Touring Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Touring Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Postby Indiana » Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:13 pm

Kathryn wrote:
I am tired, there is no doubt staying up until 2 is a bad idea. I don't know how so many of the SHEs do it on a regular basis!

I'm up. The sun is trying to be up. I'm s2s and am on my third cup of tea. Although it isn't helping because it is decaf. I have one bag of regular tea left and I'm saving that for Thursday morning (a busy day for us.)

I slept in until 9:30 and slept pretty well. I'm getting used to the lousy pillow. My back is in pretty good shape today so that is a blessing.

Are plans today are to go touring around. We have to be at the training facility at 2 to pick up tickets to some tour at 4:30. And we are going out for dinner tonight with some contact or other.

And I have to do laundry.

But first, breakfast!


Re: Touring Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Postby Indiana » Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:14 pm

mamap wrote:

Good morning, Kathryn, and all the rest of you as well. Thanks to Kathryn and Ken, I now have an avatar. Couldn't find anything I really liked, and thought of a picture in my folder which a friend took of the keyboard on the piano at church. Kinda goes with the name anyway, and that's what I sit in front of hit several times a week too. But it was too large and I have never figured out how to change that. Think it's about time I did? So Kathryn wrote and said if I would send her the picture that Ken would reduce it. Sure enough when I opened my email this morning there it was! I so appreciate it.

I continued to be pleased with the hearing aids all evening and was able to wear them right up till bedtime. What a blessing that they are working so well. I do have to go back on a weekly basis for the first month - not sure if I mentioned that I was able to participate in a study and am getting a hefty discount on them.

Having waked up a bit earlier than I liked, it's still getting to be about time to have devotions and breakfast. Took meds already but that's all so far except for some email (and getting the avatar up). TTYL.


Re: Touring Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Postby Indiana » Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:16 pm

Kathryn wrote:
MamaP: don't worry about learning how to reduce the size of your picture. I haven't bothered to learn that either and just send it all to dh to take care of!

Laundry is now done. I need to dry and style my hair and then we'll go off for the day.

We are having unbelievable email problems here at the hotel. Nothing I send is going out, nor am I getting any indication that it fails. Dh is only able to get about a random 1/3 of his things out but at least he knows when it fails.

I've switched over to my hotmail account to send everything which meant I had to recreate my address book there with my travelog and church email lists. It was a pain and I'm still not finished but at least tonight's travelog should go out easily (last night's took over an hour to get out because I had to keep retyping dozens of email addresses.)


Re: Touring Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Postby Indiana » Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:16 pm

Peeper wrote:

Dh is still asleep but we'll walk as soon as he gets up. Yes, we're still doing that daily and it's been over 3 years now! I'm going to be in a Walk for Diabetes this coming Saturday, so I should be in good shape for that.

We're treating our dining room rug for another cat pee episode. sigh. Life with a geriatric cat isn't easy. At least it's cool enough outside that we can open everything up and air the place out so it's not too bad. dKitty is old and arthritic and has trouble getting into her litter box by herself. I feel like I'm running a nursing home for cats! :roll:

I got an email from dson26 last night. He's up at Michigan State getting his doctorate in Cognitive Psychology and was telling me all about the budget crisis going on in my dear old state of Michigan. Helia is aware of all this, I'm sure. Of course, she's escaping to Australia! :wink: (at least temporarily!) The government managed to avoid a shut-down at the last minute, but dson took his car down to campus instead of the city bus, thinking it might not be running, yesterday.

I've eaten my oatmeal and will get dressed in my exercise clothes and see you guys later. I'm going to wake up dh so we can get going on the day. BBL!


Re: Touring Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Postby Indiana » Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:18 pm

blessed wrote:

Good morning kathryn and mama and everyone


Re: Touring Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Postby Indiana » Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:20 pm

Dee wrote:

Good morning everyone -just rushing through! I need to be in a town about 12 miles away in 20 minutes (meeting friend for breakfast -it will be our last until next summer as she'll be leaving next week for FL). DH has to go winterize her RV after we get back from Hershey on Sunday.

I'll bbl to post and cuop -right now have to do breakfast, go take DD to an appointment in the city and work on DS's taxes. Perhaps I'll take my laptop with me so I can peek in from time to time. :wink:


Re: Touring Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Postby Indiana » Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:22 pm

marian wrote:

Good morning!!!

New board is looking great, thanks to everyone. I want to use my real name marian for a new start, no more calling myself lucretia. Well off to work on morning routine. BBL


Re: Touring Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Postby Indiana » Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:22 pm

timid wrote:

Looks great. Enjoy. Timid waves.


Re: Touring Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Postby Indiana » Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:23 pm

Emptynester wrote:

Good Morning All.

Love some of the new avatars - and new names. It will take a bit before our brains connect them from the old board. But change is good.

We are in the peaceful campground out in the boonies where we sometimes see deer. No more loud trucks nor trains so we slept very well last night.

I am up early trying to move a few things from two computers to one computer. Just got the bookmarks moved. Now will load more software and see if files move. I have all my recipes on my Cooking Light software so will make several backups before I try to move that.

Hpe all have a great day.



Re: Touring Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Postby Indiana » Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:24 pm

mamap wrote:

MT, I just looked at your itinerary. Another year out West? Not coming to FL? Darn! Next year??? To be honest, I can't say I blame you. We would never have come back East if it weren't for family.

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