2013 FOCUS - Laundry - 9/23/13 - Fourth Round

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2013 FOCUS - Laundry - 9/23/13 - Fourth Round

Postby Harriet » Sun Feb 03, 2013 3:17 pm

Here are Indiana's steps to a clean Laundry area, from February 8, 2009

As we continue to maintain our homes, the key is maintaining our homes through out the year instead of a full deep cleaning once or twice a year.

Adjust the rooms to fit your home.

Not all the things listed need to be done this round. Some may be done daily, weekly, monthly, every 3 or 6 months or yearly. I have marked possible times for doing the chore. Look at each area with fresh eyes to see what should be done this round.

As you do each room dust, vacuum, wash, wipe, wax, sweep, mop, detail, straighten, and declutter any surfaces that need to be done.


Ceiling and corners - quarterly
Ceiling light - quarterly
Walls - quarterly
Doors and hardware – weekly (finger prints), quarterly
Door and floor trim - quarterly
Light switch - weekly
Dust lights - weekly
Dust pictures - weekly
Dust decorations – weekly
Wash decorations – quarterly if needed
Cold/hot air vents - quarterly
Window – quarterly if needed
Window treatments - annual
Dust furniture - weekly
Closet -quarterly
Floor – weekly
Throw rugs – weekly if needed
Wipe mirrors – weekly
Drawers, cupboards, and shelves – quarterly if needed
Lint hose/pipe
Lint trap
Trash - weekly
Manage clutter - daily
Repairs – either repair or put on a list for the future
Buy – replacements or something new if needed
Declutter – storage (next focus area) and post accomplishments in Harriet’s declutter thread. This is a great opportunity and will make maintaining the closets easier.

Remember not all the things listed need to be done this round. Some may be done daily, weekly, monthly, every 3 or 6 months or yearly. Use the list as a guide.

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Re: 2013 FOCUS - Laundry - 2/04/13 - First Round

Postby Harriet » Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:52 pm

Reorganized and vacuumed one large cabinet. Another needs attention.

Adding in our upstairs, since laundry area is so small, I also did some vacuuming there.

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Re: 2013 FOCUS - Laundry - 4/22/13 - Second Round

Postby Harriet » Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:48 am

Time for our second round through our laundry areas.j

Mine is really so small that I can finish in half the time and give attention to other areas, which is a plus! So far during declutter of it last week, I've gone through laundry supplies and added some things to shopping list. One cabinet decluttered and plastic grocery bags stash thinned out, lol. Lightbulb needed changing.
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Re: 2013 FOCUS - Laundry - 7/8/13 - Third Round

Postby BookSaver » Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:22 pm

I have been testing some "dryer balls" made from wool yarn. They are supposed to reduce the time the dryer needs to run.

I am not terribly impressed with the results so far. I think they are maybe reducing wrinkles a little bit, but I have not been able to reduce the number of minutes to dry a load of clothes.

Another DIY thing I've seen to try is to clean the washer (mine is top-loading) by running through a fill of hot water with bleach, followed by a fill of hot water with vinegar. It's supposed to clean out soap residue & hard water gunk.

I hesitate to do it, though, because it seems like any time we try to do anything in this house related to plumbing, the "fix" results in needing a repair job. Old house syndrome!

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Re: 2013 FOCUS - Laundry - 9/23/13 - Fourth Round

Postby BookSaver » Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:35 pm

A new Monday, ergo a new Focus area.

I am giving up on using the wool dryer balls. I have not been able to see any evidence that they make a difference.

In addition, they make the task longer because I have to slow down to carefully remove the clothes from the dryer to the basket. Otherwise, the wool balls flip out and roll all over the floor. The cat litter boxes are in the laundry room -- need I say more?

The chosen Focus task for this week is to clean out the laundry room cupboard. The highest shelf is over my head, so I'll need to take the little stepstool down from the kitchen.

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