From Rounds to Maintenance - 11/04/13

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From Rounds to Maintenance - 11/04/13

Postby Harriet » Tue Nov 05, 2013 11:14 am

Four rounds of FOCUS cleaning through our homes have been accomplished in 2013. Yay!

According to Indiana's FOCUS plan, the remainder of the year can be set aside as maintenance only, since it is often such a busy time of year. Her vision was for the joy of a calmer, more festive last few months. A clean home meant more time for the preparations to make our homes welcoming and our celebrations meaningful.

Celebration dates for November this year:
* US Thanksgiving, Thursday, Nov 28
* Hannukah beginning Wednesday evening, Nov 27 and extending to Dec 5

So, please notice how the calendar falls in 2013 as it pertains to your family's celebrations.

For instance, last year, there were 6 more days - almost a full week more - between US Thanksgiving and Christmas. This affects our FOCUS weeks in that Indiana's family meals preparation and kitchen helps are pushed back a week. So this may also affect your personal maintenance weeks this year. Perhaps you need to really embrace the maintenance concept early, trust that your rounds of cleaning have served you well, and put more emphasis on celebration, greetings or gift prep NOW. Whatever your plan for maintenance needs to be over the next 2 months, take a look at it now and think it through!

The only definite order of business for our first week of maintenance is

* Put away any Halloween decorations, clean up from that holiday.

By next week, there will be emphasis on changing decor and thinking ahead to the kitchen, and food hospitality.

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