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Oct. Cards 2011

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:43 am
by Nancy
October is here.
Let us know your card progress this month.
What cards are up for you this month?
One step at a time we can reclaim our homes!

Do you have old costumes out the door to make room for new items.
Odd fabrics and coverings can go to the thrift shop this month for transformation in to costumes for youths and the young at heart that are looking for bargains!
Holiday prep. begins more in earnest for so many of us.

Do you have Oct. fest type parties, gatherings or other celebrations?

I need to keep on top of the daily & weekly chores here.
Plus get light bulbs as the days are shorter we notice the bulbs out more this month!
Mix up cookie dough & meal planning.

Go to dump. We hauled off an old dryer this week yea it felt SO good to get that out of here.
Get flu shot ~ moving this one to Sept. for next year. :idea:

Re: Oct. Cards 2011

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:03 pm
by blessedw2
I wish I was thinking of all those things. Still struggling with lungs and being tired. I did get a 95% on my observation paper and 25 out of 25 on my presentation... most of my class is sick. (at least I have company). I am so far behind that even my behind is far behind. house...holidays... exercise are taking a beating but I am happy. Just wish this bronchitis didn't like me so much... I have to be meaner 8-)

hi dnancy hi dharriet

Re: Oct. Cards 2011

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:17 pm
by Harriet
blessed, you know I wouldn't be risking sounding like a silly broken record if I didn't care about you. Your dr should be monitoring your Vit D level. Ins will pay for that. What I've learned is that Vit D level goes hand-in-hand with lung and broncial health. They think my level dipped after my dmom died for various reasons and then BOOM within a couple months I was sick as a June Bug in July.

For instance, here's the main quote
Vitamin D appears capable of inhibiting pulmonary inflammatory responses while enhancing innate defence mechanisms against respiratory pathogens.

from one study

Good job on handing in an A paper.

Re: Oct. Cards 2011

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:44 am
by blessedw2
my vitamin d was very very low. thank you dear Harriet!!!

Re: Oct. Cards 2011

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:48 am
by blessedw2
I am overwhelming (but happy) as my home is awful!!! school is doing great but my health isn't and I stopped walking once school started which is making my health worse. my home... mmmm... my home... my poor husband!!!

I have off of school today and even though I have tons of homework I will start in dd16's room. she has been working slowly in there but it is still spilling out into the house. I want every one to stop giving her things. she says she can do it each weekend but I think it's beyond her scope of handling it. I think there are too many decisions for her to make. So before she gets home I will help her. she may not want the help but I think she needs it to clear her mind. she is embarrassed by it I know.

Re: Oct. Cards 2011

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:35 pm
by Nancy
I have been staying on top of the house work only b/c we have it on the market to sell.
The only way I'm able to stay on top of it is h. helps and I am home & have my health back.
I'm SO glad for that I remember when I got out of the hospital I was not strong enough to
do most of the stuff I did this summer - fall.

Re: Oct. Cards 2011

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:24 pm
by blessedw2
:D (printed wrong sign at first) I am so happy you are feeling so so much better dnancy!!!

dh has been a little cranky and I know it has to do with the house. I planned on working on the house but papers etc. got in the way and now I am drained so I didn't do any house work. He never really speaks whats on his mind, I think that came from his childhood. I have tried to change it for years. ah well. tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet (anne of green gables)

Re: Oct. Cards 2011

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:18 am
by Nancy
Rake Leaves Card
Is up this month but the leaves are still on the trees here in our yard so I guess that one will
be a Nov. card. I rather enjoy raking leaves it is great exercise.

Re: Oct. Cards 2011

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:42 am
by blessedw2
dear Nancy. those leaves are sticking on the trees here as well. (lol just when you are ready the tree is not cooperating).

life at home here is still filthy. boy I don't like it one bit!!!! Thank you God that I tend to be happy because if I wasn't this would really depress me. Off to do more put away and get rid of.

So so so much stuff. HOw did that happen again.
;) :shock: :oops:

Re: Oct. Cards 2011

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 12:07 pm
by Nancy
Take care of you Blessedw2
when our son was in school it was a challenge for him to stay on top of everything but he made it through.