Ideas for Organizing Tote Bags?

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Ideas for Organizing Tote Bags?

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:03 pm

From Lavenderbliss

Does anyone have good ideas for where to put tote bags so they are somewhat organized? I have several I keep filled and ready. There is a 4H bag, swim bag, church bag, everyday bag(keeps stuff I use daily-calendar, business stuff, clipboard, etc.) and daughter has about the same bags too. I need to do something with them other than on the floor.

From KitKuttu

I use one part of my closet containing only shelves for kits, bags and personal care supplies. I store tote/kit bags that are not used on a daily basis on a shelf in the closet, below a shelf containing smaller kit bags (such as, for mainures/pedicures, evening make up, medicines, etc), and store the few totes that are used daily or more frequently during the week hung on hangers in my closet for daily wear. :)

From Nancy

Martha S. was on hand bags yesterday.
Some bags for some type folk;
like with pocket on the inside for phone & grooming items.

I like a pocket on the out side for my phone and water
for easy access.

A belt bag is great for ATV ing.

I like to keep one by the door on a hook;
or in a shelf. I need to work on the landing zone
by the kitchen door to the carport.

From Indiana

Lavender I thought of the same thing that KitKuttu did - a shelf in the closet so you can line yours up on one side and your daughter's up on the other side.

Do you have a mudroom with shelves behind closed doors? Or a place in a mudroom to put coat hooks vertical instead of horizontal. That would even work in a closet.

Another thing for a closet are the containers that hang from the rod and have shelves that hang down. I think since you can put a sweater flat in them that a tote bag would fit.

What about a bench with a lid that lifts and the bags could go in there.

I can't think of anything else right now.

I'm sorry I missed this thread earlier.

From Nancy

I am going to put totes on the rack by the kitchen door
as grands are no longer living here
and I can use the spot for me now!

From Indiana

lavender I was listening to TV while working on the computer this morning. They talked about 2 products.

The hanging shelf thing made of canvas and they used the cubbies for shoes. When looking at it I think totes would fit.

hanging bag
They are the “6 or 10 Compartment Hanging Bag”

The other thing they showed were dividers for shelves:

It is the “Solid Shelf Dividers”

I like the dividers for a shelf because it would corral the bags so they wouldn’t tip when one is taken out.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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