Sept. Card File

It's classic and it works for you: the original home organization card file.
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Sept. Card File

Postby Nancy » Mon Sep 01, 2008 2:22 pm

The first day of a new month
time to think about things and happenings
going on for us this month.

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Re: Sept. Card File

Postby Harriet » Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:13 pm

Nancy, glad to see you got in some hiking to "take aim" at health numbers and getting them where you want them. I hope you have a terrific birthday today. You deserve a bunch of fun.

And blessed is out playing badminton, getting that fresh air and sun, too! Very cool. How's the house looking? I was feeling for you when I'd hear you had worked a certain time but didn't see a dent yet. BTDT.

Happenings here this month include using the somewhat cooling weather to get the physical space for dd10's chickens ready so it will last and we can "forget it" for several years. Dh is driving me a little crazy being such a perfectionist. I keep telling him the occupants will only weigh 7 pounds, don't have company in, and have no design sense at all.

Also I need to get my time limitations straight with myself about what sewing I can really do this fall and early winter. I am kinda living all the time on "overwhelm", putting out more fires than doing maintenance sometimes. I am afraid it may be time for the mantra, "No new projects". And that makes me a little sad!!!

One more happening is trying to get into a schedule for school days. So far, every day has been a stand-alone unique day and I can't find any common schedule. But there's gotta be one!
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Re: Sept. Card File

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:44 am

hi dear nancy and dear Harriet! again Nancy happy birthday to you! hope you had a wonderful day.

dharriet, I understand the saddness of not being able to start a project that gives you joy.
what are you working on now just for you?

I had to laugh at your dh wanting to have the chicken coop perfect as it sounds like my dh, except my wonderful dh doesn't have the skill he thinks he does sometime ;) . I love "don't have company in, and have no design sense at all. " dHarriet, you would really do well to write a book regarding family life etc. your humor and love of family could be a winner for a book.

also regarding schedule, I don't know right now with caring for aging family if there is a set day you can do. I haven't had that for awhile but I remember each day that was really planned out for the house or kids would change depending on what grandparents needs would come up on that day. I think you can kind of plan a weekly plan but loosely as you don't know what will happen. you may have just dailies for weeks on time especially towards the holidays. (you probably do the Christmas shopping for your dear family as well). Plus you have your dd10's activities after school so you are in that sandwhich time. When I went through this dd19 was young and I babysat for others that didn't mind me going to both grandparents houses, so it was easier that way, but I know dkids didn't like always having to drop things and go to grandma or grandma and grandpas house, and with your dd10 she is in activities and friends. ( I have to be honest, I would in the beginning feel frustrated with my one grandma especially who I really loved would call me to get one item at the store she needed that day or she was worried her mail didn't come etc. I would get to her house and it would be a little thing that could wait. But I learned she didn't mean anything by it and got used to it, and she was so loving and sweet all my life. ) When alzheimers hit her she used to think we raised children (boys - I have 2 girls) together, and I now remember her laughter and her love. You are at the hardest part right now and setting flexible goals will help. for awhile for me the most ready routine was get up and go to sleep :)

thank you for your kindess, my house still isn't great but I am feeling like I will get there but there is so much to do and I can't seem to really stick to just one thing to make it right, but it will happen. I have been tired and lazy and overwhelmed by my lack of focus, but I am not in my card file yet, I might just bite the bullet, pull the card file back together to get me back on track.

I am tothing today as it helps,
stove is coming today, my last 2 days were a wipe off, yesterday I don't remember as I slept all day.
so start all over again :D
8:45 am
9:45 check in dishes washed, dw emptied, and threw more things I found through out house :shock: in dw and started another load, also cleaning off counters. wooo yooo am I exciting or what
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Re: Sept. Card File

Postby Nancy » Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:55 pm

Thanks for the good birthday wishes!
It went pretty well had to re-stock the cupboards;
so we did some shopping.
Family called my gram. is not well over 100 so has had a full life.
That was a downer in the morning.
The family had a dinner in my honor it was good to see them.
Had peanut butter brownies no frosting;
I made a sug. free cheese cake as I'd been wanting one.

I hope you all the best today and this week.
I finally was able to get on-line after trucker up the street
left with his signal jammer for parts over the road.

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Re: Sept. Card File

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:27 am

((for your dsweet grandma))) I bet she is a sweetheart!
glad you all got to celebrate your birthday, what a joy!
also very happy you could be back on line!!!

for me: waiting for appliance people to come as we have been smelling gas, also df and I were to have coffee but that is on hold. I have a hair dye appointment (normally do it myself but I have to go to school night tonight and just worried I would mess it up). 2:50 pick up dd13 and 4:00 is pilates for her and school night be there at 6:15. I will be going job hunting all next week so that should be interesting.

my routine has not been a routine as I never know what will happen that day, I think I have been suffering from depression and realized it is tied to dkids going back to school. I knew I was a little sad about it but happy to have the time to work, but I am finding it very boring especially after a nice summer.

so I need a day focus again., otherwise I flip flop everywhere.
and there are things I really want to do.
phone calls 2 doctors, dd13 knee doctor

Saturday is now bathroom day, karate, me exercise first thing in morning, we may go downtown to see the flug.. whatever its called where they make their own flying (not really) machines that go into the water, and if I can convince the kids, the lyric opera is having free night at Grant Park. I can't afford the opera, individual seats in floor area in back are 187 and balcony nose bleed as they say is 56 and the back row on top where you can't see is 37.

todays hopeful focus: dailies only, my rosetta stone french, cards for birthdays
friday: floors and laundry karate
sunday: beauty ( :lol: ) bills dh and I, homework, walk somewhere, church
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sept 5

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:57 am

dh's birthday so need to find out what he wants for birthday dinner. we are not exchanging presents this year for bdays as dh doesn't want to talk about his birthday 8-)

hi nancy great job on your routines!

I am really struggling here regarding staying on a routine. I think not exercising first thing in morning is a problem. we woke late and just got dd13 to school, dd19 had a friend stop by last night from high school and before we knew it, it was 11:30 pm. so you can tell we had fun.

I think I think I need to write a basic focus for the day before really focusing on separate days as I am really struggling and the house is poorer for it.

things I know I have in my day:
me exercise at the ymca (haven't been there since kids started school)
make important phone calls
some duds
dinner (after dinner all dkids and dh help with dishes no excuses)
homework time right after school or dinner (no tv)
reading time (dd13 still loves to read to me).
enjoy time with dd19
everyone bring down their laundry at night
make beds
pull things the night before for next day (book bag should be at front door) make lunch at night
grocery store if I need to
walk dogs (no ands ifs or buts)

dd13 doing pilates at 4:30 instead of karate
so karate tomorrow

I have been doing my french in the morning so that has been nice me time
:? :oops: :cry: it is 11:00 and I have done nothing but be on the computer, feeling like a failure but need to stop that so off to work.
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Re: Sept. Card File

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Sep 07, 2008 9:44 am

before any more disfunction gets in my way I am getting my card file in check. I need it and have to accept that's how it is. feeling better and learned I need to take a little time for myself each day while kids are at school and while I don't have a job for joy. I haven't done any handwork, gardening etc. which gives me a lot of joy. I haven't done a bible study all year so I will join a group.

my goal this week starting with today will be get back to the ymca. I keep telling myself I should exercise at home and it doesn't happen. so today for tomorrow, I will prepare to have cloths ready for me to drop off dd13 and head to ymca. getting back on dailies a must. nothing else this week while start finding donations that have built up. I will clean the 3 season room. that will take me all week.
also today is bill day.

first things first: card file, work on christmas file,
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a new start or really back to an old one

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:13 pm

I found my card file and I can see why it worked so well. my cards (dailies were filled with check offs and dates done and filled all the way to the end). I also noticed I stopped all card work in the beginning and middle of may, no wonder my home went down hill. no dailies means disfunction and no focus.

so: I refreshed my cards. (made new yellow' dailies for the tattered almost used up ones)
I pulled my calendar and set up the sept 1through 30/31 days so that 9/7 right now is in front and my dailies are in front of that. I took dindiana's focus and broke it up again to this week. my weekly focus is back

so my day should go as follows
drop dd at school
go to ymca
feed dogs after playing with them
weeklies for that day
dinner is set again to soup/sandwhich/salad night, chicken, fish, veg, spaghetti/taco/pizza type night. casserole or pasta and nice dinner. dkids are taking on a cooking night again.

why I let it go... :roll:
my card file feels good to hold again.

Monday: put away and maybe donation run through house. do things you have been meaning to do and must be done before winter
Tuesday: mini's
Wednesday: job hunting something for me
thursday: garden only (my dmom said she used to do this)
friday floors
saturday: family fun (not dh as he is not into doing this kind of stuff but dh likes to bike with dd13
sunday: beauty, paperwork, bills, ready for monday

feeling better already
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Re: sept 8 monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:14 am

back to card file. Happy to have it back. hi nancy
8:12 chick in
ddat school :D
will exercise now here :D
breakfast done :D
threw ball for ddogs :D
9:14 I don't want to but will go to the grocery store for tonights dinner. I also will pull today's cards and work bit by bit on them.
11:13 finished folding laundry and did put away in dining room. Yes it took that long. :)
looked up bible study and womens group, and good thing , first meeting is tomorrow for both. this is something for me.

focus today: bathrooms (weekly) cards pulled: clean mirrors and windows
put away from weekend day catch up and clean car front seats only
french lessons
dinner will be made this morning
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Sept. Card File

Postby Nancy » Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:12 pm

before any more disfunction gets in my way I am getting my card file in check. I need it and have to accept that's how it is. feeling better and learned I need to take a little time for myself each day while kids are at school and while I don't have a job for joy. I haven't done any handwork, gardening etc. which gives me a lot of joy. I haven't done a bible study all year so I will join a group.

my goal this week starting with today will be get back to the ymca. I keep telling myself I should exercise at home and it doesn't happen. so today for tomorrow, I will prepare to have cloths ready for me to drop off dd13 and head to ymca. getting back on dailies a must. nothing else this week while start finding donations that have built up. I will clean the 3 season room. that will take me all week.
also today is bill day.

first things first: card file, work on christmas file,

I can so relate with what you said Blessed!
Sorry I've been awol.
My p/c was off line over the weekend glad to have it back today.
Did not do much house work any way but did work
on the yard and garden a bit.
Fri. I mowed had dr. appt.
Sat. battle with blood sugar kept me busy
Open house Sun. went pretty well
made out a plan for today basically every thing needs done! LOL!
H. got a new to him motor cycle so we've been enjoining that.
I need to remember that house work = exercise.
Got some me time in and finished reading a book [novel] I started before my
health crisis.

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