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March Cards 2014

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 10:32 am
by Nancy
A new month a new page on your he calendar a new journal how is March shaping up for you?

H. Has a bday this mo.
Fat Tues.
Lent begins
Spring ahead with the time change with us.
St. Patrick's day just a few of the things this month has in store.
Spring begins
Routines and weekly cards.
Cooking and more.

Re: March Cards 2014

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:56 pm
by Nancy
Working on my weekly stuff.
Dump trash x
Vacuum upstairs x
Sweep kit. & dining room x
mop x

Re: March Cards 2014

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:53 am
by blessedw2
hi d nancy.. with all the snow we have been having, it was so nice to see green in your march post! It's the only green I have seen in months. lol.

what is March... dr. appointments dd younger, me make appointments
2 Birthday cards other sent already

St. Patrick's day

visit dd's college she chose and take a tour
try not to use my credit card for this month and keep to my food budget
starting now: each month add one animal vet visit
expenses coming up: money for girls trip to visit my dear mom. dd younger's graduation, bday gift, baby gift
planning ahead: summer planting, graduation, summer activities, painting

Re: March Cards 2014

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:19 pm
by Nancy
Thanks blessed!
Cooking day was yeasterday.
Today personal grooming fix hair.
It is warmer so I have a dress on! Cut myself shaving legs ouch! Seem to have lost my touch. :roll:
Bake cookies x
Grannyduty today.
Glad I did doc. Stuff last mo.

Some outside stuff up this week.
Trash day today cans are at the curb.
Got Easter bucket for egg gathering and feeding hens.
Bed made
Journal & qt done.
Ex. First round done.

Re: March Cards 2014

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:15 am
by Harriet
Nancy, I guess I'll be back into my dresses and aprons before long, too.

blessed, I didn't realize it was time for ddyounger to have decided on a college! Wow, how quick it seems that they grow up.

A jump-start is certainly needed around here for many cards. Healthy Habits are not being recorded well and I"m telling myself that I'm doing a lot of what's needed on that, just not getting my check marks, etc. Determined to get the laundry card back to normal - last month doing without a washer so long was tough. We are traveling to hospital so often that when I get home I seem to need a rest and then the day is over. Need to stop whining and start turning cards!

Re: March Cards 2014

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:43 am
by blessedw2
I was right there with you d harriet - I have been whining about my cards like you wouldn't believe lol. every so often the little brat in me wants to do other things and not do my cards ;) :D

hi d nancy and d harriet and all!

I am not telling my husband that I plan on washing the floors... once I tell him, all my push becomes me sitting lol
now its time to get to a room by room a vacuuming and a washing
washed floor in kitchen by hand, also got 2 cat litters changed
switched laundry

Re: March Cards 2014

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 11:35 am
by blessedw2
today is planning day and paper work day personal day
calendar day
check book
menu planning
wash gentle laundry
brush animals.... tired of animals ... love them... don't love their messI

March 10 I am still on yesterday and I am so tired.

yes dd younger is going to college... I am shocked how fast this time has gone by! she is ready but not ready but isn't that how all of us are when we begin adventures. Mostly ready with lots to learn which is a good thing.

all right: my mind is on the confused side a bit... to many thoughts in my head so.... simplify.... tired adds to the confusion

1. fill dish washer and turn on, :D (menu planning for week done today :D, washed sheet pans and wooden spoons as wel :D )
2. wash gentle sweater and hang up :D
3. next: clean counters and stove :D, dejunk fridge weekly :D , I had another yes another dishwasher (almost full) that is washing now :D , vacuum floor :D , wash floor in kitchen :D
4. cut veggies. get new chicken breasts from store, make apple bread for tomorrow

Re: March Cards 2014

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 10:22 pm
by Nancy
Out side stuff this weekend kept me busy; kitchen needs attn.

Re: March Cards 2014

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:02 am
by blessedw2
d nancy... is all your snow gone???

we have been laughing at our house because our yard is like a archaeological dig - layers are melting and the dogs are so thrilled because as each layer melts, their balls and toys are showing up again. The yard is like a gift that keeps on giving.

right now I am at the hospital for dd youngers EEG - not a bad thing. just checking things out.

Re: March Cards 2014

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:27 am
by Nancy
Bkessed Yes our snow is gone. I know what you mean about the yard! Yesterday we mostly outside stuff so today I need to focus more on inside cards. Water still us not clear after having work going on down the street from us.