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Cleaning Focus - March 2015

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:02 am
by BookSaver
Indiana's Focus schedule for March:

Finish Round 1
3/2/2015 kitchen
3/9/2015 living room
3/16/2015 dining room
Begin Round 2
3/23/2015 porch/entry
3/30/2015 bedrooms

The purpose of the year-round Focus schedule is in part to avoid being forced to do a huge Spring Cleaning project. Has it worked out that way for you?

Re: Cleaning Focus - March 2015

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:24 pm
by Harriet
From Living spaces week - Well, I've lost my Swiffer short dusting handle again. :lol: I think it hides. But I have a great "new" living space to use it WHEN it is found tomorrow (oh yes, it will be found for Saturday cleaning with dd's help - no doubt!).

After our big organization/declutter (which also included storage) we had re-arranged the upstairs furniture and things are so much better laid out now. You can look from one end of the upstairs to the other, either through HRH's open office doors or though the panes of glass when he has them closed. So interesting to see dust more easily!! LOL

We set up the window fan and adjusted so that a nice breeze can flow through. That will help so much regulating temps through warm months. But also I'm thinking, just good for a cross-breeze of fresh air after a closed-up winter.

From kitchen week - Pleased to find that the new grocery here stocks the Lemi Shine Original powder dishwasher additive that keeps the hard water buildup away for our dishwasher. That is a savings not to have to travel to any other store. I continue to believe that is a helpful product for those with hard water. Lasts a long time since I only use it during a regular load once a week, and that seems to be enough for us.

I keep looking at new dishtowels but haven't bought more.

Toaster is shot. (sadness) Have been using toaster oven which is old and not very efficient. Toasters are not the $15 item they used to be, though! Shopping gives me sticker shock. HRH looked up the one with the best rating and it is $70. Not sure I'm willing to do that. May buy a $30 one.

Re: Cleaning Focus - March 2015

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:59 am
by blessedw2
sorry about your toaster d harriet. I bought an expensive beauty of a toaster from William Sonoma - it broke in 4 months... dh bought a cheap one and it is lasting. You will find the right one for you.

I am trying to get back to the focus area before I let it go until december.
I seem to need a goal to keep on track... say a deadline for something. I might have to make up one.. 8-)