis
thank you cards for dd's reminder

hoping tomorrow is nice for dd's lessons

daily cards pulled

Re: July Cards 2013

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:10 am
by Nancy
I've gotten one egg today the hen that lays a big egg =D.
Taken a medium walk pushing the baby stroller. Baby duty is under way now.
s2s x
journaling x
Shrimp louis was a hit for dinner w/ requests for more like that so will be getting crab [canned] next time we are out and about.

Re: July Cards 2013

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:02 pm
by blessedw2
I always feel bad for the hens when I see a double yolk super large egg... God bless them.

have a great day dnancy

Re: July Cards 2013

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 10:42 am
by Nancy
I have some daily and weekly cards that need attn. as in laundry, clean sheets etc. today to attend to.

Re: July Cards 2013

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 12:37 pm
by blessedw2
today: I missed a doctor appointment (have another tomorrow at 8:00 am
must leave at 3:30 for dd's lessons at 5:00 (farther away) won't be home until 8 pm maybe
dh picks up dd older from train

pulled cards: dishes washing themselves after lunch, counters cleaned, floor swept and vacuumed. emptied dishwasher and rinsed lunch dishes and put them in the clean dw

emptied out part of the car
put away (some) things in house
vacuumed first floor of dog/cat hair

bring water dish and water for dog
walk with dog at beach, bring ball
dinner in fridge for dh and dd older
buy a fruit tray for group

Re: July Cards 2013

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:51 am
by Harriet
Nancy, thank you for the link and reminder about holidays. For hen's eggs, I guess their bodies do what they are able to do. But like you say, God bless them. Supposedly, the hen that does the most amazing job of laying an eggs that are large for her body is a bantam. My aunt used to often have her bantys' eggs for breakfast, and when you looked at the little birds you just wondered at them - such a feat.

blessed, you are doing a great job of keeping healthy foods and exercise in mind.

My laundry cards had been printed out for 3 months, through end of Sept., but I may redo them since 3 of the loads were for my ddad, and it's a constant reminder, kind of a downer.

Happy that the Renew Library Books card has been an excellent reminder of that chore this summer, even though we've had a lot checked out, lots of dates.

July gift giving and bdays thinking is ongoing, right into August.

Purchased already for bday this weekend, now just need to wrap. Paperware is ready for that and I won't worry too much about the cake, since children like everything. No cupcakes, since in the back of my mind I have an idea for dd's August bday with cupcakes. :idea:

The day after dd's bday :roll: another wedding shower, far away. Bought for that yesterday. Won't wrap until dd33 can see it this weekend, in case she would like to switch with me. Note to self: these big new crock-pots are too super-heavy to be sensible shower gifts. I think it will be a challenge to have wrapping paper that is not torn by the time we get there.

Re: July Cards 2013

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:54 am
by Nancy
I can't remember how many eggs yesterday we got 7 or 8.
feed chickens x
water back yd. & seeds x
dishes are loaded
laundry is going
journal & qt x
Rx call one of two made *
breakfast = one nectarine x
no plan for dinner yet I need a plan... I need a plan ... I need a plan...

Re: July Cards 2013

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 7:49 pm
by blessedw2
We have rent a chicken here and now rent a duck.. but our neighbors would not be happy about it lol (someone I know in the unincorporated area has chickens and the new inspector here doesn't like anyone in our town having chickens and is making it difficult for them... she is the only house in the woods and he still doesn't like anyone in the "city" having chickens. Glad a chicken can handle those big eggs but I so that double yolk egg and thought (tmif) "ouch".

so happy to see you d Harriet!!! can't believe your youngest is growing up so fast! I know my youngest is going to be 18 and she seems so young to me at times. maybe because she's the youngest in the family.
I like that you have a laundry card and renew the library books card... I need that!!!

Hi d nancy how nice you got so many eggs.

I am out at lake Michigan watching dd younger sailing on one of those little sailboats even though its gray blue outside. I love being near the lake and hearing the sea gulls! She seems to really enjoy it. My dad was a sailor for 45 years and I never had that ability but love it and it's wonderful she is enjoying herself.

Re: July Cards 2013

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:17 am
by Nancy
Harriet your welcome for the link.
Blessed I love that rent a duck! LOL! Some of the bigger eggs we are getting are from the older hens figured that out yesterday after talking w/ h. Got 9 yesterday grand kids like collecting them and feeding & watching the hens "graze" in the back yd.

Did not get all the cards done I wanted to but did make some progress.
3 grands were here most of the day and then @ 4 the other one came. They were her till 6 p.m.

Got all but one Rx picked up one at a diff. store was closed.
Journaling done today.