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Indiana's: Kitchen starting October 14th, 2012

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 1:53 pm
by blessedw2
Focus for the week is the kitchen. I will pull dear Indiana's information up here later in the day.

my goal before the holidays:
clean my refrigerator shelf a day (place cling liner in shelves so that clean up next time will be a breeze (someone else uses cling wrap). I toss something every day from my refrigerator if needed (on my daily cards)
clean my stove and heat it so that it doesn't smell funky after heating up (cleanser tends to do that)
clean top of stove and refrigerator (I don't want to be embarrassed)
clean inside of microwave and fan grate
clean fronts of appliances
clean the light over the table

other: do have nice wash cloths etc. p & P used to say - if your washcloths are bad maybe they will think your bra straps look the same
true story: one Easter I had so many helpers to help wash dishes... I kept putting it off - "no that's so sweet, I LOVE TO WASH 100 PLATES"- okay this part is exaggerating, but dishes for 35 seem like it 8-) . because I was embarrassed that I didn't have any clean drying towels and I was afraid that if I showed the where the laundry was they would see the stuff I stashed hours before! I ended up washing dishes the whole next day and the next week a sweet relative (i am not kidding she is very sweet) gave me a package of new kitchen towels and wash rags)


are there cobwebs
will the fire department come if you bake the turkey or cookies
will you let someone open the fridge or will you unplug the light bulb.. candlelight dinners are always nice :mrgreen:
if something rolls under your stove - will something roll it back out to you.
what year is your food? 1950 expiration date - yes an antique but you can let go of it
what will you need for thanksgiving cooking (where is that pan you cook the turkey in?)

A little each day will get it done. There is NO guilt allowed. it's okay

Re: Indiana's: Kitchen starting October 14th, 2012

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:51 pm
by blessedw2
did 3 side shelves in refrigerator :D
moved refrigerator and vacuumed and washed floor (yes it was gross), washed down walls and sides of fridge :D
cleaned top of fridge :D
move items on most of the counters and washed the knick knacks - flour, sugar etc. containers and back splash and fruit holders, cleaned inside of cabinets (where pots are) :D
put away looks nicer :D
cleaned the window over the sink :D
dejunk (daily item) something out of the fridge :D