Basic Weekly Plans

Lynchpin of any organizing effort. Discuss your weekly plan.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:10 am

Sunday: Planning day, Finish halloween or cut your losses, Holiday work starts this week - the real not the dreaming work
Monday: Dogs room, whites, bathrooms
Tuesday: work on front door, weeklies
Wednesday: anti-procrastination day meaning put away day
Thursday: sheets, towels, front door, errands
Friday: heavy cleaning day, bathrooms so i stay ahead

Weekend Leaves
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:01 am

Sunday: planning day for the following week. (I have this week planned out) so trying to keep ahead, brush animals,
Monday: dr. appointment, take dd for an errand, animal care...includes back room floor, I have to take laundry in as I am falling behind and its not helping keeping the house clean. white laundry - phone calls: dentist, insurance, mammogram appointment.
Tuesday: elder care, mini's and 1 weekly and 1 monthly mini (early pick up)
Wednesday: paperwork including balancing check book weekly, adding up what was charged, delete old emails - any letters or - dd music
Thursday: elder care, minis, weekly mini's, empty car, donation day. garbage day tomorrow return errands,
Friday: Heavy cleaning- floors visit another elder,
Saturday: free day.

daily: toss or donate 10 things
Personal exercise - spring is coming
animal exercise
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:19 pm

daily toss is working for me: I had fallen into a hole again... but I am not beaten :D , so I am doing a 10 put away in a room, and 10 toss or donate and 1 cleaning when I am in that room or area.
Frustrating part is that clutter continues to come back but hitting major rooms daily is helping.

Monday: dogs room, whites
tuesday: mini's and weeklies
wednesday: elder care, dd large chunk of time at night at school, errands, phone calls while waiting
thursday: mini's, weeklies, piano
Friday: major cleaning
Saturday: dd guitar - friend moving and needing help and a meal
Sunday: planning day
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby Nancy » Tue Jan 28, 2014 1:16 pm

What does your B.W.P. [Basic Weekly Plan] look like this yr.?

Mine needs a few tweaks as my schedule has changed.

Monday get ready for trash day floors. Babyn.

Tuesday Trash day & granny duty

Wednesday B.W.P. day weekly chores, Floors, bathrooms etc. Babyn. Some times.

Thursday granny duty laundry

Friday zone work. Babyn & granny duty.

(Plus After School home work help w/dgson M.- Th.)

Sat. Errands groc. Day out side zone work.

Sun. Family day / Rest day
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby lucylee » Thu Jan 30, 2014 8:55 pm

I don't know WHAT my basic weekly plan looks like, Nancy! I am just in such a mess it seems. I have GOT to find some way, some how to motivate myself to get a plan and stick to it, regardless of what dh might or might not be doing. I mean, I understand that People come before Plans, and if he needs or wants me to do something, that is different. My problem is when he is doing (what I perceive to be) nothing, then I want to do nothing, also. To compound the problem, he honestly sees no need for regular on-going cleaning. His laundry marathons should tell y'all that -- he is much more likely to wait until a job HAS TO BE DONE and then go at it like fighting fire. I don't have that kind of stamina, plus it is stressful for me to see stuff piling up like that.

So -- with that problem in mind -- this is what my BWP should look like:

M -- errands, laundry (mine)
T -- dusting, laundry/ironing
W -- vacuuming
TH -- bathrooms
F -- computer maintenance/back-up files, etc
Sat -- free
Sun -- church, laundry (his)

M-F, I would like to be able to devote 15 minutes to the weekly focus/zone, also.

Sometime during the week, I should be able to devote a couple hours to dmom, as well.

This does not look problematic at all. Even when one considers that our day generally begins at 11:00 a.m., and at 5:00 p.m., dh expects me to be ready to accompany him to dmil's and then be ready for supper. That still leaves 6 hours in there -- five if you subtract s2s/misc self-care. After supper, no matter where/what we eat, I'm going to have another four or five hours -- if I could keep myself from just zoning out on the couch or at the computer. So... I don't know how I'm going to manage this, but I have just got to take myself in hand and exercise some self-discipline.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby Nancy » Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:39 am

I am going to do a ten min. B.W.P. challenge today!
Done! Cleaned under the appliances today and
the bathroom sink! Changed table cloth too.
Straightened up the living room.
Got my bwp li$t entered into my Feb. Journal at the back for handy referance.

Moving pretty slowly as I am feeling puny might change what I eat to chicken soup.

Laundry EOD / as needed.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans march 1, 2014

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Mar 01, 2014 10:29 am

Saturday: finish kitchen seasonal and monthly chores - dd younger drive!!!
Sunday: drive dd to church volunteer thing, planning day, check balance day, paper work filing day (we are supposed to have snow... take dd to parking lot to drive on crazy wet snow), gentle laundry, Oscars popcorn night.

Monday: ymca, white laundry, *
Tuesday: early day at school, dr. appt 2:30 dd younger, *, dailies, dark laundry
Wednesday: floods
Thursday: pick up cousin at 8 am, Weeklies - dust whole house like d nancy! not breaking it up so much as it clutters my mind., *,
Friday: , *,
Saturday Party.
(still waiting for gift)
Sunday dd younger has to be at a volunteer thing from 7 to noon
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Mar 08, 2014 4:39 pm

March 8 Saturday lesson's and party
Sunday: dd younger volunteer at church, my planning day, my money day, my menu planning day, and list all phone numbers in calendar I have to make appointments for.
Monday: animal care, dd younger EEG in am, call school - drive d cousin to airport
tuesday: early day dd younger
Wednesday music ministry for dd in evening
Thursday: piano for dd
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby ejagno » Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:31 am

As the queen of being sidetracked or easily bored I do one weekly chore each day in a different room or area each day of the week. My basic weekly plan varies from most in that I do my weeklies pretty much on a daily basis: For example:

Sundays are always the day I handle all Auto cleaning/Family/Prep for next week. Prep consists of getting my clothing, schedules, plans and meals prepped for the next week. This is generally a 2-3 hour task what saves a lot of time during the week. Now Auto would entail, filling up my vehicle, cleaning all of the glass, cleaning the leather seats, wiping down the doors, dash and console and washing and vacuuming it as well as simply getting everything out of it that seems to accumulate daily. I divide the four larger tasks into 4 weeks of the month and do one major task along with decluttering it and filling it up.
Week 1 - Wash/Vacuum, refuel, declutter, oil and maintenance every quarter
Week 2 - Clean all glass & mirrors, refuel (add additive e.o.w.), declutter
Week 3 - wipe down doors, dash & console, refuel, declutter
Week 4 - Clean leather seats, check emergency supplies/spare, refuel (add additive), declutter

Once the prep and auto tasks are done I give myself the rest of the day off to enjoy my family whether it's going to visit the grandbabies or having everyone here to play in the pool and grill steaks on the deck.

Mondays Weekly Focus is always Master Bedroom/Bathrooms. Aside from floors, empty trash, linens and cleaning fixtures I add:
Week 1 - Dust, windows, glass/ off shower dispensers (body wash, shampoo, conditioner, facial cleanser) & toiletries
Week 2 - Declutter closet, cabinet or drawer in bedroom, clean inside toilet tanks (well water)
Week 3 - Vacuum mattress and turn, declutter vanity in bathroom
Week 4 - Soak and descale shower heads/clean faucet screens(we are on well water), wipe down walls and doors

Tuesdays Weekly Focus is always the dining room, breakfast area and hallway, personal care (hair, nails, pedicure, appts
Wednesdays Weekly Focus is always the kitchen and meals
Thursdays Weekly Focus is always the Office/Front Porch/Paperwork/Curb Appeal
Fridays Weekly Focus is always the family room/lawn/pool and decks
Saturdays Weekly Focus is always the garage, storage buildings and projects (craft and household)

Now with todays technology and advances in weather forecasting you can easily see a week in advance if there will be storms on a specific day. If this falls on a day that outdoor tasks are scheduled then simply swap days. Weekly tasks normally take no more than 2 hours on the heaviest days. My optimum time to accomplish things is first thing in the morning so I make sure to schedule all appointments or shopping after lunch. It also helps during the intense heat of our Gulf coast summers.

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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby Sunny » Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:29 pm

Hello to ejagno, welcome to our Village! Your basic weekly plan sounds like a really good working schedule, one that's easy to follow.

If you'd like, come over to Post When You Can and meet everyone there, too.
Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. --- Francis of Assisi

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