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March Cards 2012

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:55 am
by Nancy
March brings St. Patrick's Day
Birthdays Anniversary and other Celebrations
Spring break plans with the coming of flowers.
Tax prep.
What is behind the March divider in your card file.

I keep my papers in different fabric covered boxes and square baskets. Take 2 hrs. a week ~ just 20 min. a day six days a week paper order ~ in boxes keep personal correspondence separate from business correspondence, one for my writing papers another for business receipts in a different box. Today start a paper chase around your home, searching for every stray piece of paper you can find. Gather them up sort file toss what you can this week. Put on some lively music, pour some tea SBB

Re: March Cards 2012

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:10 pm
by Nancy
Morning routine x
Kitchen spiff dishes counters etc. x
Dining room table x
[Now I can breathe a sigh of relief as that was weighing on my mind.]
Journaling & qt x

Errands & Store run Date w/ h.x
Crafting x
Dinner x
Duds x
Dishes x

Make bed x

Re: March Cards 2012

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:47 am
by Nancy
Getting Ready for Realtor's Tour tomorrow.
Then there is an open house around the 25th of the mo.
diff. Realtor's tour now that we have the de-cluttering well in hand these are not as scary as before!

Pick up living room hot spots x
Make kiddie bed x

clean bathrooms x
bathrooms x
bedrooms spiff done & beds made x
kit 90% done
dust tall surfaces underway china hutch done
dust fridge x

basement x
trash detail h. is on that x
:arrow: Later
Plant roses still not done.

Re: March Cards 2012

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:57 am
by Nancy
In a short time we were eating like Lent was just over. We lost all the glory of the sunset except what we got by reflection, being on the side of the mountain we were, with the dense woods between. I could hardly remember where I was when I awoke, and I could almost hear the silence. Not a tree moaned, not a branch seemed to stir. Zebulon Pike Parker

I'm putting this quote in as it's a reading day for me.
House is good after the showing stuff is current.
Granny duty yesterday afternoon was fun and interesting with the younger ones here.
Got several compliments on the house yesterday! :mrgreen:

Re: March Cards 2012

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:14 am
by Harriet
Nancy, you have had so much going on. I know you were ready for the realtor thing with no problems. You've been doing great keeping up with your house during an odd time of having a lot of potential visitors.

The laundry card is still a workhorse here. Saves time to just know I'm on a rotation and keep it up, making little notations about where I am.

Today the Desk Day card pops up. Is that everyone's least favorite like it is mine, I wonder? LOL

Certainly miss seeing blessed around. I hope school is going well for her and both her daughters.

Re: March Cards 2012

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:06 am
by Nancy
Harriet thanks! You should see the house now. :shock: It does not take long to be out of shape! LOL! Just a day!

Hubby's desk was that one thing that could have been better for the R. tour but there was no time. So he just spiffed it up as best he could and decided to work on it more after taxes and
for the open house in a couple of weeks.

I've decided where to put the new roses so when it warms up I'll do that. x

Bagged up some leaves glad to have that round done yea! 8-)
I have cleaned out some e-mails in my inbox.

Re: March Cards 2012

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:29 pm
by Nancy
Update hubby's resume' x
more leaf duty x
errands x
return lib. book x
store run x

Next up:
ex. :arrow:
Tweak schedule for time change this weekend.

Re: March Cards 2012

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:44 pm
by Nancy
I have cleaned out the to sort paper work pile yea for the bit of head way on that.
Also organized book shelf had some book to go missed an opportunity to declutter a few I was done but the week is not over!

Re: March Cards 2012

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:16 pm
by Nancy
QT x
Change purse x
Moved the patio stuff in outta the rain.
Breakfast x
Bed is made.
Dump kit. trash x
Move trash can in out of the rain in to carport x
Journaling x

Re: March Cards 2012

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:07 pm
by Nancy
Dump trash in other rooms & basement x
dishes x
Make crock pot chili x
lunch x
Kit. clean up x
Granny duty * = underway
story time x
snack time x
craft time x

Walk some done.
shredding h. *
laundry *