Thrifty Fun

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Thrifty Fun

Postby BookSaver » Thu Jan 13, 2011 11:43 am

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Re: Thrifty Fun

Postby BookSaver » Thu Jan 13, 2011 11:49 am

I have no idea where my mom found this game, but my family has played it for decades. It's a great ice breaker at family reunions or any gathering, because it doesn't take much concentration so everyone can chat while playing. Everyone can play, even littles with lots of energy, bored "too cool" teenagers, or extremely shy "can't talk" people.

The Penny Game

Need: 5 dice & enough pennies for each person to start with 5 cents.

Number of players: as many as want to play, only limited by the number of pennies in the jar.

Ages: old enough to roll the dice – plus at least one older child or adult who can help the younger players.

First round of play:
Each player starts with 5 pennies.
Decide who will start (usually all players will roll 1 die for high score) and which direction play will travel around the table (usually clockwise).
Each player rolls all 5 dice the first time around the table.
The player gives away his/her pennies according to what the dice say:
For each 1, 2, or 3 (all “free”) = keep 1 penny
For each 4 = put 1 penny in the “kitty” or center pot
For each 5 = give 1 penny to the player to the left
For each 6 = give 1 penny to the player to the right

Each round of play after the first:
Each player only rolls as many dice as he/she has pennies, up to 5.
(If the player only has 2 pennies, he/she rolls 2 dice. If he/she has 5 or more pennies, he/she rolls 5 dice. If he/she has no pennies, he/she cannot roll a die until a person to his/her left or right gives him/her a penny.)

Even if a player has had to give away all of his/her pennies in previous rounds, he/she still stays in the game until the end because a player next to him/her might have to give him/her a penny.

Ending #1:
Keep playing until only 1 person has 1 penny left. He/she rolls a die.
If he/she rolls a 5 or 6 = give the penny and die to the player to the left or right.
If he/she rolls a 1, 2, or 3 = keep all of the pennies including the ones in the kitty.
If he/she rolls a 4 = give the penny to the kitty. (No one has any pennies at this point.) Let each next player in turn roll the die until one rolls a “free” (1, 2 or 3), then that player keeps the pennies.

Alternate Ending:
Same as Ending #1, except that if the player with the penny rolls a 4 = give the penny to the kitty, and start the game over with more pennies.
With this ending, there is a chance that the kitty will keep growing through a few games before someone wins it all.

Note: I made up a set of reminder cards to keep in the penny jar along with the 5 dice. The cards say:
1, 2, 3 = keep
4 = kitty
5 = left
6 = right

EDIT in 2013: Easter at IL's they had a very similar game called Left Center Right. It had special dice that instead of the numbers, showed the letters L, C, R and a dot for the remaining 3 sides. This version of the game came with poker chips but we played with quarters. I am tempted to buy a set of the special dice to avoid having to keep track of which number goes where.
I'd still rather play with pennies, though, especially with little kids.
A ma zon is currently showing the game for less than $9.

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Re: Thrifty Fun

Postby Ivy » Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:09 am

Does anyone remember playing "Button, Button, Who's Got the Button?" as a child? It was a lot of fun.

So was statue, Mother May I and Simon Says.

There also was 4-Square, played with a basketball and 4 squares and 1 player per square. The squares were numbered and the player's square number would be called out, by the ball thrower, really fast, to try to fake them out, so they'd miss and have to go out of the game. We played and played that on the playground in grade school 1 - 8 grades.

Also, we girls played "horse" in the gravel parking lot using horse names like "White Lightning", "Silver", "Black Beauty" and things. It was fun, too.

During gym time, we'd play Farmer in the Dell and London Bridge. Oh, this sure brings back memories.

During the lunch time, you'd pay .5 cents to dance inside the roped off area with the high school kids. We thought we were really something, I'll tell you. This was in the 1950's - 1960's! :lol: About 50 years ago! :oops: Wow! ;)
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Re: Thrifty Fun

Postby ellyphant » Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:56 pm

Ivy, yes, I remember all those games! The only other one I can add is "Red Rover."
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Re: Thrifty Fun

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:35 pm

I got a book of patterns to cut for wood shapes I'm using it for some fun with my journal, and devos. plus dgd and I will be coloring from some of these shapes that I trace! You have to love a fun art project for a sick day for her.

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Re: Thrifty Fun

Postby Ivy » Fri Apr 05, 2013 5:53 pm

Ellyphant, I remember Red Rover, too! :D

In our old school gym, at an elementary school, they opened the gym up on Saturday's to have play day. We all got to play with all sorts of fun gym toys and equipment. There were balls you could ride and bounce on. It was a blast! :lol:
Touch the earth, love the earth, her plains, her valleys, her seas. Rest your soul in her solitary places. ~Henry Beston

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