Paper Tamers' Challenge - Taming 2016

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Re: Paper Tamers' Challenge - Taming 2016

Postby Harriet » Tue Oct 18, 2016 10:47 am

Oh, that is a good quote, blessed. Thanks for reminder to start gathering any bits of paper info that will shed light on or spring tax work.

My disorganized desk area (includes expanded area around it) makes me sad. :(
Part is visual, yes.
I think a bigger part is that I KNOW something no one else does - that I regularly put in so many hours (planned) and it still looks this way. Is that sad, or what? So that's not just visual, that's either failure of the time I've spent, or, more likely, failure of my plan in the first place : that it takes much more time than I have been allotting.

So, two disappointing truths going forward :
1) the future will require EVEN MORE time given to regular paper taming AND
2) will require extra time at first, to do the work it will take just to get me even.

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