2014 FOCUS - Office/Other Room - 6/30/14 - Third Round

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2014 FOCUS - Office/Other Room - 6/30/14 - Third Round

Postby Harriet » Mon Jan 27, 2014 9:56 am

Here are Indiana's steps to a clean Office/Other Room, from January 25, 2009

As we continue to maintain our homes, the key is maintaining our homes through out the year instead of a full deep cleaning once or twice a year.

Adjust the rooms to fit your home.

Not all the things listed need to be done this round. Some may be done daily, weekly, monthly, every 3 or 6 months or yearly. I have marked possible times for doing the chore. Look at each area with fresh eyes to see what should be done this round.

As you do each room dust, vacuum, wash, wipe, wax, sweep, mop, detail, straighten, and declutter any surfaces that need to be done.

Office/Other room

Ceiling and corners - quarterly
Ceiling light - quarterly
Walls - quarterly
Doors and hardware – weekly (finger prints), quarterly
Door and floor trim - quarterly
Light switch - weekly
Dust lights - weekly
Dust pictures - weekly
Dust decorations – weekly
Wash decorations – quarterly if needed
Cold/hot air vents - quarterly
Window – quarterly if needed
Window treatments - annual
Dust furniture - weekly
Closet -quarterly
Floor – weekly
Throw rugs – weekly if needed
Wipe mirrors – weekly
Drawers, cupboards, and shelves – quarterly if needed
Trash - weekly
Manage clutter - daily
Equipment (computers, sewing machines, etc.) dust, clean - weekly
Sort mail - daily
Sort through in-boxes: pay bills, file paid bills and paperwork - weekly
Repairs – either repair or put on a list for the future
Buy – replacements or something new if needed
Declutter – closets (next focus area) and post accomplishments in Harriet’s declutter thread. This is a great opportunity and will make maintaining the closets easier.

Remember not all the things listed need to be done this round. Some may be done daily, weekly, monthly, every 3 or 6 months or yearly. Use the list as a guide.

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Re: 2014 FOCUS - Office/Other Room - 1/27/14 - First Round

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:13 pm

my office isn't an office but a cabinet... I am restocking my stamps, straightening my staples and stuff, go through the files and see what I can toss, and toss magazines.

I created a budget and am using the time to see if I am falling behind or not during the focus time. reboot in other words my enthusiasm for this type of work
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: 2014 FOCUS - Office/Other Room - 1/27/14 - First Round

Postby Harriet » Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:08 pm

blessed, your above post about using time to see if you are falling behind struck a chord with me and somehow reminded me of the time-tracking forms/cards that have pencil-in ovals like tests. I went looking and am happy to say (after posting about them in PWYC and Cardfile too) I'm hatching a plan to use them soon.

About enthusiasm, I think we do tend to drift in and out of that. I hope you have found some enthusiasm recently.

A lot has happened office-wise at our house, and I barely got my desk cleaned in time to accept a new computer HRH bought. Can't honestly say that has gone smoothly :roll: but it was good to clear and clean the desk surface.

I brought our hallway in to the concept of "Other Room" this time, to include it in this slightly less time-consuming (for me) week.

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Re: 2014 FOCUS - Office/Other Room - 4/14/14 - Second Round

Postby Harriet » Mon Apr 14, 2014 3:55 pm

And off into the second round through our offices (or another room, if it's more important to you this round).

Even if you are working on the filing cabinet, desk and surroundings this time, what is the "other room" most likely to be important to Focus Clean in your house?

Cowinkie, glad to hear you had gotten completely caught up for last week with Focus bathrooms. That's cool.

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Re: 2014 FOCUS - Office/Other Room - 6/30/14 - Third Round

Postby BookSaver » Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:29 am

Third round being updated a bit late due to severe storms yesterday keeping me off the computer.
My office definitely needs cleaning.

Harriet and I have been discussing whether or not the FOCUS threads need minor adjustment (moving them out from under "Organizational Tools" into their own forum) or a major overhaul like something other than Indiana's calendar-based schedule.

What do the rest of you think would make these threads more useful? Do you want to keep the schedule, would you prefer more cleaning tips (either in addition to or instead of the schedule)?

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Re: 2014 FOCUS - Office/Other Room - 6/30/14 - Third Round

Postby lucylee » Wed Jul 02, 2014 2:36 am

I obviously deserve little input on this topic -- I don't think I have EVER followed the schedule in the whole time I've been here... :oops: :oops: :roll: :roll:
BUT... I like HAVING the schedule. Sometimes I think about following Flylady's zones instead, b/c they work you through the whole house every month (I think) BUT... OTOH, they leave a lot of leeway for skipping rooms, IMHO. I mean, if you've got more than 5 rooms, something gets left out, right?
So... I think this schedule is very practical. My problem is DEFINITELY my own lack of enthusiasm, motivation, and energy.

However, having said that, I too and trying to see where my time goes. Just now I listed the hours I'm awake and I'm going to try to fill it in for a few days and see what is going on here. (Very little, it would appear.)

Maybe just having the chart will be a challenge to put SOMETHING besides "surf the internet" on it.
Tomorrow is another day.

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