<> Fresh Start February <>

A place for organizing, simplifying, checklists, challenges and ta-das.

Re: <> Fresh Start February <>

Postby jillybean » Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:51 pm

Great quote Lynlee. I like to start in the kitchen and the bedroom. Stripping the bed, washing the sheets and remaking. Organizing laundry. And cleaning kitchen, starting with sink and keeping it that way. Unfortunately we usually enter our house through our nightmare garage, so there is definitely room for improvement. :D

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Re: <> Fresh Start February <>

Postby Lynlee » Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:06 pm

Glad you could call in.

Nancy - thats interesting to know the clockwise focus room declutter worked for you. I guess I'm needing to reestablish the daily dishes to a clear sink routine. Mine wasn't so grotty. Mostly its the dishes etc were in the way af everything.
In the basis of one thing at a time - I want to get the washup thing nailed and maybe start (and later focus) in the LR where I want things to be being the long term aim there.

Mo - What is your strategy? Have you named it? I worked mine out by writing here. I really didn't know what I wanted to do when I started it. (just read your last post ) Just name one thing to try to do consistantly. It could be to do X thing/s from your list.

Dove - I'm impressed by your list of things done today. WTG with computer decluter. You can always save things to disk if they are important. But if your like me - often they aren't that important.

Jilly - Just saw you there. Welcome. You have a lot planned too but I see a commitment to Kitchen consistancy. I'm glad to have Company in the K. Ddog is more likely underfoot than helping. And he only cheers at walks and food in his dish.

OK - It was nice to come out to a clear shiny sink today. However there was ummm cobwebdustbunnies covorting on it. My extra task today is to cobweb the cathedral ceiling in there at least before I do dishes/clean sink last thing.
Also to ring about a plumber. A much put off task particularly needed in the bathroom. I need to get over myself on this one.

so today
ph 4 plumber


This thread can work if we are all tackling different projects. It is a matter of starting where we are at.
On the main pwyc thread someone asked about recognition. This is a place to cheer each other for doing their targer focus. And encouraging them to have another go if they didn't (do whatever) cos it is like the quote says (giving up) that keeps us down.
And I need encouragement and recognition as much as anyone.
I'm hoping you will be there for me as I'll be here for you.
Just begin.
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Re: <> Fresh Start February <>

Postby lucylee » Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:38 am

I don't even know where to start. Maybe just trying to have ONE focus for each day after school. Like today was grocery/errand day, so I really don't feel too bad that I just stopped after all that. By the time I had added a second trip to town (only a few miles, it's not THAT big a deal) to get (1) rx which was not ready when we left grocery store and (2) supper for dinlaws and (3) delivered said supper to dinlaws... well, sheesh... I felt quite justified in finishing my third load of laundry and calling it a night.

Aunt Flo arrives soon -- so y'all just overlook the grouchy tone.

I also talked to ddad on phone and read the newspaper.

I need to make T/Th/Sat my laundry days but I HAD to get dh's clothes done tonight so I can carry them to the ironing lady tomorrow. DS will probably commandeer the laundry room tomorrow, so I don't know what my focus should really be tomorrow.

I guess my Fresh Start Goal will be to just accomplish SOMETHING home-related each day. 15 minutes in the focus area, maybe the weekly home blessing? I don't know. But the house DOES need work, The Girl & Family will be visiting at the end of the month, and I would feel better about myself if I could feel like I was back on track with some things around here.
Back on track. Hah. When have I ever been NEAR that track???
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: <> Fresh Start February <>

Postby Lynlee » Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:04 am

Lucylee - welcome.
Sounds like your still thinking about it - it took me a while to agree on my aim.

From memory I think flylady has feb as declutter month. If the spaces are clear enough to attack why not do a home blessing segment each day. And do an easy one on store day. Or declutter if needs be.
it just has to be doable. 15min is a good plan. then no beating yourself up about anything else.

I need eat and then chase dustbunnycobwebs so theres none on my sink in the morning. Maybe take down the curtain as they may be hiding in there.

I need to move. Looking for that quote.
"You may have a fresh start any moment you chose, for this thing that we called 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." - Mary Pickford.
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Re: <> Fresh Start February <>

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:46 am

I'll have to just cheer you folks on until I get home. I know I left the house tidy but it wasn't clean. I finally decided in the days before we left that cleaning was optional because it would be 'dull' and dusty when I came home anyway so I may as well leave it dirty since I would be cleaning anyway. In particular, I remember the bedroom needed vacuuming.

But until then, I have a bit of paperwork to focus on and getting at least one book read and hopefully one book report written so I won't be too far behind on my course work. My deadline for coursework isn't until April 9 but I have another European trip between now and then, plus all the crisis at church, plus my corporate year end and our personal taxes will have to be done. So anything I can get done now will make my life easier later.

I suppose that's the theory of the sink. If we take the time to clean the sink now, it will make meal prep or tidying the kitchen easier at a later time.

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Re: <> Fresh Start February <>

Postby Motivated1 » Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:33 pm

Good morning Lynn and Kathryn!

I am up and running!
I need to type out my todo list so I can post it here. Hopefully I can get that done today :D

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Re: <> Fresh Start February <>

Postby Nancy » Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:46 pm

Clock wise works for me in de-cluttering too.
Cards were great for daily chores.
Today I need to just keep at it.
The kitchen needs help as
it was errand day and then
I had to rest was not feeling up to much last night and today it shows!
Funny how that is.

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Re: <> Fresh Start February <>

Postby Lynlee » Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:17 pm

Wtg Kathryn, Mo, and Nancy taking action now making a fresh start.

Kathryn - sounds good to do what you can now.
Mo - You don't have to put your list here unless you really want to. Just put in your commitment to (maybe) work (perhaps) 15 min on something extra/different from old way. For what its worth I used to use a dice to work my way thru a long list of jobs and defined areas. It helped for a time. I still sometimes list a few things to do and throw the dice if I can't decide. I think the thing is to make it fun and actually do something. Maybe its 1 personal job, one declutter, one cleaning job each day???? GL.
Nancy I think your great keeping up *clockwise*cards*your health. And sometimes rest is greatest need no beating self up. Hoping things go well for you today.

I took down the curtain, did the cobwebbing, dishes , sink last night. i think I need run the dishes thru to the shiny sink before bed so I don't let things get out of hand..... even if it takes a while to be completely out of hand. So that remains my focus. though there is a million other things need sorting. some urgently.

Swiped a tiny counter around part of sink. Want to do a tiny bit more of that - plus sweep K today.
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Re: <> Fresh Start February <>

Postby Nancy » Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:26 pm

Thanks Lynl. for affirming that for me!
Hey I just wanted to let you know that my eye is quite a bit better today and not hurting.
With no granny duty we've been able to rest and re-coup more as needed.
Got a walk in today and did a tub of laundry &
I got the kitchen spiffed up after a nap.

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Re: <> Fresh Start February <>

Postby Lynlee » Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:57 pm

Nancy - glad you are taking time to mend and your eye is improving. Sometimes we just keep pushing ourselves in ways that are so unproductive.

I am tired today. I need to recoop from a wk of very little sleep. I just lay down for my rdgs and response, and pray for dsis.
I've had breaky, made bed, dresses as if I'm going to gym by who knows if that will happen.

I might go drink some more water, and totally relax for 15'. It might help my energy for a bit.
Just begin.
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Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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