Paper Tamers Challenge - Tame by April, 2012

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Paper Tamers Challenge - Tame by April, 2012

Postby Harriet » Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:33 am

Just think of all the paper chores we need Calgon to take us away from... ... :shock:

Mailbox dailies
Thank you notes
Bill paying
Financial plan
A clear desk?
Refrigerator art
Office supplies
Greeting cards to send
Greeting cards received
A filing system?
Medical records
Stash 'n Dash recovery!


That list could go on and on. And Calgon is so unreliable. :| Better take charge.

The days prior to and including April are a helpful time to get caught up on papertaming. For those of us in the U.S. and Canada, there's the specific reason of April tax deadlines. :shock: We can save ourselves a lot of stress if we gather and organize as info comes in, and get finished with that paperwork early.

Please post here any tips and ideas to help others, any recommendations of supplies or storage that have helped you. Feel free to ask questions about how long others keep documents, how they consolidate storage, how they keep on top of complicated tasks, ways to simplify correspondence - whatever advice will help you!

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Re: Paper Tamers Challenge - Tame by April, 2012

Postby bittersweet » Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:09 am

Ooooooooooooo....HERE is a thread I need!!! My "filing system" consists of a lot of stacks of paper here, there, and everywhere.....including one on the dining room table with is regularly knocked all over the floor by my darling furbabies :roll:

Yes, tax season is approaching, and I'd like to get it done on time this year! DH STILL hasn't filed for 2009 OR 2010!!! :o :shock: I think this year, we may splurge on having an accountant do his taxes, and determine if it would be better for us to file jointly instead of separately, as we've been doing in the past.

Here in Alberta, we don't get receipts for stuff donated to Goodwill or other charities....usually only for actual financial donations. Although.....I do remember getting a receipt in 2007 for a bunch of crocheted scarves and baby blankets I donated to the school DD was attending, so perhaps it varies by organization what they're willing to give receipts for.

My goal for this week is to go through the drawer I keep the actual files in (I have one of those filing cabinets that's about 30" long and has a drawer at the bottom with a cubby on the top level), and to remove any old/outdated stuff. I usually keep utility bills for a year, bank records for two years, and tax records for seven years. Manuals, receipts, etc I keep as long as we have the item, or the warranty expires (although if you looked in the drawer, you'd think I'd never thrown away a piece of paper in the last 10 years!) :oops:
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Re: Paper Tamers Challenge - Tame by April, 2012

Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:12 pm

Round up Farm Tax Stuff & take to bookkeeper,
plus shredding duty these one's are h's.

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Re: Paper Tamers Challenge - Tame by April, 2012

Postby bittersweet » Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:15 pm

I've come to the conclusion that it would be a good idea for me to invest in my own shredder. They're relatively inexpensive, and while I could take papers to work to put in the shredding there, they have a tendency to sit in the back of the car for weeks and weeks and WEEKS!! :oops: If I had a shredder here, I think things would be much more likely to get dealt with "in a timely manner".
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Re: Paper Tamers Challenge - Tame by April, 2012

Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:44 pm

H. said he got 4 groc. bags of stuff shredded that's like 4 yrs. of stuff gone now! This is our 2nd shredder with the stuff from hubby's parents farm he has lots to do yet but it's a great time of year to do it after lunch when his show is on he does it then. I used to get movies when you could rent them and fire up the shredder and go to it that worked our well for me. H. barely lets me do it any more I think he rather likes doing it! LOL!

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Re: Paper Tamers Challenge - Tame by April, 2012

Postby Harmony » Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:34 pm

I now have all the 2011 stuff pulled out of 4 file drawers ready to file away. Of course, as soon as I did this, I had to dig into the bags and get answers to 2 questions that arose. That's why I keep 2 back years here in the office instead of putting it all in the garage storage right away.

Other stacks of stuff needing filed is awaiting one last insurance audit happening toward the end of the month. Then I can get it all together and change out one year in the garage. So, even though some things are done, I'm left with a couple stacks of things waiting final bag-up.

I love my shredder. We keep it busy! I must shred anything with any SS #'s etc., so employee's information is kept safe. DH uses the shreddings to start his fires with, so that information isn't going anywhere unsafe!

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