Paper Tamers' Mid-Year Tidy and Challenges, 2018

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Paper Tamers' Mid-Year Tidy and Challenges, 2018

Postby Harriet » Sat Jun 30, 2018 3:50 pm

Is it a good time for a Paper Taming? It's worked well at mid-year before. Maybe it's just far enough behind that taxing tax season and just far enough ahead of any end-of-year panic. We can head that off at the pass!

You've had success against the tiger before - envision a kitty in a paper bag. Yes, he is fierce, but he can be sorted!

Join us here in this thread as we hold off the paper, in its many forms, that is stalking our efficient homes. We'll simplify our lives.

Tell us :idea: what routines do you recommend? What systems are working? What supplies are MUST haves? You have no idea how swamped sister paper tamers may be and how much your encouragement might help.

Just think of all the paper chores ... ... :shock:

Mailbox dailies
Labels to make
Thank you notes
Bill paying
Financial plan
A clear desk?
Refrigerator art
Office supplies
Greeting cards to send
Greeting cards received
A filing system? ( :lol: )
Medical records
Stash 'n Dash recovery!


That list could go on and on. Better take charge.

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Re: Paper Tamers' Mid-Year Tidy and Challenges, 2018

Postby Harriet » Wed Jul 04, 2018 12:14 pm

Dee had asked me how it was I thought I had my office organization licked.

I remembered the "sorting surface" idea, and put it into place for the office. I laid an easily-washed sheet over my made bed, and carried everything from one of the desks in the office to that spot, whether it made sense or not. (that's the important part, because the area was getting so that I'd look at it and see too much visual confusion)

Cleaned the outside of the desk well. Sorted over in the other room, away from visual distraction of the rest of the office.

I plan to do that with the other desk and then with shelves and a cabinet next, probably drawers and finally filing, which should be piling up by then. I can fold the sheet at bedtime without spreading any potential dust - it's ready to protect the bed for the next day's section.

Then I'll just wash the sheet in case of any dust, etc., and my bedspread is no worse for the wear.

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Re: Paper Tamers' Mid-Year Tidy and Challenges, 2018

Postby Harmony » Wed Jul 04, 2018 4:36 pm

Ongoing problem here in this house, paper that is. I dislike the visual clutter that's never-ending. Just for one project I have a 3-ring binder and 4 2-pocket folders and a 25-column ledger pad at my desk and 1 full bankers box and 2 clipboards on the dining room table. 6 file drawers full of ongoing stuff and another clipboard in the office; lots of other folders and accordion files I try to keep tucked away in the desk hutch.

And this is all besides the office closet that is full of plastic bins and bankers boxes full of stuff.

It's not that I can't or don't keep it organized, it's just that there is too much.

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Re: Paper Tamers' Mid-Year Tidy and Challenges, 2018

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jul 18, 2018 10:55 am

I am in the same boat right now and I need to handle it.
wishing you the best.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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