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Re: A 100 Days Challenge

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 1:15 pm
by sherinjoy
The 100 days is almost up - I think it is next Wednesday. I haven't been very consistent in posting, but definitely focusing on my health. I have a new regime of hormone replacement therapy, which has had a positive balancing effect on my moods. I have had some setbacks with my teeth, infection leading to root canal and broken tooth, leading to crown. But I handled them immediately, and am recovering nicely. I had some other tests ordered by my new female health doctor, and meet with her on Tuesday to review the results. So, plugging along in the right direction to restoring my health and vitality.

Re: A 100 Days Challenge

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 7:01 am
by herjulia
End of May--New to this site

But--this is a great idea, and I don't see why I shouldn't start now.

So, I'll post by June First what the goals are, June 1 plus 100 days = Sept 9, 2009 Target date.

Re: A 100 Days Challenge

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:32 pm
by herjulia
Okay, since I committed myself--

Domestic--Define and Establish Routines, Create the Household Organizer, Create organization plan for each kid, Eliminate clutter in the following areas: toys, clothes

Foreign Relations--Create reminders for family birthdays, and primary friendships, ID ways to cultivate relationships with the kind of people we want our family to spend time with., ID "little gifts" we can give--gifts of the heart, thoughtful but affordable ways of giving of ourselves, Have at least one "family date" with another family

Economy--Re-establish routines for sharing financial planning and exercising fiscal responsibility, Develop 3 month, 6 month, 1 year, 3 year, and 5 year goals, Choose 5 favorite money saving techniques and implement them (stop worrying about the rest), Pass on ideas to the kids as appropriate for their age

Environment--Make a routine for delivering our recycled goods to the recycling center, Develop the habit of asking these questions when making a purchase: 1) Establish the need for the item, 2) is it used or recycled? 3) Can it be reused or recycled 4) What is it's lifetime 5) does any of the above justify the cost?, Identify 3 to 5 basic cleaners for the home, and eliminate or greatly reduce the remainder, Identify household habits to implement that will conserve electricity, gas, water, or anything else

Health--Work with the kids to take turns making lunches for the week, and evaluating the fun/health factor, Explore with DH ways to get more family physical activity in (the emphasis here is "as a family" as both he and I are pretty on top of this), Identify my greatest motivational helps, and incorporate them into my daily activities--be public with my family about being more positive, Set up quarterly assessments of my health issues, set goals, track progress, be public

Education--Create a plan for learning HTML, javascript, CSS, XML, and .net, Read "The Audacity of Hope", Educate myself about healthcare plans and the system in place with the intent of voting better, Identify more clearly my political leanings, and read/watch etc the people at the forefront of my heartfelt ideas

Re: A 100 Days Challenge

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 1:50 am
by sherinjoy
Welcome herjulia! I have read your list and am very impressed with your goals. If you achieved even a part of those goals in 100 days, that would be wonderful. They are very well thought out, and detailed, which is a big part to accomplishment. Congrats on taking these first steps and joining our village.

Re: A 100 Days Challenge

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:23 pm
by herjulia
Thanks, Sherinjoy! Really corny saying, but "if you aim for the moon, at least you land amongst the stars". So I guess, I aim high, and don't worry if I actually get that high, I figure I wind up going higher than I expected.

It's been good posting here tonight, I was feeling very discouraged.

Have a good night's sleep.