Cleaning 2019, Fourth Round Focus through November 3

Detail cleaning schedules for each room of your house.
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Cleaning 2019, Fourth Round Focus through November 3

Postby Harriet » Mon Aug 19, 2019 10:57 pm

Our current thread will always be FIRST in the line-up of topics in the forum, so it's easy to find and chat in current time! :idea: Our fourth round's calendar is in this post. The locked sticky threads about Focus Cleaning are just below, including the full 2019 Focus Cleaning Calendar for planning.

A consistently clean home is within reach! It's not that we need to clean everything suddenly :shock: it's just that we need to clean some consistently throughout the year :) we know that. Focus gives us one already-complete plan for a rotation to keep us on track and keep each lovely area from neglect. We don't have to re-invent the wheel, just roll along with the one we have at the ready, a week at a time.

Here's a space to chat about our FOURTH rounds through our homes, which will be from Monday, August 19 through the week of Monday, November 3. Eleven rooms/areas for eleven weeks. Change the room or area names around to suit your home, record them in personal record-keeping if you want, in whatever form you'd like, and let's go through the house once!

If you are on a different plan for cleaning, please chat with us anyway, okay? We'd love to hear what you are doing through these months. To find some reminders and tips about rooms, check out the locked thread titled, The Eleven Focus areas and their How-To-Clean Notes. The contents listing there is clickable and you'll go right to the room you click.

Round 4
8/19/2019 porch/entry
8/26/2019 bedrooms
9/2/2019 bathrooms
9/9/2019 office/other room
9/16/2019 closets
9/23/2019 laundry
9/30/2019 storage
10/7/2019 outdoor
10/14/2019 kitchen
10/21/2019 living room
10/28/2019 dining room

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Re: Cleaning 2019, Fourth Round Focus through November 3

Postby Harriet » Fri Sep 13, 2019 3:47 pm

As I finish up in bathrooms, I happened to use the product "kaboom". For the first time in my life, I actually had irritation of my nostrils from a household cleaner. Of course, sometimes a product has a chemical smell, but I've never felt discomfort. So I don't believe I can use this again, unless with a mask. I may be unusual. thinking how to describe the discomfort - It gives me the impression of a rather harsh nasal spray meant to clear the nasal passages during a cold, etc. But doesn't extend as high as that does, of course.

In better finish-up news, I have two new thick terry bath mats on order in a pretty blue color, as well as a rubber mat for interior of one bathtub. I said "goodbye" to the pink terry bathmat that was my dmother's. She saved it for good, of course. :) I've gotten a lot of use out of it since ds' very determined declutter of her house. The reason I think I'm going to like the new ones is that they remind me of the way hers was made.

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Re: Cleaning 2019, Fourth Round Focus through November 3

Postby Harriet » Thu Sep 26, 2019 1:37 pm

In these closet/laundry weeks, the light duty lets me also add extra Focus elsewhere. I chose the front of the house. So extra living and dining area work is happening. I think this will serve me well if holidays seem pressing later and the last upcoming living and dining weeks of the year seem tight for time. I really do want to believe I'll have them at the "maintenance only" point before holidays this year.

Closets still getting attention, of course - kinda embarrassed that clutter was a problem, but you start from where you are.

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Re: Cleaning 2019, Fourth Round Focus through November 3

Postby Harriet » Fri Nov 01, 2019 10:59 am

It's hard to believe that maintenance begins November 4, which is Monday!

In these Living Room and Dining Room weeks right now, I've also been appreciating the extra work I did in September that jump-started me into a deep-clean up to maintenance.

Office benefitted a few weeks ago as I got ready for classes that made the computer a window - yipes. Family complemented.
So far, so good on that.

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Re: Cleaning 2019, Fourth Round Focus through November 3

Postby Harmony » Fri Nov 08, 2019 4:19 pm

Maintenance, right. I'm still in catch-up mode around here.

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Re: Cleaning 2019, Fourth Round Focus through November 3

Postby lucylee » Sat Nov 09, 2019 2:55 am

Catch-up mode here too... I think I am always in catch-up mode.
Tomorrow is another day.

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