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focus: dear Indiana's porch and entry first round 2012

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:38 pm
by blessedw2
below is a copy of the first round of focus (hope you don't mind dearest indiana that I copied it) I needed the focus :D it's the only way I succeed at the work! thank you!!!

As we continue to maintain our homes, the key is maintaining our homes through out the year instead of a full deep cleaning once or twice a year.

Adjust the rooms to fit your home.

Not all the things listed need to be done this round. Some may be done daily, weekly, monthly, every 3 or 6 months or yearly. I have marked possible times for doing the chore. Look at each area with fresh eyes to see what should be done this round.

As you do each room dust, vacuum, wash, wipe, wax, sweep, mop, detail, straighten, and declutter any surfaces that need to be done.

Porch / Entry/ Foyer

•Ceiling and corners - quarterly
•Ceiling light - quarterly
•Walls - quarterly
•Doors and hardware – weekly (finger prints), quarterly
•Door and floor trim - quarterly
•Light switch - weekly
•Dust pictures - weekly
•Dust decorations – weekly
•Wash decorations – quarterly if needed
•Cold/hot air vents - quarterly
•Window – quarterly if needed
•Window treatments - annual
•Dust furniture - weekly
•Closet -quarterly
•Floor – weekly
•Wipe mirrors - weekly
•Manage clutter - daily
•Repairs – either repair or put on a list for the future
•Buy – replacements or something new if needed
•Declutter – bedrooms (next focus area) and post accomplishments in Harriet’s declutter thread. This is a great opportunity and will make maintaining the bedrooms easier.

Remember not all the things listed need to be done this round. Some may be done daily, weekly, monthly, every 3 or 6 months or yearly. Use the list as a guide.

Re: focus: dear Indiana's porch and entry first round 2012

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:42 pm
by blessedw2
I have my list posted from last year in my binder I have my focus in their. I can never get to everything especially after the last two years. but I really need a focus again. my routine of checking my card file the night before or even the morning went out the window especially when school started again. so did my weigh ins and my exercise. I need routine and purpose in my life and dindiana's focus and dharriets focus helped me in years past live with in my house means. I need this, always have. it keeps me thinking and doing even if it's only one thing when things get busy in life.

Re: focus: dear Indiana's porch and entry first round 2012

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:21 am
by blessedw2
took down all the Christmas stuff in hallway
looked to see what needs to be done. wrote it down for the year. (including painting the front door)

my next goal this week:
clean out closet

Re: focus: dear Indiana's porch and entry first round 2012

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:40 pm
by Harriet
Hi there, blessedw2! Even though I "adjusted to fit" for weather this week and am in the Master closet, I will definitely dust and vacuum around my front door interior and windex the panes. Don't really have an "entry" except that, since the front door is flush to the L/D area, and the northern facing porch is too chilled to really accomplish much or need much, as it does on our warm weather rounds.

I, too, appreciate focusing with others and knowing "where we are" each week. I printed my page of declutter and matching focus dates out for this first round.

Re: focus: dear Indiana's porch and entry first round 2012

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:14 pm
by blessedw2
Good for you dear Harriet!!!

I dejunked cob webs and some things from front hall closet. the front hall needs painting but I put that on my card list. I know now when it comes around again I will wash the front entry walls and paint. plus paint the stairs. hoping school doesn't sidetrack me again.

Re: focus: dear Indiana's porch and entry first round 2012

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 1:06 pm
by blessedw2
I am done in the front hall next is the bedrooms:

goals for my bedroom:
put away
dejunk closet and our bathroom
put up clean bed skirt
clean the windows
get rugs washed
paint trim on ceiling
vacuum shades

find out price for wood floors in dd olders room

ddyoungers room: have her clean out a drawer

have dd's bring ddyoungers doll house in the basement
finish it as a family

ddolder wants jobs that she can earn money on in the house so I will take advantage of that and have her do some work ahead such as painting.