Wednesday Chore Bingo

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Re: Wednesday Chore Bingo

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Aug 01, 2018 11:36 am


1 Tidy
2. Open mail (that's why I put tidy first, I had to gather all the mail!)
7. Pay Bills (that's why it was 3rd, I had to open all the mail to find all the bills!0
4. Update residents' email list

Off to do #6. This will take about an hour but has me doing 4 things (banking at 2 banks, putting up picnic signs and returning a library book.) I might have lunch out too.

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Re: Wednesday Chore Bingo

Postby Harriet » Wed Aug 01, 2018 11:38 am

Then got to the number I called, 6, which I really needed to get to this a.m., so I'm glad i got to call one. Cans ready for the recyclable guys. The chair (recliner) was really large and the box had staples, too, so that was a bigger deal than I thought it might be. Saved the life of a little toad who had jumped in. What was he thinking?

I must move sideways :D over to village monthly posting next. BBsoon

(Ramblin', Harmony gave a review of a baseboard cleaning thingie in Monday's bingo page 6.)

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Re: Wednesday Chore Bingo

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Aug 01, 2018 11:46 am

Seven is a free spot for me - I deadheaded zinnias and cleaned up tomatoes last night so I just left it free.

Moving to #4 - cleaning rings and nice earrings in the thingie. I don't actually know if it works anymore, but with some windex and rinsing they come out looking great.

After that is it # five - to take care of a form for temple, scan and email it in.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Wednesday Chore Bingo

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Aug 01, 2018 12:12 pm

I guess I was confused about 5 being next, but it's done here.

Harriet, could you perhaps enter 5 after 6 when you get back from your exertions.

So it's six next for me, another short one.

Edited: 6 is done and for any who are starting with a fresh list for today, the next number is 3!

Why are all these low numbers, I wonder?

Edited: So I went on to 8 and did 15 min desk clean up. I have a stack of things to scan now and desk looks marginally better with some things sorted out.

Now for 13 which is genealogy related anyway, just as I was stopping chore bingo to transition to some genealogy work.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin


Re: Wednesday Chore Bingo

Postby kittykatt » Wed Aug 01, 2018 1:09 pm

Harriet, I'm just working with 10 numbers today. I moved the things I didn't get done yesterday to today's list, and tried not to be too ambitious. I'll be out of the house for most of the day tomorrow and Friday, so want to get as much done as I can today. (I didn't include things like shower / self care, breakfast and morning cat care, as I do all that first thing every day). Some things take just a few minutes, whereas others take an hour or more, but anything done is progress.

6 was to PUPA, quick dust and Hoover downstairs

5 was to clean my kitchen

3 was to write my errands list for tomorrow


For me it's to go and water the allotment.

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Re: Wednesday Chore Bingo

Postby Harmony » Wed Aug 01, 2018 1:51 pm

Harriet wrote:
(Ramblin', Harmony gave a review of a baseboard cleaning thingie in Monday's bingo page 6.)

I did forget one thing. Where a corner occurs, an inside corner not an outside corner, it is hard to get that pad right up into it. So I have spots where there is a bit of dark dirt/dust. It's also difficult but not impossible where one comes up against the spot where the door molding comes down to touch the baseboard.

It's certainly not perfect but for someone who can't easily get up and down it's better than not doing it. I still haven't tried doing the damp cleaning, I just did the dusting dry.

My floors are all tile and dirt/sand works its way up onto the baseboards. I'd say if you could get one on a clearance or try someone else's before you buy, then go for it. I will probably use mine a bit.

Ok I didn't make a new list. I am taking it very slow today.

I did 2 numbers that have been on my cards for a couple days. I went out and scrubbed with a brush and rag with bleach and cleaner that white plastic arbor (arch) that had the vines. Then I dragged the hose over and washed clean.

After a while I went back out and trimmed all the bushes around the house except for a couple in the back I forgot. Got another big bin of trimmings.

I've lost track of my numbers so when I do this again I will make a whole new list.

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Re: Wednesday Chore Bingo

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Aug 01, 2018 1:58 pm

Thanks Harriet...I'll go back and check.

I'm still on my desk however:
1. I have cleared my desk and filed papers
2. Deleted and shredded many old files....that took a long time lol
3. Scheduled my upper GI....That took a long time as well

Now I need to:
4. Call my dr from yesterday to make sue they fax my orders for my GI
5. pay my bills
6. Update my blotter calendar
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Re: Wednesday Chore Bingo

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Aug 01, 2018 2:03 pm

OK, #6 was 2.5 hours but we had a lovely lunch at the bagel shoppe (our first in well over 2 months) and stopped in at several shops on the way home looking for green olive tapenade. Our local specialty food shops only have black olive tapenade. We did get milk though. And home before any rain. My clothes are soaked through, though, from the high humidity making me sweat buckets.

I'm going to update the number lists and then take 15 minutes to start reading my next book from the library. This one has 3 weeks to be read but 5 days of that is over already. I wonder if taking dgs to his library regularly will get me back into reading regularly?

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Re: Wednesday Chore Bingo

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Aug 01, 2018 3:10 pm

Still catching up here.

#5 was delete 50 emails. I ended up doing 75 and writing a followup that I owed people about refugee finances.

#3 was clean the bathrooms.

Now to do #8 and #13 and then see if anyone has called a new number.

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Re: Wednesday Chore Bingo

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Aug 01, 2018 3:52 pm

I worked on the sermon for two rounds #8 was sermon 1 and so I swapped sermon 2 for whatever was in #13.

Now I'm off to #15. Edited: Done - wrote a thank you note and put it in the post box.

Next up #16 Edited: Done - that was more charity contributions. I try and do half of the 'extras' (other than church) in the middle of the year so the shock in December isn't as great.

I'm going to take another break and read for another 15 minutes. It's a murder mystery and the body showed up in the prologue so I'm hooked (it is also about cupcakes so I'm hungry!)

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