Paper Tamers' Mid-Year Tidy & Challenges 2012

A place for organizing, simplifying, checklists, challenges and ta-das.
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Paper Tamers' Mid-Year Tidy & Challenges 2012

Postby Harriet » Tue May 01, 2012 9:27 am

Just think of all the paper chores we need Calgon to take us away from... ... :shock:

Mailbox dailies
Thank you notes
Bill paying
Financial plan
A clear desk?
Refrigerator art
Office supplies
Greeting cards to send
Greeting cards received
A filing system?
Medical records
Stash 'n Dash recovery!


That list could go on and on. And Calgon is so unreliable. Better take charge.

Let's get suspicious :| of all that paper and make some changes with a mid-year "tidy" together. Join us here in this thread as we tackle the paper, in its many forms, that can clog or clutter our efficient homes. We'll simplify our lives.

Tell us :idea: what routines do you recommend? What systems are working? What supplies are MUST haves? You have no idea how swamped sister paper tamers may be... ...

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Re: Paper Tamers' Mid-Year Tidy & Challenges 2012

Postby Nancy » Tue May 01, 2012 10:43 am

Shredding is done! Yippie!

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